ESPN thinks we go 4-8 next year

Amazing your still here... when you know you have work to do to prove your a true Bammer. Like I said before, come back when you have done your duty and killed someone over not being a true fan.

P.S. Have fun with Kiffin.. better hope your players cant add 2 and 2 and realize their offensive guru gives them the worst offense they have had since Saban arrived..

And the butthurt continues unabated.
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We don't have a single player on the roster that has experienced a winning season at UT. Let that sink in for a minute.
Do you REALLY think that is a bigger factor than talent or coaching much less the two combined. What in the WORLD do you think coaches get paid for? Making excusing about their teams not knowing "how to win" or about tough schedules? If that is really an excuse... then you should have supported keeping Dooley a few more years. He didn't inherit a team that "knew how to win" either.

Its going to take a few years to change that culture - it just doesn't happen overnight or after a top 10 recruiting class.
Sorry but no. Culture changes do sometimes take turnover but they don't take "a few years" with college football turnover to start having an effect.

I think Butch is doing that, but I also think you're overestimating our talent level. We do not match up talent wise with any of the teams you said we could pick off, not to mention that we play UGA and USCjr on the road.
There's enough talent there with "great" coaching to win one of those games. USCe is probably less talented in the pure sense though they have more experience among their starters. They still aren't a very deeply talented team.

Overestimating the talent? So when is enough, enough? When if ever does that stop being a valid excuse for not even being bowl eligible?

Our depth is woefully behind those teams, and you need quality depth to win in the SEC. We just aren't there yet. 6-6 is reasonable and attainable, but if it ends up 5-7, I'll be disappointed, but still I think it would be asinine for Butch to be on the hot seat.
I can't help your low expectations for the UT HC. I don't want an average coach. An average coach makes UT nothing more than an also ran... again. I want a coach that's the difference between a bad team and a mediocre team... a mediocre team and a good team... a good team and a great team... a great team and a championship team.

So again, when, if ever, do you expect "great coaching" to become a difference-maker?

FWIW, Vandy was well coached and doing well without talented depth... Mizzou won the East without quality depth.

It would be "asinine" for Jones NOT to be on a hot seat if he wins 5 or fewer games.
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If you don't think Butch Jones with use that as an extra dose of motivation to get the team fired up, you don't know much about Butch Jones.

No offense, but I sure hope he doesn't. What would he say? If our guys need the extra motivation of a speech from Butch about a coach who left the program 5 years ago, none of which have ever had dealings with him.....I don't know. I can't see it. I hope he spends his energy on stressing executing the gameplan and the importance of the great traditional rivalry with Alabama in general....not on a "figurehead" OC.
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Jones gets 4 years whether you like it or not. I have absolutely no doubt about that.

If he goes 4-8 then that 4th year will very much depend on the 3rd year.

But I'll ask you, at what point do you expect a championship level coach to become a difference maker in a team's wins and losses?
BTW, how many examples from history do you want of great leaders changing the "cultures" of whole armies in a matter of months, weeks, or even days?
He had better hope that none of his players are able to add 2 and 2 and ask "Hey Coach, if Kiffin hadn't taken off in 2010, would you be the coach at Tennessee right now?"

I guess it's a little better than the "red team" motivational ploy, which netted the worst beating in half a century of the TSIO. More power to him...

Everyone in your idiot state deliberately misinterpreted what the red team thing was about. It had nothing to do with "disrespecting" Alabama, whatever the hell that means. It was about Jones trying to get his team to avoid thinking about about the fact that they were playing a superpower, and instead to just go out and do the same stuff they do in practice. Jones explained that ahead of time, but everyone down there went ahead and worked up a solid butthurt about anyway. Boo hoo.

And it didn't net us a damn thing. You think Mizzou and Auburn were mad about it too? They whipped us as badly as you did.
ESPN will probably be off by only one

We will see how all the " Gets it" crowd acts after this year

Feelings will be hurt
Everyone in your idiot state deliberately misinterpreted what the red team thing was about. It had nothing to do with "disrespecting" Alabama, whatever the hell that means. It was about Jones trying to get his team to avoid thinking about about the fact that they were playing a superpower, and instead to just go out and do the same stuff they do in practice. Jones explained that ahead of time, but everyone down there went ahead and worked up a solid butthurt about anyway. Boo hoo.

