Explosion in Lebanon

Definitely not fireworks. Could be fertilizer I remember something similar happening in West Texas 7 years ago
for the people saying "def not a nuke", how do you know? I know nothing about explosives and you guys seem certain
EMPs accompany nuclear detonations. Had the explosion been nuclear the cell phone videos weโ€™ve seen never would have happened.
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Shockwaves are caused by all kinds of explosives, military grade or even ammonium nitrate ones the Afghans likes to use for IEDs.

You see the "dome". If this was AN, it had a lot of help.

I'm not EOD. Maybe you are. Maybe I'm wrong, but this looked military-grade to me. Fast.
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Ammonium nitrate/fuel oil mix is used as explosives every day. All that blasting you heard over in Foxland over the last few years, ANFO. AN will explode without mixing with FO but it takes a hot trigger.

You know what those steel buildings across Gallatin RD are?
Yep. Thereโ€™s a difference between fireworks going off (conflagration) and a high yield explosive (detonation). The fuel burn rate and the resulting shock wave speed.

As you probably know you can light Comp C4 on fire and it will just burn. Hit it with a big hammer.... ๐Ÿ˜ณ. Thatโ€™s why we need blasting caps or other precursor charges to set off high yield explosives.
Probably needs a thimbleful of PETN or the like, to detonate a chunk of C4.
You see the "dome". If this was AN, it had a lot of help.

I'm not EOD. Maybe you are. Maybe I'm wrong, but this looked military-grade to me. Fast.

I'm in the belief you are right about possibly military grade explosives.

Almost 100% positive it wasn't a nuke, with the NDDS we would already know. Unless its being covered up.
You see the "dome". If this was AN, it had a lot of help.

I'm not EOD. Maybe you are. Maybe I'm wrong, but this looked military-grade to me. Fast.

Iโ€™m not. Iโ€™ve just seen several different types of explosions. The shape of explosions doesnโ€™t really tell you what the material itโ€™s made of. Color can though.
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for the people saying "def not a nuke", how do you know? I know nothing about explosives and you guys seem certain
1. EMP. A nuclear blast would have wiped out all tech anywhere close. Even if not physically destroyed.
2. There is a video from a guy the next building over in this thread. No way anything survives a blast that close.
3. As pointed out. If nuclear there would be radiation burns to go with the injuries.

A mushroom cloud isnt proof of nuclear explosion. It's only indicative of a large explosion.

It could be a dirty bomb, where there is nuclear material present, but the explosion itself isnt nuclear.
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Not necessarily correct since it was a ground level explosion but there would be some electronics knocked out and that would be making the twitterverse by now.
We have video from literally next door. A ground blast would have wiped that out.
We have video from literally next door. A ground blast would have wiped that out.

Yes, I know this. I was just pointing out EMPs are not all equal, the damage they cause is relative to altitude, resistance and kilotons. Someone could have been within a mile of this one and their electronics survive, depending.
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No idea honestly. I just know itโ€™s relatively stable until itโ€™s shocked. Unlike say nitroglycerin which is looking for an excuse to explode.
Some years ago we got a university professor to test some catalyst samples for potential explosivity. She filled a brass cartridge half with PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) and half with our catalyst sample and detonated, then made a qualitative judgement as to whether the degree of shattering of the brass casing was indicative of more energy release than what the PETN alone would do. Probably her biggest consulting client is the CIA...

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