Explosion in Lebanon

It's also not a nuke. The lingering effects of a nuke are insane(radiation burns and radiation lingering more than 3.6 roentgen) There also wouldnt be buildings in a large radius of the explosion.
Why would you leave that much AN sitting in a portside warehouse for six years? That does not even make sense. Even if it's an impounded good awaiting some sort of final adjudication before it can be disposed of, sold, or returned to the owner, you don't leave it in a dockside warehouse. You put it on trucks and take it somewhere away from town where it can be stored long term both safely and inexpensively. A plastic sack that says AN on the side shouldn't convince anyone. I like the theory that this was an Israeli operation to weaken Hezbollah as much as they can before November because they know Biden will bend over and beg Iraq to shove it up our butts.
Yes, I know this. I was just pointing out EMPs are not all equal, the damage they cause is relative to altitude, resistance and kilotons. Someone could have been within a mile of this one and their electronics survive, depending.
I agree with that. It was more the overall sentiment behind the post you were responding to.
Well, the smoke in the windows one, could have been a similar warehouse that didn't have extensive damage, I suppose.
I think the picture is from that video that was taken from the building next door before the big explosion.
Concerning nukes the other thing that I noticed was the lack of the "flash" I associate with all nuclear explosions. I don't mean a nice fireball flash but that momentary "looking at the sun" flash. It seems like that's similar to a supersonic bullet signature; regardless of how good the suppressor you're going to get the loud crack from a bullet breaking the sound barrier. I don't know how you have a nuke go off without that kind of flash, even at the tactical level.

The Tactical Nuke Cannon
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Why would you leave that much AN sitting in a portside warehouse for six years? That does not even make sense. Even if it's an impounded good awaiting some sort of final adjudication before it can be disposed of, sold, or returned to the owner, you don't leave it in a dockside warehouse. You put it on trucks and take it somewhere away from town where it can be stored long term both safely and inexpensively. A plastic sack that says AN on the side shouldn't convince anyone. I like the theory that this was an Israeli operation to weaken Hezbollah as much as they can before November because they know Biden will bend over and beg Iraq to shove it up our butts.
Right now Lebanon is trying to claim it was from a Russian cargo ship and they had to confiscate it or something stupid like that. So basically, Russia was giving them materials for bombs and everyone wants to play dumb.
Hog or someone else want to hypothesize that maybe the blast started underground?

I am mostly thinking this because that building next door is still standing but the whole warehouse was excavated.
A crater would be caused by a ground level detonation. Think about a standard dumb bomb with a contact fuse hitting the ground from the air. The energy is going in all directions.
A crater would be caused by a ground level detonation. Think about a standard dumb bomb with a contact fuse hitting the ground from the air. The energy is going in all directions.
I have no expertise, like I said I am basing my belief just based on that building next door.

That is one bunker of a multiple story building to be standing next to that crater with several other warehouses leveled beyond it.
I have no expertise, like I said I am basing my belief just based on that building next door.

That is one bunker of a multiple story building to be standing next to that crater with several other warehouses leveled beyond it.

agreed. reinforced concrete compared to a metal frame with metal sheathing for the warehouses is my guess for the disparity.
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The structure that is standing close to the explosion site is said to be their grain silos possibly containing 85% of their storage. Screenshot_20200805-102534_Chrome.jpg

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