And it didn't net us a damn thing. You think Mizzou and Auburn were mad about it too? They whipped us as badly as you did.

Its because they can't read and had to hear it from their probation officers.
Everyone in your idiot state deliberately misinterpreted what the red team thing was about. It had nothing to do with "disrespecting" Alabama, whatever the hell that means.

I never said a word about it being disrespectful.

Seriously though, do you not know what "disrespecting" means? What an odd thing to be confused about.

It was about Jones trying to get his team to avoid thinking about about the fact that they were playing a superpower, and instead to just go out and do stuff in practice.

Except that he hadn't insisted on calling every other opponent "The (Insert-Color-Here) Team." So refusing to refer to Alabama by name has the potential to do the exact opposite of what he intended.

Jones explained that ahead of time, but everyone down there went ahead and worked up a solid butthurt about anyway. Boo hoo.

That's the thing about motivation: it cuts both ways. No matter how innocuous the tactic was (and believe me, it was totally innocuous), Alabama was able to turn it into a perceived slight.
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He had better hope that none of his players are able to add 2 and 2 and ask "Hey Coach, if Kiffin hadn't taken off in 2010, would you be the coach at Tennessee right now?"

I guess it's a little better than the "red team" motivational ploy, which netted the worst beating in half a century of the TSIO. More power to him...

"Netted?" it took that for you guys to get up for the game? :blink: Ringing endorsement from a Tide fan...though it would explain why Nicky gave up and let your team play Andy to the Sooners' SISTERS :yuck:

Disturbing Shawshank Redemption ref :good!:
wow... just wow woods.. was I the only one here when Fulmer was fired? The shear amount of players that left in protest to his firing..on top of how many we sent to the NFL..

But we are gonna take Kiffin's excuses, over one of the winningest coaches EVER.. HOF.. NC...

One year away from having us in the SEC CG?

All I can say is wow at how hard some people around here, still after these past 5-6 years.. try to defend that firing. When anyone that has been even half paying attention knows it was a personal vendetta campaign by Hamilton to get him fired in the first place. Had been going on for at least 3-4 years prior..

Just OMG.. I really can not believe I even have to type this. SMDH

some of our fan base is just like a buddy that refuses to see his girlfriend is cheating on him, even when he walks in and catches them together.. but just refuses to believe that it could happen to him..

Trolls go ahead and rip into this post as per your usual childishness.. Ill be signing off for the day, I can't take this anymore today. Just way too disappointed....

I am so sorry, so very sorry I hurt your feelings.
More than anyone I want the Vols family’s healing.
I want the hurting to stop, I just can’t take it anymore.
How I wish to have kept the team on top with Phil Fulmer.

But a number of us saw the signs of degradation.
The gradual decline of the Volunteer Nation.
The barely wins and an offense that went into a snooze.
As the coach played not so much to win as not to lose.

I doubt we ever stopped loving the man.
But there’s just so much you can stand.
Before your soul withers and you lose heart.
And truth be told, that was only the start.

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"Netted?" it took that for you guys to get up for the game?

There wasn't a single player on Bama's 2013 roster who had participated in a game against Tennessee that Bama didn't win by 31 points. It's not always easy to get up for every game. Was it the only motivating factor? I doubt it. But it didn't hurt.
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The goal of the article was to get respective fan bases talking about the prediction on the internet.........looks like it worked pretty well. After all, what's the "E" stand for in espn?


Just kidding... Good point. I see this club as a bowl team this year.
There wasn't a single player on Bama's 2013 roster who had participated in a game against Tennessee that Bama didn't win by 31 points. It's not always easy to get up for every game. Was it the only motivating factor? I doubt it. But it didn't hurt.

Hey you cut off the best's cuz the Sooners were a prettier shade of RED huh? :wink2:
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I am so sorry, so very sorry I hurt your feelings.
More than anyone I want the Vols family’s healing.
I want the hurting to stop, I just can’t take it anymore.
How I wish to have kept the team on top with Phil Fulmer.

