For those who regretted the Butch Jones hire.

Do you still regret it, or do you have optimistic reservations about CBJ?

He is saying all of the right things, so I can see why people could be believers. Me, personally, I am not sold.

Should we win just one game this season that we are not supposed to win, then I will see that he can motivate the team and that the team will not quit on him. I will also see that he can X & O.

A win against USC, UGA, Florida, Oregon, Alabama would make me a believer.

Dooley could recruit fairly well. Dooley started the VFL program, which showed he cared. However; we could never pull the upset. There were times when we were close to getting the upset but we could not close the deal.
Lets see here

He has 4 conference titles of a possible 6 years as a head coach.

He beat niu in 07 for there first victory agianst them since 98( Brian Kelly couldn't do that)

He beat Mich St with cmu.

50-27 all time as head coach

Can recruite agianst the sec


Can he beat the sec opponents( even though he beat vandy)

UT beat him( even though we had a lot more talant.

So yea I believe in him. Everyone should to
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I will say it again: CBJ has said/done all the right things. If you think he his going to go stupid, get stage-fright, and totally lose his mind on game day, you are very wrong. This man is like a military strategist. I'm so all in.
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it's funny that every decision this football program has made since the firing of fulmer has been the wrong move and plunged us further down the abyss. Butch jones--and if i'm honest i'd say that i wasn't excited nor did i have any kind of knowledge of the guy outside of knowing that he coached at cincinnati.

Butch has sold me that he can recruit--he's the personable ceo type that we need to run this program...he's shaken the hands and kissed the with all that said i do have a set number of wins i'd like to see only because i think it's realistic. 6 or 7 wins and a bowl game should be the goal. We aren't bare talent wise but we have just enough.

You can feel a momentum shift with butch on board---i mean let's remember this is a guy that has not coached 1 game here and has no record other than what he did in the past and he has 12 very good commitments for next year...and we are still in may people!

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but imagine what would happen if UT got some wins this fall. Combine that with his personality and recruiting, look out SEC.
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I think he'll do really well at UT, and I think people will begin to see that towards the end of the season. JMO.
I don't want to get ahead of myself, but imagine what would happen if UT got some wins this fall. Combine that with his personality and recruiting, look out SEC.

to compound on this and what Rudy123 said, i have this subconscious notion that our team just needs one big upset victory and this "curse" will be lifted, resulting in an instant 180 turnaround in our program. maybe my mind has just grown weary of clinging to empty hope.
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Not to change the subject, but did you feel the same way when they hire CBP?

How and when did he gain your confidence?
I was a Charlie Strong advocate and wouldn't have minded M. Stoops or Gundy. I originally saw Butch as a disappointing hire. As I listened to him more and more, I realized that he knew what he was doing. How so?

Tennessee has been and is in a tailspin to the point of being pitied by some. Yet has the brand to recognition to pull out of that dive and soar. Butch knows it will take a sequence of step by step actions, just as a pilot must go through procedures to correct a crashing plane. Dials need to be checked, levers and switches manipulated, and buttons pushed. Gravity is a beetch that doesn't release her embrace easily once she's hugged you. But if the plane is otherwise structurally sound and power can be supplied and enough time remains, that plane will fly instead of crash. I now think Butch is a pilot that knows his plane and is pulling us out of that tailspin. I think I've seen enough from the crew (team) to say they believe the same. So instead of panicked screaming about being doomed, they're chanting, "Altitude, altitude, let's gain altitude. Gravity is a beetch but we got the winning itch."
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Optimistic, but I am sick of people saying I told you Butch would be great, before we have played one game. What happens if TN loses to WK? I am not throwing in the towel on Butch Jones if that happens will those people, I 100 percent say the guy gets 4 years, because we need this to work. I think he will do very good and I think he has NC potential. However the I told you so post at this point are at best idiotic. Don't know how else to say it. I am glad he is recruiting well, but let's win...
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Do I think Butch will get it done? No.

But he has grown on me. Hard not to like the guy. I don't feel like he or his staff have the chops to get it done in this league though.

