Even more petty and vindictive behavior

Even though he promised he would and used that promise as a way to agitate his base.
They didn't investigate because she had already been investigated multiple times over a number of years.

Much easier to bash her at his 'rallies."

The drumpf administration loves anything that requires no proof.

Just like all the "election fraud" melted away in a courtroom where actual evidence is required.
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It's not a court case. Thats not the burden of proof here.

In this situation, Trump was helped by Russia, he has a long history of helping them as President, and the riots benefit Russia.

It is reasonable to ask whether Putin was consulted on this or had any communication just before, as, or after it happened. We need to know this for a number of obvious reasons.

If there is no connection I would think Republicans would want to know that.
That is possibly the dumbest post you’ve made. Ok, well tit for tat there homie. Biden has a son with clear Chinese ties, Biden becoming POTUS clearly benefits China, Joe has a history of lying about pretty much everything but specifically his interactions with his son so it must be investigated as to Joe’s ties to the CCP.
It's not a court case. Thats not the burden of proof here.

In this situation, Trump was helped by Russia, he has a long history of helping them as President, and the riots benefit Russia.

It is reasonable to ask whether Putin was consulted on this or had any communication just before, as, or after it happened. We need to know this for a number of obvious reasons.

If there is no connection I would think Republicans would want to know that.
For that matter, the same logic applies to the election yet you didn’t want to investigate anything related to that. I guess that means you’re afraid of what will be found according to your own posts in this thread. You Dems love to say there’s a tweet for every occasion. Well, there’s a stupid post by you or Luther for every occasion too.
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Much easier to bash her at his 'rallies."

The drumpf administration loves anything that requires no proof.

Just like all the "election fraud" melted away in a courtroom where actual evidence is required.
He feels that if he can win in the court of public opinion, facts and proof become irrelevant.
That worked magically on the 36 percenters....but not so well on the rest.
And that drives him insane.

Gaslighting wasn't the bedrock of his strategy for nothing.
Lol @ "not a court case." Because that's damn well what it would become. Your liberal friends aren't going to stop until he's hanging from the gallows.

You assume that they would find something.

I'm talking about simply inquiring as to whether Trump or anyone at his direction communicated with Putin, or anyone at his direction, concerning the riots. It is a perfectly legitimate question under all the circumstances.

If the answer is no, then no action need be taken.

If the answer is yes, then it would be reasonable to find out who communicated and what the substance was.

Now, you seem very apparently sure Putin had a hand in this by saying "Trump was helped by Russia." Helped how exactly? Helped with what? Or is this more of the made up **** your party keeps feeding the American people, wasting our time and tax dollars with nothing to show?

I am basing that off of the reports of over a dozen US intelligence services that Putin did so. You may, if you choose to do so, rely on Trump's denials and that of alt right media to that effect. But I think that would be a mistake on your part.

Also, what ****ing business is it of Pelosi or Hillary if they did speak in the days beforehand or even afterwards? Hillary isn't Secretary of State any longer. Pelosi isn't authorized to negotiate on behalf of the United States.

You are taking the word of a known liar as gospel. You should know better, but as Hog said, you keep doing you.

It is the business of every American to know whether Russia played a role in the riots. That you do not like the people asking the question is not a valid reason to dismiss the need that it be asked.
You assume that they would find something.

I'm talking about simply inquiring as to whether Trump or anyone at his direction communicated with Putin, or anyone at his direction, concerning the riots. It is a perfectly legitimate question under all the circumstances.

If the answer is no, then no action need be taken.

If the answer is yes, then it would be reasonable to find out who communicated and what the substance was.

I am basing that off of the reports of over a dozen US intelligence services that Putin did so. You may, if you choose to do so, rely on Trump's denials and that of alt right media to that effect. But I think that would be a mistake on your part.

It is the business of every American to know whether Russia played a role in the riots. That you do not like the people asking the question is not a valid reason to dismiss the need that it be asked.

Should we investigate how Hillary knew?
You assume that they would find something.

I'm talking about simply inquiring as to whether Trump or anyone at his direction communicated with Putin, or anyone at his direction, concerning the riots. It is a perfectly legitimate question under all the circumstances.

As stated, if a world leader called up with concern, that's prudent. Despite "peace" being between us, unrest in the United States can/should cause concern in Russia and assurances things are being handled properly.

I'd expect a sitting President to call the Russian Prime Minister if the same thing was happening in Moscow.

If the answer is no, then no action need be taken.

If the answer is yes, then it would be reasonable to find out who communicated and what the substance was.

So, all communications between world leaders should be available to the public?

I am basing that off of the reports of over a dozen US intelligence services that Putin did so. You may, if you choose to do so, rely on Trump's denials and that of alt right media to that effect. But I think that would be a mistake on your part.

No, your post was trying to infer the Russians had something to do with the Capitol scuffle.

It is the business of every American to know whether Russia played a role in the riots. That you do not like the people asking the question is not a valid reason to dismiss the need that it be asked.

Which proves my point above. And now you've gone full potato in thinking somehow Hillary was able to get this little nugget of information.

As your hero Biden would say "c'mon man."
This not even remotely the same thing as Q Anon. Not even close.

Again, the level of protesting to ask a few simple questions here to clear the matter up is extraordinary and convinces me that you think it will turn out that Putin in fact had a hand in this through Trump.
That's all the q anon want too. A few questions asked about the election. Just to clear things up. You must really think the Dems cheated to be protesting it so much.

Again different day so you are on a different side of the argument.
He feels that if he can win in the court of public opinion, facts and proof become irrelevant.
That worked magically on the 36 percenters....but not so well on the rest.
And that drives him insane.

Gaslighting wasn't the bedrock of his strategy for nothing.
AOC and others have literally stated they dont care about the facts. That's not a card you get to wave.
Why would it be bad if he was on the phone? We were on the phone with the russians during the collapse of the Soviet Union.

LG apparently doesn't know or understand the one about keeping enemies closer.
LG has one agenda and that is being a troll. He doesn't care about the truth, he only cares about creating controversy so he can sit back and rub his hands together and laugh.
Truth. I stopped paying any real attention to his bloviations some time ago. He still is nowhere near the annoying idiocy of luther though.
Holy hell I just heard on the news that around a dozen National Guard members have been relieved of DC inauguration duty due to “suspected extremist views”.

This bull **** is going to blow up in these idiot’s faces.
It’s like they want bloodshed. They keep this nonsense up and it’s going to happen. They keep making people out to be the enemy and they will start acting like the enemy.

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