Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

It was more limited prior to this. So you’re for keeping it more limited if you can’t open it up fully? Seems like a stupid opinion if you want to improve things.
No, I'm in favor of removing the pandering if we're going to recruit likely unqualified people to teach our kids. Full speed ahead
But could sit for a temp cert. This removed the qual of a degree as long as you share a bed with someone who was once in the military
Good. Practical, real world knowledge. We need more of it, not less.
No, I'm in favor of removing the pandering if we're not going to recruit likely unqualified people to teach our kids. Full speed ahead

Pandering is irrelevant.

You’ve eliminated a state regulation (barrier). If we were status A prior to this and now we are status B, then status B is undoubtedly better.

Perhaps this opens eyes and the next time someone changes it so anyone can apply to teach.
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Pandering is irrelevant.

You’ve eliminated a state regulation (barrier). If we were status A prior to this and now we are status B, then status B is undoubtedly better.

Perhaps this opens eyes and the next time someone changes it so anyone can apply to teach.
You've eliminated a barrier used to promote competence. That by itself does not increase quality any more than removing a best by date makes your milk last longer
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You've eliminated a barrier used to promote competence. That by itself does not increase quality any more than removing a best by date makes your milk last longer
The thing is, is that 'barrier' has failed in it's intended purpose.
You've eliminated a barrier used to promote competence. That by itself does not increase quality any more than removing a best by date makes your milk last longer

No. It was a barrier, pure and simple. It did nothing to promote competence. Our public schools are on full display with the competence produced with this method.

The Pearl clutching libertarian that loves his licensing requirements. Love it.
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No. It was a barrier, pure and simple. It did nothing to promote competence. Our public schools are on full display with the competence produced with this method.

The Pearl clutching libertarian that loves his licensing requirements. Love it.
I prefer it if we're going to continue the sham of public schools. Again, these teachers won't be hired at my kid's school but they will be hired somewhere (and likely to check a new govt funding box).
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Lets call it what it is, public school teachers are now glorified baby sitters. They are stretched way too thin, are given basically 0 resources, and are paid barely more than a full time McDonald's employee. And we wonder why we have school shooting problem...
I am not understanding your point about school shootings and how this relates to regular teachers that we have now, or even less of how it would relate to having former military in the classrooms.
Thats part of the problem. The "count up" method is the easiest way of counting change. It requires no math skills. I wasn't taught this method in school, I was taught it by Pal's.

They also don't teach anything financial like budgeting, taxes, stocks, 401k, loans, mortgages. No, the important stuff you just have to figure out on your own if you're lucky.

Point is, we need better teachers and teaching environments, not worse ones.
Florida will teach those things though.

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Financial Literacy Bill to Support Florida’s Students
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Thats part of the problem. The "count up" method is the easiest way of counting change. It requires no math skills. I wasn't taught this method in school, I was taught it by Pal's.
I'm old school. IDK what Pal's is. All I know is that we just had flash cards and remembering multiplication/division tables. We also did long division.

They also don't teach anything financial like budgeting, taxes, stocks, 401k, loans, mortgages. No, the important stuff you just have to figure out on your own if you're lucky.
They prioritize far too much time on gender/race identity, woke politics and standardized tests to be concerned about all that stuff you are talking about.

Point is, we need better teachers and teaching environments, not worse ones.
Meh, I'm not sure I necessarily understand the reasoning behind this DeSantis move, but I'm wondering if it really will be worse than what we have right now between kindergarten and middle school in most instances.
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How does simply being the wife of a former military member make one a decent human being and role model?
Many in this country have an unhealthy admiration for people in uniform, that is why. A lot of the redhat crowd bootlick cops and soldiers.

And don't take this as me saying they don't deserve some admiration, I'm simply saying that it is at unhealthy levels and goes over the top. Meanwhile farmers, linemen, miners/oil workers, and other professions don't get anywhere near the amount of appreciation they deserve.
interesting question from someone who constantly derides another bartender as unqualified

Displaying proficiency in the subject being taught should be a minimum. These won't be hired at my kid's school. I also noted they wouldn't be qualified to work at their previous preschool. But hey, I'm sure their calculus knowledge is strong
If knowledge of differential and/or integral calculus is a requirement for being qualified to be a teacher, we're about to eliminate what, about 99.9% of the current teachers in America? I've knew a 7th grade math teacher who could not recall what the Pythagorean theorem was.

Not arguing there is wisdom in this program by Florida as I would question it also, but I'd avoid insinuating we have a lot really exceptional teachers now and using things like their proficiency in calculus as proof. I think there are good teachers and a lot more piss-poor ones that are protected up by the unions and their peers. Both groups are probably hurt by a top-heavy administration layer plus government interference.

We are about to have an interesting experience here locally. Looks like a goal-oriented, results-driven wealthy businessman is going on the school board. Already dumped about all the Democrats on the board. It is not going to be pleasant for the next few years for a lot of people who were comfortable with the status quo and sitting on their butts accomplishing nothing. But in five years, I would bet heavily on we see a dramatic improvement in our schools.
That's fair, but I think we have gone overboard with all this 'higher education' nonsense being the be all end all 'qualification'. That's my point. Sure, the Lieutenant's wife might not know anything.. I get it, but the Lieutenant's daughter that just graduated from Brown University doesn't either, but she has the piece of paper that says she does. We need a balance, and the bureaucracy has it's thumb on the scale.

I would wager that in order to be an educator, it probably helps to be educated.

I know. Friggin' crazy.
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If knowledge of differential and/or integral calculus is a requirement for being qualified to be a teacher, we're about to eliminate what, about 99.9% of the current teachers in America? I've knew a 7th grade math teacher who could not recall what the Pythagorean theorem was.

Not arguing there is wisdom in this program by Florida as I would question it also, but I'd avoid insinuating we have a lot really exceptional teachers now and using things like their proficiency in calculus as proof. I think there are good teachers and a lot more piss-poor ones that are protected up by the unions and their peers. Both groups are probably hurt by a top-heavy administration layer plus government interference.

We are about to have an interesting experience here locally. Looks like a goal-oriented, results-driven wealthy businessman is going on the school board. Already dumped about all the Democrats on the board. It is not going to be pleasant for the next few years for a lot of people who were comfortable with the status quo and sitting on their butts accomplishing nothing. But in five years, I would bet heavily on we see a dramatic improvement in our schools.

Where is here?
I am not understanding your point about school shootings and how this relates to regular teachers that we have now, or even less of how it would relate to having former military in the classrooms.
Its not former military in the classroom. Its the wives of former military.

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