And everybody knows wiki is 100% accurate. I answered every bit of spin you posted with real facts.
Yeah you posted some "facts" but you didn't post the whole story in alot of cases.
Example, yes Stanton said it would cost an additional 350 dollars in student fees. Fact even though football
was voted down by the students (with around 90% not even bothering to vote either way) Stanton still put in the 350 fee.
stanton did some great things for etsu.
he was an academic, he overstayed (in part due to pressure i think) by ten years.
again, i known dr stanton and his family my whole life. noo disrespect to he and his family, and it may not have been his choice. he helped etsu immensely. made a great name for himself, but athletics (revenue builder) took a huge backstep in favor of school growth.
if i ever had the chance id sit down with etsu top brass and ask them point blank? what were your goals in the last ten years, and moving forward? seems like their objectives were so scattered no one had any idea. school lost its identity and had no idea of itself. theyve always had to be in the shadow of utk...i always heard etsu will nevet grow or compete with utk ahteletically or academically just too close to knoxville.
explain to me the successes of mtsu, and appalachian state. granted nc has more money...but, u can have academics and athletics. its just etsu went academics so whole hog that they forgot that athletics existing,, they essentially forgot about it. certain athletics programs were allowed to go on with absolute favoritism. i can speak on behalf of etsu student atheletes who appreciated and loved their experiences but it doesnt take a rocket scientist for them to see little to 0 interest in their respective sports with 0 push from the school.
ya know thats my gripe with stanton (previously) as the schools leader. he was always behind the closed door, unapproachable. again under his regime the medical school became on of the top rural medicine schools in the country, the pharma school opened and the medical areas opened doors for lots of folks.
anyway sorry to rant. i just see a ton of potential. all one has to do is walk around asu's campus and one thing sticks out. this school has grown, and all the buildings are brand new. its huge.
etsu always suffered from suitcase syndrome. if money is a problem, then why not try to generate revenue in campus? etsu has brooks gym, and intramural field and and mini dome that sit there collecting dust. a trip to other campuses shows on campus activities that generates student interest. greek and on campus social events. why not offer paid arts and community based events, concerts? movies? app state has an "off campus" pub unofficially where great concerts are held. u see my point? there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue left on the table through lack of trying.
i think that re-addition of football is a step in right direction. a program can be successful and generate revenue. etsu can be progressive, but in past has been too conservative and restrained.
the addition of pf (if true) is a progressive move. even if it fails miserably, at least something is being done instead of creating or bringing in newer medical programs
sorry so long.