France is Burning

Hopefully you will never be called upon to bring the band back together and save the orphanage šŸ˜‰
Every Christian Denomination gets something wrong. I feel the Catholic Church, while possessing some incredible insights into the mystery of Christ, also has a pronounced focus on guilt and legalism. That is why my Protestant forebearers did the whole ā€žJustification by Faith, not worksā€œ deal. But that isnā€™t to say that my Southern Baptist upbringing didnā€™t saddle me with a nice load of fear and guilt too.
Mankind doesnā€™t receive Geace very well. Our Pride makes us want to claim some credit for our own salvation. So every group of Christians has to constantly be on guard against legalism like the Pharasees got tripped up by. The Book of Galatians was a ray of sunlight for me once I dug into it. Salivation is a Gift of God, not by works, least any man should boast.

Alrighty then.
Ha! We all have eyeballs and can clearly see what it was.. heā€™s just being a sneaky Frenchman šŸ˜‚
Eh, think about it. Why would they intentionally upset and offended a large part of the global population at the Olympics, an event where the world comes together? For what purpose?

I don't believe for one second it was intentional. The Dionysiun feast makes a lot more sense.
God will be the final decision maker, not man. I feel sorry for not the sinners, because they are aware of sin and you know they can change but the non believers who attempt to mock God and the existence.

Galatians 6:7​

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Psalm 36:1​

For the director of music. Of David the servant of the Lord. I have a message from God in my heartconcerning the sinfulness of the wicked:There is no fear of Godbefore their eyes.

Psalm 74:22​

Rise up, O God, and defend your cause;remember how fools mock you all day long.

Psalm 1:1​

Blessed is the onewho does not walk in step with the wickedor stand in the way that sinners takeor sit in the company of mockers,

Psalm 74:10​

How long will the enemy mock you, God?Will the foe revile your name forever?

Proverbs 1:22​

"How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?How long will mockers delight in mockeryand fools hate knowledge?

Proverbs 13:1​

A wise son heeds his fatherā€™s instruction,but a mocker does not respond to rebukes.

Psalm 119:51​

The arrogant mock me unmercifully,but I do not turn from your law.

Isaiah 37:17​

Give ear, Lord, and hear; open your eyes, Lord, and see; listen to all the words Sennacherib has sent to ridicule the living God.

Proverbs 15:12​

Mockers resent correction,so they avoid the wise.
You're really dancing now. I guess your idea of BFE is Gallatin.
Your question is completely beside the point.

If youā€™re fearful you wonā€™t be served in BFE, donā€™t go. But access to goods and services today is greater than anytime in human history. So no, I donā€™t think it would create a massive problem.

Rather it would serve a problem of unintentionally making bigots wealthy.

Iā€™m not dancing at all. Youā€™re the one ignoring questions. Iā€™m providing direct answers
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Eh, think about it. Why would they intentionally upset and offended a large part of the global population at the Olympics, an event where the world comes together? For what purpose?

I don't believe for one second it was intentional. The Dionysiun feast makes a lot more sense.
Because the cultural ethos of the present age hates God, hates Christ, and hates his followers. People donā€™t like being told that they are sinning. I donā€™t think you fully realize just how much the thought leaders of this world despise anyone who tries to tell them to exercise any self control over their appetites
Eh, think about it. Why would they intentionally upset and offended a large part of the global population at the Olympics, an event where the world comes together? For what purpose?

I don't believe for one second it was intentional. The Dionysiun feast makes a lot more sense.
The French drag queen and rapper known as Piche from the show Drag Race France spoke to French media, saying the intention was to create a tableau of the Last Supper.

ā€œI received a lot of messages of support and people who were very happy that I was there and very surprised that there were drag queens at the opening ceremony,ā€ he said, adding the opposition to the performance indicates that ā€œweā€™ve succeeded and weā€™ve done what had to be done, that weā€™ve been fair and representativeā€.

ā€œArt always divides. As long as it doesnā€™t move people, itā€™s not art for me,ā€ he said, arguing that the parody of the Last Supper ā€œis not a provocationā€ as ā€œitā€™s a biblical representation that has been reused in pop culture for decades and itā€™s never really been a problemā€.

