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I love when the Left attempts to refer to the Bible similar to Trump’s “two Corinthians” lol The Law of Moses pertained to Jews so unless you are Hebrew it is irrelevant. That is unless you plan on implementing other teachings under the Law?
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I never placed a value on any degree, you and others did that… and COVID literally has nothing to do with this subject matter, at all. You were hyperbolically suggesting that there has been a slew of useless degrees conferred. So I found the information, posted it for you, and asked you to elaborate on your stance. You can’t/haven’t. It’s that simple.

Thank you for posting, 3rd or 4th time you stated it! The value on the degree was in my stance. If you don’t understand the landscape in the job market or conducted interviews the last 2 years we might need you to pause. You can’t/haven’t established why it’s not a worthless degree. It’s that simple.
They’re commonly offered, but not all are worthless which is what you stated.

Business degrees are a dime a dozen
Psychology is useless as a four year degree
Any kind of general studies degrees are useless unless for pre med or pre law
Journalism degrees are a dime a dozen just like communication degrees
Sociology is useless as a four year degree
English and American Lit degrees are useless unless you pursue your doctorate and land one of the few professors jobs in the nation
I didn’t even mention degrees in art or music which rarely if ever work out. There are numerous degrees that rarely work out and evens one that do like criminal science and criminal justice which barely pay enough to justify the debt unless using it to pursue a law degree.
Business degrees are a dime a dozen
Psychology is useless as a four year degree
Any kind of general studies degrees are useless unless for pre med or pre law
Journalism degrees are a dime a dozen just like communication degrees
Sociology is useless as a four year degree
English and American Lit degrees are useless unless you pursue your doctorate and land one of the few professors jobs in the nation
I didn’t even mention degrees in art or music which rarely if ever work out. There are numerous degrees that rarely work out and evens one that do like criminal science and criminal justice which barely pay enough to justify the debt unless using it to pursue a law degree.
I have econ and my wife has an art degree. Together we make a very comfortable living and it's more than most. Your list is crap and insulting. I mean, you're a teacher right? What's your degree and how's it working out?
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Not really. You simply choose to look at the degree not the people. I know lots of friends from UT with similar degrees that are very successful

Many people have degrees in one field and luckily fall into something completely different that has zilch to do with their degree.
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Not really. You simply choose to look at the degree not the people. I know lots of friends from UT with similar degrees that are very successful

What's yours in if your dogging others over their degree?

Umm of course I chose to look at the degree, you mean I didn’t reference the few examples where it worked out? Any responsible adult would do the same
So was yours in the worthless list?

No, but would I encourage a student to go into education? It depends on where they plan on attending college. If they have their heart set on a private school, no I wouldn’t. It’s not worth 80k in debt for 45-50k a year. If they go to a public university, with 20-25k in debt yes I would. The cost of the degree has to be offset by the income of the career. If it doesn’t, it’s a poor degree
No, but would I encourage a student to go into education? It depends on where they plan on attending college. If they have their heart set on a private school, no I wouldn’t. It’s not worth 80k in debt for 45-50k a year. If they go to a public university, with 20-25k in debt yes I would. The cost of the degree has to be offset by the income of the career. If it doesn’t, it’s a poor degree

You are a teacher?
No, but would I encourage a student to go into education? It depends on where they plan on attending college. If they have their heart set on a private school, no I wouldn’t. It’s not worth 80k in debt for 45-50k a year. If they go to a public university, with 20-25k in debt yes I would. The cost of the degree has to be offset by the income of the career. If it doesn’t, it’s a poor degree
So you list the degrees of others yet conveniently leave yours off the worthless list? Classic
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So you list the degrees of others yet conveniently leave yours off the worthless list? Classic

It’s on the link, sort of but I don’t teach elementary education. I also answered your question. Education is an anomaly as long as you know you aren’t going to make a lot of money, it’s pretty easy to find a job.

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