fans/students throwing bottles at vandy players at end

I hope very very few. I could understand yelling back at the taunting players, but not throwing stuff at them.
it was disrespectful. we crossed the line and need to man up. even tho candy players were showing up us students at the end by bragging we r better than that.
Pitiful. Anger issues. Alcohol abuse in all probability. These aren't real UT fans in my opinion. I don't want to be associated with them.
Pitiful. Anger issues. Alcohol abuse in all probability. These aren't real UT fans in my opinion. I don't want to be associated with them.

It was the student section. 18-22 year old kids are going to get rowdy and drunk. If you taunt thousand and of drunk pissed off college kids, you're not going to like the results.

I can't believe how astonished people are by this. I mean, this is the same student body that lit A mattress on fire when Kiffin left.

I'd e more disappointed if we had te type of student section who would take taunting sitting down from a bunch of Vanderbilt players of all people.
Are you serious? No one sneaks in glass bottles unless it's an airplane bottle. The pat downs they do for the student section are far too intrusive to sneak in any hefty glass.

Airplane bottles for students.... Pints for adults. They have to check you knuckleheads more thoroughly because you can't handle more than an airplane bottle.
Airplane bottles for students.... Pints for adults. They have to check you knuckleheads more thoroughly because you can't handle more than an airplane bottle.

They have to check us students because we have an actual association with the school as opposed to just being someone who bought an orange shirt. Also because a significant amount of the students are underage. And because we have a dry campus and UT has adopted head-in-the-sand policies about alcohol in order to try to ditch the reputation of being a party school.

But generally, yes 18-22 yr old kids can't hold their liquor. They haven't learned to drink yet and are still learning their limits.

Edit: This is why taunting a student section after a gut-wrenching loss is a bad idea and nobody should be surprised that a few plastic bottles were thrown.
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Some Vandy folks are claiming that the hot water was turned off in their locker room after the game and they were spit on and had crap thrown at them by Vol fans. This was posted on a Gator board. They were making fun of us for losing to the Doors. One lone brave Vol was on there trying to fight back,but he didn't have a chance. The Fla turds said it was worse losing to a team that lost to Ga. Southern than actually losing to G.S. Oh yeah, they want Franklin to replace Muskie.
I really HATE Gators!
I'm as mad as the next person in line. But for the most part we have classy fans if this is true some of our fans have reached a new low.

I was totally embarrassed when I was watching on TV and heard our student section chanting F U Franklin. We are making Gator fans look like saints.

And you want to know why I do not want to take my family to a game at Neyland? It is a totally classless atmosphere.
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I'm glad we did. James Franklin is an arrogant prick and their players and fans now think they own our state because they've beat us two years in a row. Go read Vandymania, it's even more pathetic than some of the threads on here. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that, it's a risk you take going to an opposing stadium...

No, the fans/students shouldn't have thrown bottles or anything but at the same tine Vandy can do/act however they like toward us because they have beaten us two years in a row!
They were literally asking for it. They were not only taunting us, but encouraging us to throw more at them. I didn't throw anything, but I about did. They turned around and were taunting us the entire game. And if it had only been the players, I doubt there would have been as much of an issue, but even the coaches were standing there egging us on. If you want to talk about classless, talk about the 30+ year old coaches acting like 18 year olds rather than the 18 year olds acting like 18 year olds. I didn't see any fans who weren't students throwing anything, and if you're honestly proposing that students aren't true UT fans, you need to reevaluate your definition of fanhood.
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I'm mostly a lurker at this forum but I'm posting in this thread.

Anyone advocating throwing glass projectiles at kids that are 18-22 years old should be banned from this forum. Period.

go to church and pray about it or stop lurking.
Im one of UT biggest fans and hate we got beat...I don't blame butch jones at all this IS-WAS(a team coached by dooley a lawyer that knows nothing about football)...and now the game over Im happy for vandy players that being said if they think they are the greatest team in Tennessee just cause they beat us two years we been down with very bad talent they are sadly mistaken! as far as james franklin I hope them bottles hit him can't stand that po* I would beat the * out of him if I ever see him in nashville

Comical. He's always out in Nashville so if you really think you can, send me your number and I'll call you and let you know where he's at. I'd love to see a computer tough talker back it up.
My fiance was harassed by vandy players out of her 3rd row seat with slurs and insults. If I'd have been there I'd have been knocking them out "brick by brick".. If I could find some to throw.

Just kidding but I really don't blame them.
it was disrespectful. we crossed the line and need to man up. even tho candy players were showing up us students at the end by bragging we r better than that.

Man up, says the guy referring to Vandy as "Candy". Let's start with you. Grow up and quit the childish names, especially after a loss.
I was totally embarrassed when I was watching on TV and heard our student section chanting F U Franklin. We are making Gator fans look like saints.

And you want to know why I do not want to take my family to a game at Neyland? It is a totally classless atmosphere.

Then keep your big behind at your glass house
I'm glad we did. James Franklin is an arrogant prick and their players and fans now think they own our state because they've beat us two years in a row. Go read Vandymania, it's even more pathetic than some of the threads on here. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that, it's a risk you take going to an opposing stadium...

All teams have so fans like this. A very sad thing.

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