Forgive Student Loans?

I got my MBA so that I could understand why the powers that be did such stupid (to and engineer) stuff. I found it it's not's greed.....

I think you nailed about 99% of what's wrong with our economy - people in power looking out for number one. The relationship between business and the consumer is symbiotic, and the first order of business is recognizing that the employee is the consumer. Without the consumer - one who can actually buy the product, you have no demand, and without demand you have no business. It's a fundamental that business seems to have forgotten - business isn't in business for or by itself - there has to be a market, and that requires people with purchasing power.

The other major thing not recognized in business that any engineer - mechanic can explain is friction. Friction in machines is fairly easy to understand; failed machines do often point out users who don't get it, though. A couple of the greatest friction producing elements in business are high energy costs and lack of capital. Few in business and finance seem to really get that, and as far as I can see, nobody in politics gets it. Two outstanding examples are what the commodities markets did with fuel costs given a couple of stimuli and the fact that nobody seems to understand that renewables are as much a curse as any kind of cure for our power needs. The better cure is more nuclear power and current investment strategies don't favor long term needs - they favor greed and high short term yield which generally means somebody is getting bent over the barrel.
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No, but would I encourage a student to go into education? It depends on where they plan on attending college. If they have their heart set on a private school, no I wouldn’t. It’s not worth 80k in debt for 45-50k a year. If they go to a public university, with 20-25k in debt yes I would. The cost of the degree has to be offset by the income of the career. If it doesn’t, it’s a poor degree
It's considered a premium degree at UT. Do they still charge an extra 10% tuition for an education degree?
I wouldn’t say no one cares. My son is starting an MBA program he’s been told he’s as far as he can go without it.

What kind of organization puts a ceiling over someone who doesn’t have an MBA? Is there something specific they want him to learn? Why not put him through a rotation through a few different areas of the business? Ops, finance, sales, marketing, etc?
What kind of organization puts a ceiling over someone who doesn’t have an MBA? Is there something specific they want him to learn? Why not put him through a rotation through a few different areas of the business? Ops, finance, sales, marketing, etc?
Edit: BTW the purpose of this I Love Me post was to illustrate how needlessly requiring advanced degrees over actual professional work experience is becoming somewhat pervasive in corporate America from my own observations. I just used my own anecdotal case as an example of the practice… and to stroke my ego of course 😬😂

So I’ve only got a BSEE. I have three patents granted. All three define differentiating capabilities on our products as related to our competition’s offerings and are all in designs still today. I reached the title of Engineering Fellow which is usually a multi year nomination and evaluation process and requires the endorsement of the VP of engineering on the paperwork. It took me three years to get over the line and I finally got it in 2015. Within the mindset of the company currently I wouldn’t even be considered for nomination as a mutt. They’d want an MS as a minimum and really prefer PhD’s. Never mind my 30+ year professional resume highlighting key contributions on every critical program in the dept over that three decade span or the numerous Tiger Team assignments to review or outright take over and fix screwed up designs I simply would not be considered with only a BSEE.

It’s yet another stupid irrelevant and irrational requirement at the company I worked for and retired from in June. So damn glad I got out when I did.
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So I’ve only got a BSEE. I have three patents granted. All three define differentiating capabilities on our products as related to our competition’s offerings and are all in designs still today. I reached the title of Engineering Fellow which is usually a multi year nomination and evaluation process and requires the endorsement of the VP of engineering on the paperwork. It took me three years to get over the line and I finally got it in 2015. Within the mindset of the company currently I wouldn’t even be considered for nomination as a mutt. They’d want an MS as a minimum and really prefer PhD’s. Never mind my 30+ year professional resume highlighting key contributions on every critical program in the dept over that three decade span or the numerous Tiger Team assignments to review or outright take over and fix screwed up designs I simply would not be considered with only a BSEE.

It’s yet another stupid irrelevant and irrational requirement at the company I worked for and retired from in June. So damn glad I got out when I did.

