Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

Its not former military in the classroom. Its the wives of former military.
And military veterans or current military personnel. It says is it in the very link you posted and in the first paragraph.

In an effort to combat teacher shortages, the Florida Department of Education is enlisting military personnel, veterans and their spouses to teach in the state’s classrooms without a bachelor’s degree requirement.
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You mean Mrs. Smith at 45 who has 2 adult boys she has raised, that she homeschooled btw. Is always a worse option than Ms. Smith who is 22 and has a bachelor’s in psychology?
Being old and having kids doesn't qualify someone to be a teacher. Much less homeschooling. I've met some really ****ed kids who were homeschooled.
Is that person always the worse option than someone with a degree?
Probably not always but ill take my chances with someone who has dedicated their life to becoming a teacher vs someone whose only qualification is they married someone in the military.
That's wrong. It's taught in personal finances, usually an elective. So when a child is taking an elective they opted to not take this for another. The other side of it is if you're not talking to your kids about budgeting, finances, investing, taxes then you failed as a parent. Might need to check those classes before you say we need better teachers, might need better invested parents first.
Let me tell you, if you are going to rely on some of these parents out here to teach budgeting/finances, then we will be in the same boat or worse with these kids. Just because some of you came up in good environments doesn't mean that the rest of these kids had common sense and wisdom poured into them at home.
Many in this country have an unhealthy admiration for people in uniform, that is why. A lot of the redhat crowd bootlick cops and soldiers.

And don't take this as me saying they don't deserve some admiration, I'm simply saying that it is at unhealthy levels and goes over the top. Meanwhile farmers, linemen, miners/oil workers, and other professions don't get anywhere near the amount of appreciation they deserve.
Yeah I still remember when those same kids were called baby killers and spat upon. I do think it is sometimes a little over the top, but it is earned nonetheless
Probably not always but ill take my chances with someone who has dedicated their life to becoming a teacher vs someone whose only qualification is they married someone in the military.

Why limit it to probably?

Why can’t both be candidates and the person doing the hiring make the call? Why are you into restricting?

A 22 year old has dedicated their life by having mommy and daddy go $100,000 into debt for her BS in Psychology?

But a 45 year old mom that has 2 adults in college and or the military now and she performed their educating, isn’t dedicated?
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Why do you say that? She doesn't have the teaching certificate.

What if she worked as a waitress at the BOQ in 5 or 10 different countries and has a high school diploma. I guarantee you she has more world knowledge than 99% of the kids coming out of college.
And like @utvolpj is saying, why just limit it to military spouses? I'm sure there are other spouses that are in similar situations.
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Enjoy your 0% cash back rewards on cash purchases. Lol.
You have a point for just every day routine purchases. Like those frequent flyer miles myself.

However, there are times I get far more than the paltry percentage paid on cash back rewards when using cash. Significantly more. Cash also moves me to the front of the line at times. But I'm sure you were not describing all purchasing situations either, so understand I'm not trying to provoke a debate about it.
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