But a number of us saw the signs of degradation.
The gradual decline of the Volunteer Nation.
The barely wins and an offense that went into a snooze.
As the coach played not so much to win as not to lose.

I doubt we ever stopped loving the man.
But there’s just so much you can stand.
Before your soul withers and you lose heart.
And truth be told, that was only the start.

Wow that was really deep I have to tip my hat to you!:hi:
I never said a word about it being disrespectful.

Seriously though, do you not know what "disrespecting" means? What an odd thing to be confused about.

The modern usage of the word "disrespect," particularly in sports, has grown so eye-rollingly childish and petulant and expansive that it's largely meaningless.

Except that he hadn't insisted on calling every other opponent "The (Insert-Color-Here) Team." So refusing to refer to Alabama by name has the potential to do the exact opposite of what he intended.

That's the thing about motivation: it cuts both ways. No matter how innocuous the tactic was (and believe me, it was totally innocuous), Alabama was able to turn it into a perceived slight.

He didn't call any other teams by their colors because nobody else on the schedule was a superpower. It was a motivation tool born out of respect for your program's overwhelming recent success. Congratulations on having such ham-headed players that they were able to convince themselves of the complete opposite.

And again, based on UT's results in the subsequent two weeks, it didn't appear to matter one bit anyway.
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If he goes 4-8 then that 4th year will very much depend on the 3rd year.

But I'll ask you, at what point do you expect a championship level coach to become a difference maker in a team's wins and losses?

That's the big question. But, for the majority of VN, the honest answer is probably "never." There will always be a new excuse. Most fans here act like each coach is their high school crush, instead of a guy paid millions to win football games.
08/31/14 vs. Utah State Knoxville, Tenn. WIN
09/06/14 vs. Arkansas State Knoxville, Tenn. WIN
09/13/14 at Oklahoma Norman, Okla. LOSS
09/27/14 at Georgia * Athens, Ga. LOSS
10/04/14 vs. Florida * Knoxville, Tenn. WIN
10/11/14 vs. Chattanooga Knoxville, Tenn. WIN
10/18/14 at Ole Miss * Oxford, Miss. WIN
10/25/14 vs. Alabama * Knoxville, Tenn. LOSS
11/01/14 at South Carolina * Columbia, S.C. LOSS
11/15/14 vs. Kentucky * Knoxville, Tenn. WIN
11/22/14 vs. Missouri * Knoxville, Tenn. WIN
11/29/14 at Vanderbilt WIN

My two cents worth, at any rate there is no way I see UT going 4-8 this or any year in the future. We have moderate depth and besides Butch gets it.
That's the big question. But, for the majority of VN, the honest answer is probably "never." There will always be a new excuse. Most fans here act like each coach is their high school crush, instead of a guy paid millions to win football games.

I love butch but the answer isn't never. General protocol is that improvement has to show in the record by year 3.
The modern usage of the word "disrespect," particularly in sports, has grown so eye-rollingly childish and petulant and expansive that it's largely meaningless.

Hard to disagree with that.

He didn't call any other teams by their colors because nobody else on the schedule was a superpower. It was a motivation tool born out of respect for your program's overwhelming recent success.

And that's why Jones' execution was poor. "I don't want you to get it into your head that there is anything special about Alabama. To convince you of this, I'm going to insist on doing something I haven't done with any other opponent on our schedule." You see the backward logic there, right?

Congratulations on having such ham-headed players that they were able to convince themselves of the complete opposite.

Like I said in an earlier post, there weren't too many reasons for Bama players to get pumped about that game. Jones opened the door a crack, and the Bama players ran through it with gusto. It's like you're mad that Bama's players might seek out extra motivation, yet it's totally okay for Jones to do the same. Cheap ploys are cheap ploys, no matter who is coming up with them.

And again, based on UT's results in the subsequent two weeks, it didn't appear to matter one bit anyway.

I agree. UT's QB situation had more to do with the results of those three games than any motivational tactic could ever hope to have.

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