That’s too bad. Maybe it’s because the college degree has been watered down to the new high school diploma of yesteryear.
Thank you for posting, 3rd or 4th time you stated it! The value on the degree was in my stance. If you don’t understand the landscape in the job market or conducted interviews the last 2 years we might need you to pause. You can’t/haven’t established why it’s not a worthless degree. It’s that simple.
You were taking jabs at “worthless degrees”, elaborate with the actual information presented please.
That’s too bad. Maybe it’s because the college degree has been watered down to the new high school diploma of yesteryear.
It is what it is. Just glad I was able to beat the time line and move on.

There is no rational reason for it. After 30+ years my resume defines who I am professionally not my sheepskin count.

And as for the higher degrees quantifying any actual ability… on my last program there was a PhD a pay grade higher than me. He was the “expert”. And I took him apart in multiple meetings for proposing designs that wouldn’t work, presenting models that were tacitly wrong and provided garbage predictions, and correcting statements on performance estimates that had zero basis in physics. He wasn’t stupid. He was just promoted way beyond where he should have been.

Dude probably make 30-40% more base salary, had 30% higher performance bonus, and got restricted stock awards every year. And I wouldn’t let him near any design I was leading the effort on.

But… he has a PhD! 🤷‍♂️
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You were taking jabs at “worthless degrees”, elaborate with the actual information presented please.
And you keep coming back with no substance except you let everyone know you provided a link from 5 years ago. That’s your elaboration. Worthless degrees shouldn’t get forgiveness. You ask people to engage but don’t yourself except taking credit for providing the link for everyone to read that you can’t drill down on yourself. If you have a gender studies degree and loans from 2017 to pay, then it speaks for itself five years later. And for the record, I said I haven’t hired anyone with a gender studies degree. So there’s your actual information too.
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And you keep coming back with no substance except you let everyone know you provided a link from 5 years ago. That’s your elaboration. Worthless degrees shouldn’t get forgiveness. You ask people to engage but don’t yourself except taking credit for providing the link for everyone to read that you can’t drill down on yourself. If you have a gender studies degree and loans from 2017 to pay, then it speaks for itself five years later. And for the record, I said I haven’t hired anyone with a gender studies degree. So there’s your actual information too.
So, which of the degrees conferred are worthless? What % in your estimation?
The ones that don’t result in a job that can pay off the Dept incurred achieving that degree.
Everyone was very specific before, that the masses are getting Gender Studies, Russian Lit, and Art History degrees. So, I’ll ask you. Of the degrees conferred from 2005-2017, how many are “worthless?”
Everyone was very specific before, that the masses are getting Gender Studies, Russian Lit, and Art History degrees. So, I’ll ask you. Of the degrees conferred from 2005-2017, how many are “worthless?”
Better answer, give an updated version of those degrees getting hired. A where are they now.
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Everyone was very specific before, that the masses are getting Gender Studies, Russian Lit, and Art History degrees. So, I’ll ask you. Of the degrees conferred from 2005-2017, how many are “worthless?”
Asked and answered.
If you want a degree and can’t pay for it with money your parents have or with income you make by having said degree to pay the loan then it’s worthless.
So you elaborate then. Which of the fields is a joke? What % are useless to society?

Damn it’s pretty self explanatory. It could potentially be any field but especially anything that has an “arts” or “studies” at the end.
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Asked and answered.
If you want a degree and can’t pay for it with money your parents have or with income you make by having said degree to pay the loan then it’s worthless.
Yeah, a bunch of yellow-bellies that won’t step up to the plate and back up their small-minded mouths. Typical.

Figured there were more people with gumption in this forum that would at least be inclined to address facts when presented, guess not. Do your dance little man, if it makes you feel better.
I never stated there were worthless degrees, you did. So either elaborate, or just stfu.
I have for a day and your best line is a link you don’t go into. I’ve also broke it down many times, if you have a general studies or now/worthless degree with no job to pay for your loan from 2017 or prior. The degree speaks for itself. Ive stated I’m 100% in not hiring those fields. So there’s your data. How many have you interviewed, how many have you hired? Better yet, hit it up with what percentage of those jobs again. Since you don’t have anything except I provided a link. I got my man all in the feels right now with the anger on that last part.

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