Forgive Student Loans?

It’s on the link, sort of but I don’t teach elementary education. I also answered your question. Education is an anomaly as long as you know you aren’t going to make a lot of money, it’s pretty easy to find a job.

You listed business degrees as a dime a dozen. Do you know how many people earn degrees in business and put them to good use? Hell, there are over 30 million small businesses in the US.
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To allow charity.
Jews can not lend and collect interest by the law.
They can only lend/give. If the borrower can’t repay by the jubilee then the money owed is considered a gift and the defaulter is considered trash.

How much lending do you think actually went on among the Jews?

Edit. Velo makes a good point. Anyone take this gift should be considered trash
1. How low does Catholic compare to trash in this instance?
2. When is jubilee?
3. I may be needing an interest free loan here in a bit.
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No, but would I encourage a student to go into education? It depends on where they plan on attending college. If they have their heart set on a private school, no I wouldn’t. It’s not worth 80k in debt for 45-50k a year. If they go to a public university, with 20-25k in debt yes I would. The cost of the degree has to be offset by the income of the career. If it doesn’t, it’s a poor degree
Like for the bolded. I don’t really care what the degree field is as long as the degree taken with the specific institution doesn’t result in a crazy debt to income ratio.
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You listed business degrees as a dime a dozen. Do you know how many people earn degrees in business and put them to good use? Hell, there are over 30 million small businesses in the US.
Honest question that I don’t know the answer to. How many small businesses do you think are ran by somebody with a college business degree of that 30 million amount?

And no I’m not trying to demean a general business degree.
You listed business degrees as a dime a dozen. Do you know how many people earn degrees in business and put them to good use? Hell, there are over 30 million small businesses in the US.

I am well aware that people use business degrees but I am also well aware that it is a very watered down field. Law degrees can be very lucrative as well but many lawyers make five figures, not six, because the supply of law degrees much like business far outweighs the demand.
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I am well aware that people use business degrees but I am also well aware that it is a very watered down field. Law degrees can be very lucrative as well but many lawyers make five figures, not six, because the supply of law degrees much like business far outweighs the demand.
"Business" is a very watered down field?
I am well aware that people use business degrees but I am also well aware that it is a very watered down field. Law degrees can be very lucrative as well but many lawyers make five figures, not six, because the supply of law degrees much like business far outweighs the demand.

but Education degrees are high value?
Honest question that I don’t know the answer to. How many small businesses do you think are ran by somebody with a college business degree of that 30 million amount?

And no I’m not trying to demean a general business degree.

My wife has a degree in business and does very well for herself. A good buddy of mine barely graduated from HS and has been running a highly successful lawn & tree service company for over 25 years. I don't know the answer either however you can point to success stories from both ends of the spectrum. I wouldn't trust my childhood friend to know how to understand computer accounting software. OTOH I seriously doubt my wife could operate heavy duty machinery used to cut down trees that are over 70 feet tall.
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but Education degrees are high value?

There is 400k teacher shortage nation wide, same problem in the healthcare and engineering fields. It’s not an issue in the business field. Would I recommend someone getting into education in this day and age? No but there will always be demand for it. I would advise them to go into healthcare, engineering, or trade school first.
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My wife has a degree in business and does very well for herself. A good buddy of mine barely graduated from HS and has been running a highly successful lawn & tree service company for over 25 years. I don't know the answer either however you can point to success stories from both ends of the spectrum. I wouldn't trust my childhood friend to know to understand computer accounting software. OTOH I seriously doubt my wife could operate heavy duty machinery used to cut down trees that are over 70 feet tall.
So that is really where I was going with it. If the business is in say a trade skills or machinery operation area my guess is there is little value in a general business degree unless were talking a family business and a child going to college and being groomed to take over.

My own guess, again, is most small businesses result from opportunity and specific knowledge or experience to bring to bear on the opportunity
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My wife has a degree in business and does very well for herself. A good buddy of mine barely graduated from HS and has been running a highly successful lawn & tree service company for over 25 years. I don't know the answer either however you can point to success stories from both ends of the spectrum. I wouldn't trust my childhood friend to know to understand computer accounting software. OTOH I seriously doubt my wife could operate heavy duty machinery used to cut down trees that are over 70 feet tall.

There are thousands of small businesses being operated by individuals who don’t have a degree in anything. MBA’s are like Master’s in Education, they look good on paper but that’s about it
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1. How low does Catholic compare to trash in this instance?
2. When is jubilee?
3. I may be needing an interest free loan here in a bit.

now we get to talk about the hypocrisy of my brethren.
They (my brethren back in the day) decided that the law/ Torah only applies to Jews and therefore they could change interest to gentiles and Jubilee didn’t apply to gentiles either. They were wrong. No such exclusion exists.
You can try to get an interest free loan but you’ll be hard pressed to find someone willing to make it.

That was actually the point. “Neither lender nor borrowers be”.
You listed business degrees as a dime a dozen. Do you know how many people earn degrees in business and put them to good use? Hell, there are over 30 million small businesses in the US.

We also have an extremely screwed up economy at the present. We are not capable of producing what we need - although we did just that a few decades ago. Before that, we produced enough for ourselves and our allies to end a world war. People with business degrees aren't solely responsible for that; it takes government to really screw things up, but then take a look at who are the kingmakers putting politicians in office. Think about some business trends and how they've fared lately. "Just in time" logistics was a real "winner", and I think that falls about 100% on business logic. In fact, a lot of cost cutting is biting or already has turned around to bite the economy. Globalism is another real "winner". Economies are too much a closed system; when you displace your own workers in favor of cheap hired help, then you lose the consumer base ... that's in Industrial Revolution 101.

What business education, finance, and politicians really need is some simplified engineering courses like thermodynamics and feedback and control (system dynamics) ... and some damn common sense. Anything to teach them how doing one thing in a system affects the rest of the system. This is an economy akin to media spouting a one sided, fact addled, spin vs Paul Harvey and "The Rest of the Story". Higher education has screwed up a lot of stuff ... including education itself.
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don't forget that this is the clown that graduated 78th out of 80 something in law school... this is an pandering unconstitutional executive order for votes.
So he confiscated loaves and fishes from those who brought them and gave them to those who didn't. Different bible story than the one I read
Gregory had to list his degrees so we'd be impressed, he didn't have a DoD, so I'm not going to classify him as a Biblical Expert, his JD does let me have an opinion about him though.
There are thousands of small businesses being operated by individuals who don’t have a degree in anything. MBA’s are like Master’s in Education, they look good on paper but that’s about it
I got my MBA so that I could understand why the powers that be did such stupid (to and engineer) stuff. I found it it's not's greed.....
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