Explosion in Lebanon

Would that be normal practice to have 150 truckloads just sitting in one place?
In a highly populated area for a decade?
Disgusting negligence.
Talked to my brother who is not an expert by any means but he said reminded him of MOAB blasts he'd seen from a distance only on a much greater scale.

If this warehouse was full of that much fert in one place as stated, in a very important and lucrative district, that close to a heavily populated area they are absolutely morons or there's something else going on.
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There are no accidents of this magnitude. There is either intentional or gross incompetence.

Bold statement, Hog. There was an initial explosion, which most anyone would agree could have been an accident, and a secondary explosion which could have been caused by the accidental first explosion. Wouldn't be the first time that incompetence created a catastrophe. Makes me think of the farm supply store which has their giant propane tank (for refilling) close to the fertilizer storage building.
But, people seemed to be obsessed about this for some reason. I guess it's the mystery of it all.
Bold statement, Hog. There was an initial explosion, which most anyone would agree could have been an accident, and a secondary explosion which could have been caused by the accidental first explosion. Wouldn't be the first time that incompetence created a catastrophe. Makes me think of the farm supply store which has their giant propane tank (for refilling) close to the fertilizer storage building.
But, people seemed to be obsessed about this for some reason. I guess it's the mystery of it all.

Again there are very very few accidents. Having that much AN that close to a populated area is gross incompetence. Actually itโ€™s gross negligence.
Iโ€™m not. Iโ€™ve just seen several different types of explosions. The shape of explosions doesnโ€™t really tell you what the material itโ€™s made of. Color can though.

Agreed. The red, though...AN or bottom clay? I know a wee bit about explosives, and I know that speed of the blast is the key to the agent used. That shockwave is obviously supersonic. The water vapor involved might make it look bigger than it really was. But that shockwave dome...wow.

Not a nuke. Those I know a bit more about. Time to put that dog to bed. Even a suitcase nuke would have made a much larger mess. Absence of the fireball; sun-like thermal updraft; and characteristic (and ever present) mid-to-high altitude mushroom cloud rule it out conclusively. So...conventional explosion, and a big one.

Thanks for your opinion. I'm with you on most of it.
Bags of supposively ammonium nitrate
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Gotta do this...

Andrew Dice Clay. Profane, and a general jackass, not to mention a bad actor. Not a big fan of his.

But he did this one thing, in this one skit, that made me laugh:

"So this guy asks me, where do you wanna be when the BOMB goes off?"

"So I says to him, some place where I can go WTF was THAT!?"

That, I laughed at.
Gotta do this...

Andrew Dice Clay. Profane, and a general jackass, not to mention a bad actor. Not a big fan of his.

But he did this one thing, in this one skit, that made me laugh:

"So this guy asks me, where do you wanna be when the BOMB goes off?"

"So I says to him, some place where I can go WTF was THAT!?"

That, I laughed at.
I walk in the class room the teacher says Dice whatโ€™s the difference between two turds and tree turds and I reply Yoh! Thatโ€™s what I say teach whatโ€™s the f$&@inโ€™ difference! Now pull up your skirt and letโ€™s mow the lawn!
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