Link to all these percentages and other claims you're making above?
What specific point are you challenging? You want me to post links to every coach who started with several poor years at a school and ended up doing a bad job overall? That will take months. How about you post links to all the recent coaches who started with several poor years and won championships? Should take 5 minutes.
Most other coaches you cite, sat in a talent rich state. CBJ doesn't have that privilege though the talent in Tennessee high schools is improving. Those coaches you cite already had stocked, talented, ready to rumble teams. Spurrier being an example of an exception. Auburn is a perfect example. They had the talent, which oddly was in place because Gus had recruited those players before being canned. He just got re-hired, came back and coached them more effectively than the guy who preceded him. I'd wager if you took a hard look at those "instant" winner coaches you flap about, you'd find they too had the actual talent in place to win sooner than CBJ will.
Based on documented recruiting rankings, CBJ had as much talent as many successful coaches, like Sumlin, Kelly, etc. Clearly he had much more talent than Franklin. What objective source are you using to determine what talent the coaches had when they took over?
Jones is the right man. He will get us there. Even folks outside UT and the SEC are saying the key will be the patience needed by the fanbase to give him time to get the job done. Hopefully, Hart has sense enough to not listen to the knee jerk fans and give Jones that time.
I don't recall anyone calling for Jones to be fired. And obviously, Hart can't ever fire Jones anyway. Obviously, Hart would have to go before we could even think about letting an AD hire a new coach.