'24 FL CB Cai Bates (FSU Commit)

DB is the most difficult position to coach. Every mouth breather in the bleachers and on the couch can see when they think a DB has screwed up, and you need to have the type of athletes with short memories to be successful. I've known Coach Martinez for a good while through recruiting some of my players and have had the opportunity to talk ball with him several times. I don't always agree on how he teaches certain things, and sometimes how he teaches technique is dictated by the scheme. If you think he needs to be replaced, who are you gonna get that's better and will take the job based on what they have to teach? Good DB coaches at ALL level of football are few and far between.
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When tf have our dbs been good? Hadden has gotten better but who else? No damn body. Martinez sucks and has always sucked.
when TF have we had highly rated DBs? It seems to me they may play better as whole than their individual talent level…. i’m good with moving on from WM so we will have someone new to b&tch about.
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Are we gonna pretend like NFL coaches aren’t the top of the profession just to try and make a point?

Like I said, terrible HC. But let’s not get carried away.
they hire a lot of bad coaches as well…. can i interest you in some Matt Canada?
Derek Dooley coached TEs and WRs in the NFL for multiple years soooo yeah, dude is prob a pretty good coach. Terrible HC, but WM isn’t a HC.

And just to play devil’s advocate a little more - do you know the DB’s specific responsibility on each play? Do you know what techniques they’re being taught vs what you think they should be taught?
I'll play a little devils advocate of my own and offer up that there is probably enough evidence to suggest they certainly aren't being taught to look for the ball in the air while in coverage. Would you not agree?
1. If a kid is making a decision mostly due to his position coach, who besides getting fired, could leave for a better job just as easily, that kid and his family are not thinking very critically. You pick a school, and a head coach \ scheme that fits you the best. Position coaches come and go.

2. Who cares if we land a big time recruit if he doesn't get to play until he is a junior no matter how talented he is. We have seen how young guys see the field under Martinez. Keeping a position coach around to get a recruit that isn't even likely to play for a couple years under Martinez seems stupid as hell.

3. People that get their information and make judgements based on internet rumors, social media, assumptions, are clearly morons. People that let things on social media affect their decision making rather than talking to actual people in the AD, the UT coaching staff and some contacts they should have developed by now around the program are the people you should be talking with about your concerns, and finding out the answers from them, not a ****ing message board or podcast..........

Family members that let random internet posters, trolls, opposing fans, and idiots influence their decisions, should not be in charge of making decisions. These are the types that will cause problems in the future for your program if they listen to random **** on message boards and call in shows.. Every rumor, poster criticizing their son, team, coach etc... is going to cause a lot of trouble for the coaching staff in the future if the family members read and believe stuff said on internet message boards. You really can't take the fan boards seriously as a parent. Not much good comes from the internet, you are stupid as a family member if you expose yourself to the the mental torture of message boards when you have a son on any team in college. The internet is only getting worse with AI Chat bots entering the world. It is very easy for an AI chat bot to create numerous accounts like they were doing on twitter to appear as followers and actual fans, and then with the AI chatbot actually post tweets, messages on boards and even voice recordings now to create drama, push narratives and agenda's and create false rumors and basically cause a lot of havoc.
You don't think that a big part of a recruits decision-making should be the ONE coach who will most directly influence his development as a player?!?! The one coach who will monopolize almost ALL of the time being spent with the player during practices and position meetings?!?! Seriously.......
when TF have we had highly rated DBs? It seems to me they may play better as whole than their individual talent level…. i’m good with moving on from WM so we will have someone new to b&tch about.
Highly rated by who? They were all pretty high rated come out of high school.

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