Fox being sued for allegedly broadcasting ‘lies’ about Dominion


The only thing the right-wingers here know how to do is deflect.

See post #647 of this thread. I was right.
Not deflect, just calling your celebration a hypocrisy or lack of personal accountability on your term of principles. Nothing more, nothing less.
Not deflect, just calling your celebration a hypocrisy or lack of personal accountability on your term of principles. Nothing more, nothing less.
Read post #647 of this thread.

It's not hypocrisy.

I have been critical of both the 2016 Hillary Clinton Campaign, and the DNC for their funding of the Steele Dossier, and for how they handled reporting this funding in campaign disclosures to the FEC ... who sanctioned both of them with fines. I have said nothing in defense of anyone who advanced the allegations in that dossier.

You are deflecting, with ZERO clue of how I have discussed the Steele Dossier ... Hell, even today in this very thread!
Sleazy Rupert Murdoch bails out and pays BIG to avoid further embarrassment. I and others are very disappointed that Dominion did hot hold
firm on getting a public, on-air apology from FoxLies. Indeed, each of its hack hosts should have been forced to read a retraction/apology.
It's quite evident that fox exists to spew BS to low-information, gullible people (read Maga) who are so into their political ideology that they're
happy to be stupid for the cause. Dominion moving forward with other lawsuits against the Pillow Man, Rudy G and that shrewish female
lawyer who's already acknowledged she had no proof for any of the election nonsense she was spouting.

A second voting-machine company now pushing ahead with its lawsuit against Fox. Expect another settlement. If we wanted to reduce the political
polarization in America, the first thing we should do is deport the vile Rupert Murdoch.
Your last sentence is laughable if you don't also include Soros. He's every bit as vile.

I don't care what happens to Murdoch by the way, just find it funny you only feel mega rich Repubs pulling strings are the problem.
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Read post #647 of this thread.

It's not hypocrisy.

I have been critical of both the 2016 Hillary Clinton Campaign, and the DNC for their funding of the Steele Dossier, and for how they handled reporting this funding in campaign disclosures to the FEC ... who sanctioned both of them with fines. I have said nothing in defense of anyone who advanced the allegations in that dossier.

You are deflecting, with ZERO clue of how I have discussed the Steele Dossier ... Hell, even today in this very thread!
Might want to see #697, and let me know who I was talking about before you knee jerk believing it was about you. Your arrogance is pretty elite.
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It's remarkable how much the Fox adherents will bend over backwards to deflect this. Whatever you may think of CNN or another network, regardless of how much you attack Clinton from 15 years ago, you cannot evade the atrocious, absolutely unforgivable, and incredibly hypocritical behavior of Fox here.
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It's remarkable how much the Fox adherents will bend over backwards to deflect this. Whatever you may think of CNN or another network, regardless of how much you attack Clinton from 15 years ago, you cannot evade the atrocious, absolutely unforgivable, and incredibly hypocritical behavior of Fox here.

How are they any different than you, BB, EL, Luther ect? Y'all defend CNN, MSNBC just as vigorously.
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It's remarkable how much the Fox adherents will bend over backwards to deflect this. Whatever you may think of CNN or another network, regardless of how much you attack Clinton from 15 years ago, you cannot evade the atrocious, absolutely unforgivable, and incredibly hypocritical behavior of Fox here.
same energy presented by those attacking Fox, but yet allowed same hypocritical coverage and chose to let it happen as business as usual.
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Might want to see #697, and let me know who I was talking about before you knee jerk believing it was about you. Your arrogance is pretty elite.
I skipped over the constant coverage part ... My mistake.

However, you were still deflecting the subject away from Fox News and towards liberal media. You are trying to frame that as exposing hypocrisy .... but that is still deflection.
How are they any different than you, BB, EL, Luther ect? Y'all defend CNN, MSNBC just as vigorously.
There are posters here who really do seem to take it personally when Fox News is criticized. I don't see that kind of response from liberals here.
There are posters here who really do seem to take it personally when Fox News is criticized. I don't see that kind of response from liberals here.
I’d like to see CNN cover the young lady getting pummeled by a mob of kids in Chicago this past weekend, with the same energy as Fox. As an American you should too if you want transparency. Same should be said for Fox in areas of good deeds by democrats that CNN runs.
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I’d like to see CNN cover the young lady getting pummeled by a mob of kids in Chicago this past weekend, with the same energy as Fox. As an American you should too if you want transparency. Same should be said for Fox in areas of good deeds by democrats that CNN runs.
The 3 cable news networks are equally guilty of selective coverage.
I’d like to see CNN cover the young lady getting pummeled by a mob of kids in Chicago this past weekend, with the same energy as Fox. As an American you should too if you want transparency. Same should be said for Fox in areas of good deeds by democrats that CNN runs.
I'd like to see Fox actually cover a mass murder shooting without bringing on a string of apologists.
The 3 cable news networks are equally guilty of selective coverage.
So we agree, but nothing will change as long as those on the left and right can continue to be told what to think. Common sense people on both sides understand they are trying to be played but also can separate the media manipulation to what is truly going on.
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I'd like to see Fox actually cover a mass murder shooting without bringing on a string of apologists.
How so and use that same stance on how the left covered the Nashville shooting in regards protecting transgenders and not highlighting a Christian School was targeted.
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The irony is in their headquarters being in the very center of NYC with giant photos of them plastered on the street level windows. Fox should relocate to a place their host do not constantly attempt to portray in the most negative way. I vote for Tulsa.
But we all know why they are where they are and why they do not entertain any location to a little "red" city.
And that is where you will find your irony.......if you look hard enough.
See a lot of those Luther?
How so and use that same stance on how the left covered the Nashville shooting in regards protecting transgenders and not highlighting a Christian School was targeted.
I don't remember seeing any story that did't mention it was a Christian school or at least gave the name of the school which makes it pretty obvious. You'll have to show me one. I didn't see any discussion about transgender rights but what's wrong with that if they did?
See a lot of those Luther?
You should have also highlighted the word little. But no, there are not many cities of any size that are red....for very valid reasons.
(and no, they are not the reasons you will immediately claim them to be)
I’d like to see CNN cover the young lady getting pummeled by a mob of kids in Chicago this past weekend, with the same energy as Fox. As an American you should too if you want transparency. Same should be said for Fox in areas of good deeds by democrats that CNN runs.

IMNSHO, allegiance to a single news source or even multiple left or right skewed sources is the recipe for never getting the whole story. Read the front pages of Fox and CNN at any point in time. You would not even know they were from the same point in time. They hardly ever have the same news events being reported on.

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