what a bunch of garbage. what about hte thousands of people benefiting from buying things at walmart 20% cheaper than they could before? that doesn't matter? the cost savings and sales tax benefits far outweighs any extremely minimal wage decreases for a couple of hundred people. what about the senior level high paying jobs walmart provides? do you realize how much money a walmart manager makes? if these workers deserved to be paid $20 an hour instead of $9 then they would be. end of story. don't believe hte bs your union puts out. and i love this theory that guys bagging groceries were making 60k a year before walmart moved in.
Where did the workers work that are buying things cheaper at Wal Mart, oops, I meant "China Mart".
The local electronics store probably sold Phillips/Magnavox Tv's (built in Knoxville, TN) or RCA tv's Built in the USA. Wal Mart sells Sanyo, Gold Star, or Awisia all built in China so that worker who use to work at Phillips in Knoxville now doesn't have a job because Phillips can't compete against the 20% cheaper China tv's at Wal Mart and they shut down the tv factory.
Wal Mart is a master at convincing the public to sell it's soul to them. We buy inferior products from them because they are cheaper and in the process cut our own throats by not supporting the local merchants who support us. Instead of our money staying local and going back into the local economy it eft's off to somewhere else where it's benefit to the community it came from lacks.