Fox being sued for allegedly broadcasting ‘lies’ about Dominion

IMNSHO, allegiance to a single news source or even multiple left or right skewed sources is the recipe for never getting the whole story. Read the front pages of Fox and CNN at any point in time. You would not even know they were from the same point in time. They hardly ever have the same news events being reported on.
Agree, I listen to MSNBC on my morning drive. To laugh at the out of touch reality that they have for protecting or discussing real world issues not named Trump. But it sells to their audience looking for it.
IMNSHO, allegiance to a single news source or even multiple left or right skewed sources is the recipe for never getting the whole story. Read the front pages of Fox and CNN at any point in time. You would not even know they were from the same point in time. They hardly ever have the same news events being reported on.
In the last week, we have had a bizarre rash of shootings involving unarmed young people mistakenly approaching other people's property and quickly being shot.

That's exactly the kind of story that Fox News hates covering : irresponsible and/or crazy licensed gun owners shooting first and asking questions later.

Fox News's response to this?

Casually cover those shootings (so they can at least say that they did), but focus on shootings in Chicago. They would always much rather talk about urban crime.
In the last week, we have had a bizarre rash of shootings involving unarmed young people mistakenly approaching other people's property and quickly being shot.

That's exactly the kind of story that Fox News hates covering : irresponsible and/or crazy licensed gun owners shooting first and asking questions later.

Fox News's response to this?

Casually cover those shootings (so they can at least say that they did), but focus on shootings in Chicago.

And CNN whitewashes over stories that its primary viewership is uncomfortable with hearing.
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You should have also highlighted the word little. But no, there are not many cities of any size that are red....for very valid reasons.
(and no, they are not the reasons you will immediately claim them to be)
I just asked a question. Shouldn’t you be teaching, sorry, warping young minds right now anyway?
Wonder how valuable the Dominion discovery (depositions and subpoena of documents) can be used/ followed in the Smartmatic case. Any attorneys out there that can say how accessible that is when there is a settlement?

I think the issues are still pretty much the same aren't they?

I said a couple of days ago I had read a story saying that anything over a billion could economically damage Fox, but I subsequently read that they had $4 billion in cash reserves. Will be interesting if they try to settle the next one.
I'd like to see Fox actually cover a mass murder shooting without bringing on a string of apologists.

I'd like to see any of the rest cover a mass murder without creating division by making it anti-gun or playing up a racial aspect. In fact, it would be nice to see them cover gang violence in major cities and point out who makes up the gangs and that the guns they have aren't purchased from a dealer ... at least a licensed one required to carry out background checks.
IMNSHO, allegiance to a single news source or even multiple left or right skewed sources is the recipe for never getting the whole story. Read the front pages of Fox and CNN at any point in time. You would not even know they were from the same point in time. They hardly ever have the same news events being reported on.

I saw that 20+ years ago when I read about the same event in the two Chattanooga newspapers. It was the same event, but the reports were so radically different that they seemed not to cover the same thing. That's when I cancelled the subscription and quit believing the "news". Little stuff like a guy named Walter Cronkite slanting stories to suit his agenda hadn't exactly been inspiring confidence either. If it's not true and factual, it's not news.
In the last week, we have had a bizarre rash of shootings involving unarmed young people mistakenly approaching other people's property and quickly being shot.

That's exactly the kind of story that Fox News hates covering : irresponsible and/or crazy licensed gun owners shooting first and asking questions later.

Fox News's response to this?

Casually cover those shootings (so they can at least say that they did), but focus on shootings in Chicago. They would always much rather talk about urban crime.
What Fox channel are you watching? On Fox and Friends this morning, they covered several of these shootings and Chicago came up briefly when some Dimwit was yelling about too many guns. Like literally an aside about Chicago pointing out the hypocrisy of the quoted idiot. Now later there was an interview with a woman whose son was stabbed to death in New York if I recall, the point of the story being the Stabber had a rap sheet the size of small novel.
What Fox channel are you watching? On Fox and Friends this morning, they covered several of these shootings and Chicago came up briefly when some Dimwit was yelling about too many guns. Like literally an aside about Chicago pointing out the hypocrisy of the quoted idiot. Now later there was an interview with a woman whose son was stabbed to death in New York if I recall, the point of the story being the Stabber had a rap sheet the size of small novel.
The Fox News prime time shows, hosted by Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. Those are the 3 highest profile shows that they have ... and I stand by what I said. They would much rather talk about urban violence (with their favorite target of late being Chicago).
I'd like to see any of the rest cover a mass murder without creating division by making it anti-gun or playing up a racial aspect. In fact, it would be nice to see them cover gang violence in major cities and point out who makes up the gangs and that the guns they have aren't purchased from a dealer ... at least a licensed one required to carry out background checks.

