France is Burning

There were people on the other side of the table, too. Again, why would they do it? And there?
I watched the entire thing and was like Phoebe Buffet.. ‘my eyes, my eyes!’ 😂 and it was definitely the Last Supper.. they either did it intentionally or they are incredibly stupid, but my gut says intentional.. everyone in France is familiar with The Last Supper painting LMAO
If you’re fearful you won’t be served in BFE, don’t go. But access to goods and services today is greater than anytime in human history. So no, I don’t think it would create a massive problem.

Rather it would serve a problem of unintentionally making bigots wealthy.

I’m not dancing at all. You’re the one ignoring questions. I’m providing direct answers
So you want 'no go' zones in the US?
You're dancing by limiting the scenarios to your ideal. There are very many areas in the US where denial of service at a convenience store / gas station / motel would cause a person serious problems.
So you want 'no go' zones in the US?
You're dancing by limiting the scenarios to your ideal. There are very many areas in the US where denial of service at a convenience store / gas station / motel would cause a person serious problems.

No one has to live in those areas. I’m not dancing at all. Or if those areas exist you’re always welcome to fill that need.
I can't believe people are still arguing about this. ESPN literally published an apology from the Olympic committee for the offensive content:

Paris 2024 apologizes for 'Last Supper' sketch

It was also criticized by well-known gay athletes such as Jillian Michael's.

You don't get a "do-over" with crap like this. They knew exactly what they were imitating. So, they can deal with the backlash. Fine.

But for the love of God, enough of the Jedi mind trick trying to make people believe they didn't see what they saw.
Agreed, the creator said himself what it was and it's surprising that people are still trying to be victims about it
Ha! And they were sitting on one side of the table and placed just like the Last Supper? They just added on Dionyis for plausible deniability.. that is classic passive aggression.. but usually women do it, but they are gay
This is a weird post, they weren't "placed like the Last Supper" and one side of the table is common in art so you can see them. Not sure why gay women come into this
Why would it have to be about ancient Greece? LOL You think there was an Olympic tie in? That's just precious.
what does the Last Supper have to do with France?

It was painted by an Italian, for an Italian, in Italy.

its just as much a stretch to try and draw in the Last Supper. The arrangement of figures around a table was quiet a common one during the Renaissance era. everyone, the important figures at least, were on one side so you could see their faces, and there was generally some common act going on. pointing, raising hands, eating, drinking, toasting, singing etc. The Last Supper is just the most famous one, but that doesn't mean the intent couldn't have been some other painting, by a frenchman.
What about all of the time spent on Notre Dame Cathedral and the ringing of the bells?

Too much "religion" being forced on viewers around the world who are not Catholics/Christians?

Should there be outrage?
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What about all of the time spent on Notre Dame Cathedral and the ringing of the bells?

Too much "religion" being forced on viewers around the world who are not Catholics/Christians?

Should there be outrage?
No, that’s different because it’s impossible to be indoctrinated by religions not named Islam.
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What about all of the time spent on Notre Dame Cathedral and the ringing of the bells?

Too much "religion" being forced on viewers around the world who are not Catholics/Christians?

Should there be outrage?
since you always make great comparisons surely there is some very loud corner of the internet that is complaining fiercely about the bells and the church.

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