Forgive Student Loans?

95% of the people who struggle to pay for student loans don't have a degree problem - they have a budgeting problem....

If you can't pay your loans - stop going to Starbucks

If you can't pay your loans - deliver pizzas to make more money

If you want to pursue a field that pays 40K a year, don't spend $200K to get the degree

Precisely, that’s the issue with many of the degrees colleges offer. There isn’t great demand or only handful of positions pay significantly enough to justify the debt. Harvard is a very prestigious school and many graduates make great money but a degree in education or fine arts would be a colossal waste of money. Unfortunately many college students don’t weigh the cost with the potential salary or job opportunities.
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I know plenty of psych majors, elementary ed majors, sociology majors that knocked out their loans quickly and lawyers who are still paying on them 15 years later...
I know plenty of psych majors, elementary ed majors, sociology majors that knocked out their loans quickly and lawyers who are still paying on them 15 years later...
What you’re pointing out is what has most people chapped. This unneeded handout is just reinforcing willful piss poor behavior. It isn’t actually changing the cost of tuition down the road (unless it goes up anyway by $10k) it’s a one time pandering handout that pisses away more money and doesn’t structurally change anything.
Woke community can not be offended? Your flaunting of gender dysphoria is offensive
This will set the economy on fire.

I mean all those small businesses that weren’t getting created and all those houses that weren’t getting purchased by these millions of people that couldn’t overcome 10,000 dollars in debt.

He has unleashed the power of the slacker.

Im buying stock in Starbucks, Fireball and those clubs that mail 24 year old “males” high end beard care products.
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Biden was Told NOT to cancel student loan debt by Janet Yellen and Jill - but Kamala pushed him to do it and the '$1TRILLION' scheme was unveiled before it was properly costed

Joe Biden was warned by the Treasury Secretary and his wife not to cancel student debt, but pressed ahead regardless on the urging of Kamala Harris, it has been claimed.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen argued that with inflation around a 40-year high, the cancellation of student loans could free up consumer spending and drive inflation higher, the New York Times reported.

Jill Biden, who works part-time as a college lecturer, also urged her husband to reconsider. She campaigned on free community college, but did not push for the cancellation of debt.

The president ultimately chose to ignore their advice - after being cajoled on the subject by Vice President Kamala Harris, who was in favor of loan cancelations.

Biden was told NOT to cancel student loan debt by Janet Yellen and Jill - but Kamala pushed him | Daily Mail Online
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