Explosion in Lebanon

Also, that would make it a 2.75 kiloton explosion

Just one more bit of info that won't necessarily rule out a tactical nuke...

You have a screw loose

Dont think he has a screw loose.

Just think he sees something from a different angle and doesnt trust anything coming from any media outlet at all, ever.

He is also probably to well read for his own good which could apply to alot of us on here.....you included lol.
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Reactions: Sandman 423
Bold statement, Hog. There was an initial explosion, which most anyone would agree could have been an accident, and a secondary explosion which could have been caused by the accidental first explosion. Wouldn't be the first time that incompetence created a catastrophe. Makes me think of the farm supply store which has their giant propane tank (for refilling) close to the fertilizer storage building.
But, people seemed to be obsessed about this for some reason. I guess it's the mystery of it all.
It's the video, this isn't a new phenomenon. It's an emotional reaction to an isolated incident. Seems there's a lot of that going on these days.
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Good question...
I started doing chemistry when I was 13. A friend of mine and I were cooking up some rocket candy (KNO and sugar). We heated it above the flash point and it started burning almost that exact same red. When my buddy threw water on the fire, it caused an explosion big enough to nearly break the windows out of the house, and that was about a pound of material.

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