Blue collar skoller
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I've never seen one logical poster that said Foster couldn't run the ball. You're dang right he was good, one of the best, but he also brought unneeded attention to himself. If he was as poor as he says he was, then if I were him I'd be thanking God everyday for the chance to make something of myself at UT. Fulmer gave him that chance, and UT and this fan base through support paid for him to have that chance. It's just disrespectful to use UT, the place that gave you an opportunity when many big D-1 schools wouldn't, as a means to create awareness toward a problem. He illustrates a true lack of understanding and appreciation towards the place that allowed him to get where he is today. UT was his home and provider for four years, and his thought process for his interview was, "Oh I'm not scared of the NCAA". Well, I'm glad Foster, but in the mean time you bring more negative attention to UT in the same week that we got hammered by Oregon and Couch and Bray get caught taking money.
Because he's trying to fix a broken system. Good for him.
Yeah scholarship athletes have it very tough. Free room, board, books, supplies, food and the nicest dorms to stay in. That must be so hard. Foster could have went on campus and gotten free food.
No the system is not broken because players do get paid. Boosters, alumni, agents the list goes on and on. Scholarship athletes get red carpet treatment and everything handed to them. Giving them extra money would just allow them to party more.
I am for student-athletes getting paid, but I do think it opens up a can of worms when deciding a formula on if athletes from revenue producing sports get paid more or if BCS level programs get paid more than other programs. With that being said, to posit Arian as a "normal college kid" isn't accurate. I had my fair share of Ramen noodles weeks in college too, but I was not literally making my school millions of dollars during that same time. Something needs to be done.
I can't disagree that the timing blows.... I hate that this came out when it did. However he did set the whole thing up to where the NCAA cannot come after UT in anyway regarding this mess. That was the primary stipulation he requested before he would say a word. Fortunately (or, unfortunately at times) Arian is one of the few players out there that has the pure intelligence to make a real run against the NCAA.
And I completely agree that players, not confined to Arian, should be more respectful and grateful that their university gave them the CHANCE to become successful. Do student athletes get screwed by receiving no benefits, I'd say yes. But I still think that the opportunities and support they're given should be definitely count as compensation.
i'm not sure gibbs is what i would call the "nicest" dorms to stay in. They do get a lot, but at the same time they also get the opportunity to ruin their brains due to collisions and risk serious injury in other ways. i'm not sure where i stand on the whole paying players thing, but let's not pretend they aren't offering something in return for those goods and services they receive.
This Tennessee fan base is really loyal to the school when this kind of crap surface. I commend you all on that.
This kid was a legend around here for many years, but he steps outta line, and he becomes a pile of crap. That's called loyalty in my book. Good for you.
Meanwhile, I need him to put up good numbers because my fantasy team has sucked lately.
Do you really believe this? Just because they don't come looking for Foster doesn't mean they won't scrub us like dirty dishes for the last 5 years. Foster didn't fix shiite. He just made damn sure the NCAA will be looking at us like a lion at steak.
Take a deep breath. I don't think we are disagreeing much. Did you miss the part where I said it would open a can of worms determining a pay scale for non-revenue sports? However, the system where college football players feel the need to break the rules to get money needs to be addressed. SimpleThis is BS. #1 doing this would require a split from the NCAA because ALL athletes get treated equally. It would take about 30 seconds for women's athletics to file suit against a school that knowingly pays their "revenue" producing players and not others or on a sliding scale. #2 tell me which sport/group of kids you are going to tell that they no longer have scholarships? Are you going to look the baseball team in the eyes and say sorry guys, your team isn't in the black so you gotta go.
Student athletes get paid, step up and get rid of your entitlement attitude and get on with life. People like you would reduce UT to football and women's basketball. Those are the only two programs that make money or break even nearly every year. The men's basketball team has only recently started putting enough butts in seats to break even or make a little money.
So Fulmer deserved millions while Foster deserved cafeteria food, athletic gear and an education. Fantastic.
UT players are amateur athletes. By definition that means they don't get paid. Free room, free school, free food. I've eaten at campus facilities and the food isn't bad. The problem arises when they have wives and kids. Those are real world problems. Made by real world decisions. Personal accountability is underrated...or nonexistent these days depending on who you ask. Don't want to try to support a kid or 2 while living in a dorm? Don't get anyone pregnant. I fail to see how its the responsibility of the U that a kid attends to support their family.
Take a deep breath. I don't think we are disagreeing much. Did you miss the part where I said it would open a can of worms determining a pay scale for non-revenue sports? However, the system where college football players feel the need to break the rules to get money needs to be addressed. Simple
So what if they have families or when the cafeteria is closed or they need to dress up for something but all they've been given for free was some adidas climalite t shirts?