France is Burning

“It’s been a banner week. Christian website designers don’t have to help gay people.”

“Look, I’m not defending it.”


I tend to think the motivation is simply that a number of the court are hostile to homosexuals. This is because the reasoning seems thin to me
And easily subject to hypotheticals that match the reasoning.
I tend to think the motivation is simply that a number of the court are hostile to homosexuals. This is because the reasoning seems thin to me
And easily subject to hypotheticals that match the reasoning.
So you are defending it. Because the reasoning is thin.
A 17 year old citizen of Algerian and Moroccan decent…could get interesting the next few days. Hope they have eyes on terrorist in the area.

Hopefully some pretrial intervention will straighten him out.
I tend to think the motivation is simply that a number of the court are hostile to homosexuals. This is because the reasoning seems thin to me
And easily subject to hypotheticals that match the reasoning.

Just curious how that ties in to anarchy in France?
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I never mentioned skin color at all. Ignorance? Rapes are way up in every country that have let large numbers of Muslims in. The 10 to 20 percent of them that are Islamists (the ones with the savage 7th century mindsets) have absolutely no problems going back to their 7th century savage ways. This will eventually break very bad some day. They refuse to assimilate.
We know that recent immigrants to France aren't lily white, so color was mentioned. I can't find data showing that rapes are up as mentioned. 10 to 20 percent being fanatics sounds way high. Is there any credible data to back up those two points?
We know that recent immigrants to France aren't lily white, so color was mentioned. I can't find data showing that rapes are up as mentioned. 10 to 20 percent being fanatics sounds way high. Is there any credible data to back up those two points?

Just like many illegals?
all this technology and nobody knows
rather disturbing honestly
This is a banner week for the MAGA crowd on the board. AA struck down, Christian website designers don't have to help gay customers, a Biden student loan program I daresay maybe 10 percent of you even can describe, gets struck down (but hey you best Biden, doesn't matter what the details are) and now dark skinned people are protesting in France and you get to describe people as 7th century. Must feel good to resurrect the Muslim boogeyman. Been kinda quiet on that front.
Is every bad thing in the world traced back to Trump in your vivid imagination?
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This is a banner week for the MAGA crowd on the board. AA struck down, Christian website designers don't have to help gay customers, a Biden student loan program I daresay maybe 10 percent of you even can describe, gets struck down (but hey you best Biden, doesn't matter what the details are) and now dark skinned people are protesting in France and you get to describe people as 7th century. Must feel good to resurrect the Muslim boogeyman. Been kinda quiet on that front.
What did the USC get wrong and why? And I don't mean what you feel.
It's sad that these kinds of things happen in our world.

It's even sadder that these fun riots never happen anywhere close enough for me to join in the looting. I feel like the government owes me free stuff because I don't get the privilege of burning down my neighborhood while picking up a new TV at no cost.
We know that recent immigrants to France aren't lily white, so color was mentioned. I can't find data showing that rapes are up as mentioned. 10 to 20 percent being fanatics sounds way high. Is there any credible data to back up those two points?

Color doesn't matter. Mindset does.

The Influx of Immigrants into Europe and the Increase in Sexual Violence | Hungarian Conservative

Many in Muslim world want sharia as law of land: survey

The last link is quite interesting. Seems as if radicalism varies from place to place. Many Muslims want radical Sharia Law though.

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