America's gun laws are incredibly, irresponsibly lax. There should be a major crackdown on gun ownership, and all assault rifles and hand guns banned--no manufacture, no import, no sale. And spare me the usual claptrap about how tighter regulations won't work. We have far, far, far too many guns in America and our gun-violence problem is a national embarrassment. We as a nation, at all levels of government, should be working to get rid of guns. And also spare me the abject /nonsense/ about "responsible, law-abiding gun owners." Nothing is more absurdly specious than that old chestnut from the gun crowd.
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The Fox News prime time shows, hosted by Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. Those are the 3 highest profile shows that they have ... and I stand by what I said. They would much rather talk about urban violence (with their favorite target of late being Chicago).
You should have been more specific then. My surprise level is zero those three may have done that; after all they are political commentators in case you were unaware of that. I do not watch Hannity or Ingraham, but occasionally watch Tucker who will do some interesting stuff.
The Fox News prime time shows, hosted by Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. Those are the 3 highest profile shows that they have ... and I stand by what I said. They would much rather talk about urban violence (with their favorite target of late being Chicago).
It is frustrating to hear about he constant violence and killing in our major city (gun free zones). We should focus on the rare shootings that happen..I mean why would a news entertainment program report on stuff happening repeatedly every week...crazy stuff
The Fox News prime time shows, hosted by Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. Those are the 3 highest profile shows that they have ... and I stand by what I said. They would much rather talk about urban violence (with their favorite target of late being Chicago).
So you’re watching the 3 main opinion shows and expecting that to be news? I think I’ve discovered the problem.
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How inept will Dominion be in the 2024 elections?
If you are being honest with yourself ...

It won't matter which company manufactured the voting systems used in the 2024 elections, if Donald Trump loses. He will, once again, claim that they (whether it's Dominion or someone else) rigged the election against him. "The Cult of Trump" will follow his lead, even if there is no evidence in support of that claim.

There is not a scenario or set of circumstances from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to fraud and/or cheating. Haven't you figured it out by now? When poor Donny loses, it's never because of him. The whole world is out to get him. Trump is the eternal victim.
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If you are being honest with yourself ...

It won't matter which company manufactured the voting systems used in the 2024 elections, if Donald Trump loses. He will, once again, claim that they (whether it's Dominion or someone else) rigged the election against him. "The Cult of Trump" will follow his lead, even if there is no evidence in support of that claim.

There is not a scenario or set of circumstances from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to fraud and/or cheating. Haven't you figured it out by now? When poor Donny loses, it's never because of him. The whole world is out to get him. Trump is the eternal victim.
No one has ever played the victim card more effectively than has Trump.
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If you are being honest with yourself ...

It won't matter which company manufactured the voting systems used in the 2024 elections, if Donald Trump loses. He will, once again, claim that they (whether it's Dominion or someone else) rigged the election against him. "The Cult of Trump" will follow his lead, even if there is no evidence in support of that claim.

There is not a scenario or set of circumstances from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to fraud and/or cheating. Haven't you figured it out by now? When poor Donny loses, it's never because of him. The whole world is out to get him. Trump is the eternal victim.

The most powerful man in the world is an ineffectual whiny little b#tch.
If you are being honest with yourself ...

It won't matter which company manufactured the voting systems used in the 2024 elections, if Donald Trump loses. He will, once again, claim that they (whether it's Dominion or someone else) rigged the election against him. "The Cult of Trump" will follow his lead, even if there is no evidence in support of that claim.

There is not a scenario or set of circumstances from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to fraud and/or cheating. Haven't you figured it out by now? When poor Donny loses, it's never because of him. The whole world is out to get him. Trump is the eternal victim.
Do you believe that media collusion with the Democratic party to suppress information that should be available to the public is not election interference???

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