Depending on what you mean by "get it done" I'll agree with you. I do think Jones has what it takes to get UT back to a place where we can win 8-9 games a year. I don't however think he's ever going to win the SEC. The bar is just too high and there are too many great teams and coaches. Over the past 10 or so years, winning the SEC and winning the NC have become synonymous, and I just don't honestly think Jones is a NC winning level coach. If I had to guess, I'd say Jones will probably be here for 5-6 years, and at that point UT will probably want to go in another direction and look for a guy who is capable of going to the next level. Unlike his predecessor, I think Jones will leave the program appreciably better off than he found it.
I generally think these threads are kind of silly, mainly because if you go back 3 years you'd see the same threads about how "Dooley is the right guy for the job" and all this other nonsense. It's easy to have 20/20 hindsight because Dooley ended up such a failure, but again, there were almost the exact same things being said about Dooley.

Has he done a better job than Dooley up to this point in both their tenures? Sure, but that's not saying a whole lot. People were praising Dooley for saying the right things, heck for using the word "britches".

Let's see him coach some games first.
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Yeah,we should strive for 4 loss seasons..I'm sure the fan base will adapt to that nicely

he didn't say strive for. he said would that be enough. As in acceptable. 4 loss seasons won't get you fired. But it's definitely not what teams strive for.
I generally think these threads are kind of silly, mainly because if you go back 3 years you'd see the same threads about how "Dooley is the right guy for the job" and all this other nonsense. It's easy to have 20/20 hindsight because Dooley ended up such a failure, but again, there were almost the exact same things being said about Dooley.

Has he done a better job than Dooley up to this point in both their tenures? Sure, but that's not saying a whole lot. People were praising Dooley for saying the right things, heck for using the word "britches".

Let's see him coach some games first.

Not for those of us who were willing to see it from the outset. I realize that my last post may not have been the most glowing endorsement for Jones, but I can assure you I NEVER said anything even a tiny fraction as positive about Dooley. I knew from the second he was hired that it was going to be a trainwreck. As I mentioned, I don't think Jones will ever lead UT to an SEC title, but honestly we don't need that right now. We need somebody who can stabilize our freefall, and then get the program back on an upward trajectory over the course of the next several years. I do think Jones is going to be able to to that.
I was completely pissed when we hired him, but decided to back him 100%. I've loved everything he's done so far.

The biggest difference between Jones and Dooley, is that Jones has actually been a winner everywhere he's been.
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It really doesn't matter where you fall. It is far too early to take an "I told you" attitude on either side. I don't think there is anyone that hopes he fails. Neither do I think there is anyone willing to crown him a Nat'l Champ coach ... yet. Let it play out. See how it develops. In 4 years, he might be the chump that gets blamed or he might be a hot coaching commodity that UT struggles to keep.
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Not to change the subject, but did you feel the same way when they hire CBP?

How and when did he gain your confidence?

I still remember hearing when Pearl was hired. My thought was, "Well, we clearly got the best mid major candidate out there. His teams play hard. If it doesn't work out, at least we gave it the best shot."

That said, I wasn't sure about anything until he beat Texas.

Depending on what you mean by "get it done" I'll agree with you. I do think Jones has what it takes to get UT back to a place where we can win 8-9 games a year. I don't however think he's ever going to win the SEC. The bar is just too high and there are too many great teams and coaches. Over the past 10 or so years, winning the SEC and winning the NC have become synonymous, and I just don't honestly think Jones is a NC winning level coach. If I had to guess, I'd say Jones will probably be here for 5-6 years, and at that point UT will probably want to go in another direction and look for a guy who is capable of going to the next level. Unlike his predecessor, I think Jones will leave the program appreciably better off than he found it.

The problem is, our administration has shown that you basically have to run things into the ground before they'll make a change. Heck, Hart may have tried to keep Dooley if he had beaten Vanderbilt.
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My take is that we have a solid coach from a spread offense background stepping into a Pro-style quarterback oriented conference. Only coach who was successful with the spread was Urban Meyer at Florida with Tim Tebow. That literally was a perfect storm. Otherwise to be Successful in the SEC it's Pro-style. We'll see how he adapts. He is a good recruiter and I am one that never believe Tennessee is far behind in the number of top flight recruits coming out of the State. For years I've looked at rosters of other teams and it always seems their are many Tennessee players who had impacts around the south. Evidently we don't grade high in the recruiting rankings. Go Big O! :good!:

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