Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death For Ages 18-45

Back in the day they would dip cigs or joints in LSD. Lacing is more dangerous than the real thing A very talented Engineering student at GT from my town fried his brain off one laced marlboro and ended up begging for pills and food, homeless and ousted by his family, behind McDonalds. He had alot of conversations going on with invisible things around him.
Does lacing make drugs cheaper?
If it was as available and diverse as beer there would be no change in crime? Seriously?
California and Colorado have passed new laws to combat illegal marijuana that’s not “licensed”. Hasn’t changed anything there
California and Colorado have passed new laws to combat illegal marijuana that’s not “licensed”. Hasn’t changed anything there
You should check some of the reasons for that. Being the only legal place surrounded by illegal places changes the metrics
I’m only saying legalizing weed doesn’t stop the crime around it
What kinds of crimes do the "average" weed smoker engage in? Don't give me nonsense about outliers or one offs... I'm curious to know what they teach cops to expect when the average potheads get together around the television rolling joints and playing X Box in the basement.
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You should check some of the reasons for that. Being the only legal place surrounded by illegal places changes the metrics
Not true. These gangs are still making the drugs and undercutting the “legitimate” dealers who are making mediocre expensive product
What kinds of crimes do the "average" weed smoker engage in? Don't give me nonsense about outliers or one offs... I'm curious to know what they teach cops to expect when the average potheads get together around the television rolling joints and playing X Box in the basement.
Drug dealing and the activity around it. This isn’t 1972 and we aren’t talking about smoking just joints while eating Doritos in your moms basement. No one cares about that.
Not true. These gangs are still making the drugs and undercutting the “legitimate” dealers who are making mediocre expensive product
By making I assume you mean growing the mj themselves?

There have been many studies around this but it seems you didn't read them
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The "gangs" are able to produce and sell weed cheaper in CA and CO because the states levy obscene taxes and fees on the legal product all the way from the grower to the retailer. 60 minutes did a really good piece on it and one of the other news magazine shows did an hour program on it. It's almost impossible for a legal grower in CA to make a profit off of legal weed.
You can thank the pain clinics and doctors violating their oath by issuing unwarranted prescriptions to their junkie cash paying clients for that. And a special thanks to the doctor that didn't educate my nephew on the addiction rates to Oxycodone after his operation and how to address coming off it. So, when that prescription ended, along came heroin.
Respectfully, education by the doctor wouldn’t have done anything. Doctors never should’ve been allowed to prescribe oxy for surgeries as it was originally intended for cancer patients. I don’t know how much your nephew was prescribed but it was likely too much for too long. That’s issue one. Issue two is that his addiction issue wasn’t a physical problem, it was a mental one and that doesn’t develop simply from taking the drugs. He had some other underlying cause that he was medicating. Most people (maybe not you), including addicts, think it’s a physical problem. They think, “I just need to get through the withdrawals and then I’m good.” That’s false. I know because I’ve been there done that. Education by the doctor wouldn’t have fixed whatever caused his addiction. Should the doctor have provided education? Absolutely, but the doctor never should’ve given that much medicine to him in the first place and maybe not at all.

I’m not saying this about your nephew as I don’t know what surgery he had but, in general, people need to learn to live with pain more. I had my wisdom teeth removed at 40 years old and it required several stitches due to one being sideways and having long roots. All I took was ibuprofen. There’s no need for pain meds for everything that hurts. And it sure doesn’t have to be oxy to start a major addiction problem. I started with 5mg hydrocodone and it blew up to taking 30+ 30mg oxys a day before eventually turning to heroine. So anyone reading this that might think that those “minor” pain pills are harmless, think again.

I am very happy your nephew found what worked for him to stop. Most don’t.
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The "gangs" are able to produce and sell weed cheaper in CA and CO because the states levy obscene taxes and fees on the legal product all the way from the grower to the retailer. 60 minutes did a really good piece on it and one of the other news magazine shows did an hour program on it. It's almost impossible for a legal grower in CA to make a profit off of legal weed.
Well I’m NOT disagreeing that taxes also obviously play a role but the point is even making it legal didn’t change the crime around it nor did it change the gangs cutting it and lacing it to get more people addicted

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