ā€œThere were no real provocations or anything that was truly obscene. We didnā€™t make fun of the painting at allā€¦itā€™s really just because itā€™s queers and drag queens who use that representation that it bothers,ā€ he said.

Hey, you're all free to be upset and offended. Personally, I like to make sure there's a valid reason to be upset before I go off. Context and setting.

Trump has trained them to be victims, throw in a pinch of "wAr oN cHRiSTianIty" and the ginned up outrage will be oscar worthy.
Eh, think about it. Why would they intentionally upset and offended a large part of the global population at the Olympics, an event where the world comes together? For what purpose?

I don't believe for one second it was intentional. The Dionysiun feast makes a lot more sense.
Ha! And they were sitting on one side of the table and placed just like the Last Supper? They just added on Dionyis for plausible deniability.. that is classic passive aggression.. but usually women do it, but they are gay
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Trump has trained them to be victims, through in a pinch of "wAr oN cHRiSTianIty" and the ginned up outrage will be oscar worthy.
I'm not trying to judge anyone or belittle their emotions. We are simply so eager and quick to outrage these days. I just think sometimes it helps to take a beat, consider all available information (including the setting and context), then come to a position. Or completely disregard.
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Ha! And they were sitting on one side of the table and placed just like the Last Supper? They just added on Dionyis for plausible deniability.. that is classic passive aggression.. but usually women do it, but they are gay
There were people on the other side of the table, too. Again, why would they do it? And there?
I'm not trying to judge anyone or belittle their emotions. We are simply so eager and quick to outrage these days. I just think sometimes it helps to take a beat, consider all available information (including the setting and context), then come to a position

Well if the shoe fitsā€¦.the amount of denial some of you are showing is ridiculous. Itā€™s obvious what they were doing. Regardless a drag freak show of any kind shouldnā€™t be part of the Olympic's opening ceremonies to begin with.
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There were people on the other side of the table, too. Again, why would they do it? And there?
The woke agenda? Acceptance if Trans people? Duh.. why have library Drag queens read to kids? They want to mainstream it.. donā€™t try and bullsh!t a bullshitter šŸ˜‚ yā€™all arenā€™t fooling anybody so donā€™t even tryā€¦ I worked with psych patients for years.. I can see right through manipulative behavior
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Well if the shoe fitsā€¦.the amount of denial some of you are showing is ridiculous. Itā€™s obvious what they were doing. Regardless a drag freak show of any kind shouldnā€™t be part of the Olympic's opening ceremonies to begin with.
Drag has a long, rich history in France. It's part of the culture. And remember the whole world doesn't view drag queens the way the US currently does.
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I'm not trying to judge anyone or belittle their emotions. We are simply so eager and quick to outrage these days. I just think sometimes it helps to take a beat, consider all available information (including the setting and context), then come to a position

You're attempting to reason with the unreasonable. They've made the decision to discount any possible motive that isn't rooted in malice towards them.
Well if the shoe fitsā€¦.the amount of denial some of you are showing is ridiculous. Itā€™s obvious what they were doing. Regardless a drag freak show of any kind shouldnā€™t be part of the Olympic's opening ceremonies to begin with.
Indeed. The whole ā€žWe werenā€™t trying to offend Christians. We were actually just trying to celebrate a feast of debauchery, lust, and drunkennessā€ isnā€™t quite the win they think it is šŸ˜‚
The French drag queen and rapper known as Piche from the show Drag Race France spoke to French media, saying the intention was to create a tableau of the Last Supper.

ā€œI received a lot of messages of support and people who were very happy that I was there and very surprised that there were drag queens at the opening ceremony,ā€ he said, adding the opposition to the performance indicates that ā€œweā€™ve succeeded and weā€™ve done what had to be done, that weā€™ve been fair and representativeā€.

ā€œArt always divides. As long as it doesnā€™t move people, itā€™s not art for me,ā€ he said, arguing that the parody of the Last Supper ā€œis not a provocationā€ as ā€œitā€™s a biblical representation that has been reused in pop culture for decades and itā€™s never really been a problemā€.

ā€œThere were no real provocations or anything that was truly obscene. We didnā€™t make fun of the painting at allā€¦itā€™s really just because itā€™s queers and drag queens who use that representation that it bothers,ā€ he said.

Wasn't that 1 guy's balls hanging out?!?

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