Fraudulent Christians

Based on the thread title I was expecting example #2, but it never came.

Appears to be 15 pages of click bait.

It's like getting together a group full of buddies for a game of golf and calling it The 1st Annual Tiler Durt Golf Extravaganza. Dude how can it be annual when it's the first one? Thread title makes it sound like he has enough examples like dem's connections to terrorist sympathizers.
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That simply isn't happening. If it is even being brought up, it is being taught as a theory, like evolution by natural selection.

I was taught those things. In public school, in 9th grade biology I had a Christian teacher though that plainly told us that if the subject conflicted with our beliefs on the quiz/test that we could write in what we thought for that question or 2.

They told us the Earth was 3.6? Billion years old ( IIRC this is now taught at 4.2 or 4. Something) this isnt a fact, as there is zero concrete evidence and the number gets revised. I was amazed and pissed to see my biology book from that year (Holt biology 1991? Had a frog on the front) in a video showing all the lies in textbooks. My book had the fictional illustration of a series of fetuses...from all sorts of animals to human fetus, showing that to be evidence that we ALL had a common ancestor...amphibians, mammals, etc....IN FACT, that illustration was shown to be a fraud made by a German scientist nearly 100 years ago, which was discovered in HIS day and was the cause of him being shamed and discredited out of his field altogether. So WHY in the HELL would that illustration be in my 1991 biology book when it had been shown worldwide to be a fake nearly a century ago??? Because it was "evidence" of abiogenesis, "evidence" that all fauna had a common ancestor. Absolute BS I also recognized in that video another science book that I had with a drawing of the "geologic column" showing the circular reasoning involved. Next to the picture, which showed many layers, including several separate layers of limestone, each deemed to be from a different period many millions of years apart said this " the layers of limestone and earth in the geologic column date the fossils therein, but the fossils themselves including "index fossils" more accurately date the limestone." Wut??? Circular reasoning anyone?

Fortunately my teacher (Mrs. Elder, was HOT 🔥) was willing to do something that might cost her job today, and express her beliefs that did not line up with the textbook. She didn't go into detail, just said that she believed in a Creator, and that we should keep an open mind about the origins of life as we know it. I was amazed 20 plus years later to see the lies that were in my textbooks, as well as to learn that we have zero concrete evidence for much of what is presented as fact to impressionable kids. There is zero evidence for the Earth being billions of years old, and the methods we use to date fossils (radioactive carbon decay) are extremely unreliable, in that 2 samples from the SAME fossil can come back from the lab as millions of years well having the stubborn and incorrect assumption baked into that method, the assumption that atmospheric conditions and levels of radiation stayed the same for millions of years on end... of course we have ZERO evidence to support any of that...

Anyway, there is plenty of false teaching still presented to kids as facts, as well as flawed logic and outright lies in the textbooks. I am sure this varies greatly from place to place though.
Liberty University has made a couple of tweaks to the Ten Commandments

"Thou shall not commit adultery" has been replaced with "Let those who have not raw dogged a porn star cast the first stone"

"Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife" had "but its OK to covet the pool boy" added to the Commandment
I was taught those things. In public school, in 9th grade biology I had a Christian teacher though that plainly told us that if the subject conflicted with our beliefs on the quiz/test that we could write in what we thought for that question or 2.

They told us the Earth was 3.6? Billion years old ( IIRC this is now taught at 4.2 or 4. Something) this isnt a fact, as there is zero concrete evidence and the number gets revised. I was amazed and pissed to see my biology book from that year (Holt biology 1991? Had a frog on the front) in a video showing all the lies in textbooks. My book had the fictional illustration of a series of fetuses...from all sorts of animals to human fetus, showing that to be evidence that we ALL had a common ancestor...amphibians, mammals, etc....IN FACT, that illustration was shown to be a fraud made by a German scientist nearly 100 years ago, which was discovered in HIS day and was the cause of him being shamed and discredited out of his field altogether. So WHY in the HELL would that illustration be in my 1991 biology book when it had been shown worldwide to be a fake nearly a century ago??? Because it was "evidence" of abiogenesis, "evidence" that all fauna had a common ancestor. Absolute BS I also recognized in that video another science book that I had with a drawing of the "geologic column" showing the circular reasoning involved. Next to the picture, which showed many layers, including several separate layers of limestone, each deemed to be from a different period many millions of years apart said this " the layers of limestone and earth in the geologic column date the fossils therein, but the fossils themselves including "index fossils" more accurately date the limestone." Wut??? Circular reasoning anyone?

Fortunately my teacher (Mrs. Elder, was HOT 🔥) was willing to do something that might cost her job today, and express her beliefs that did not line up with the textbook. She didn't go into detail, just said that she believed in a Creator, and that we should keep an open mind about the origins of life as we know it. I was amazed 20 plus years later to see the lies that were in my textbooks, as well as to learn that we have zero concrete evidence for much of what is presented as fact to impressionable kids. There is zero evidence for the Earth being billions of years old, and the methods we use to date fossils (radioactive carbon decay) are extremely unreliable, in that 2 samples from the SAME fossil can come back from the lab as millions of years well having the stubborn and incorrect assumption baked into that method, the assumption that atmospheric conditions and levels of radiation stayed the same for millions of years on end... of course we have ZERO evidence to support any of that...

Anyway, there is plenty of false teaching still presented to kids as facts, as well as flawed logic and outright lies in the textbooks. I am sure this varies greatly from place to place though.

You been listening to Hovind or something? Zero evidence? Really?
We are all inclined to a particular sin. No human was made perfect except for the Blessed Mother . But you who sit in the bleachers laughing and disparaging those running the race every time they fall are fools. At least they are trying instead of sitting ignorantly assured of their own damnation
We are all inclined to a particular sin. No human was made perfect except for the Blessed Mother . But you who sit in the bleachers laughing and disparaging those running the race every time they fall are fools. At least they are trying instead of sitting ignorantly assured of their own damnation

You're misinterpreting the thread. Falwell is not a good man tripped up by his foibles. He's a POS con man that wants to make you think he's "running the race" because that scam has been financially lucrative for him. He just got a sweetheart golden parachute from Liberty. He's much more likely to spend it on blow and hoes than doing anything truly Christian.
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You're misinterpreting the thread. Falwell is not a good man tripped up by his foibles. He's a POS con man that wants to make you think he's "running the race" because that scam has been financially lucrative for him. He just got a sweetheart golden parachute from Liberty. He's much more likely to spend it on blow and hoes than doing anything truly Christian.
Very well could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, only God knows his heart. What I am calling out are the real wolves who can’t wait for ANY Christian to fall so they can devour him. They know who they are
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Very well could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, only God knows his heart. What I am calling out are the real wolves who can’t wait for ANY Christian to fall so they can devour him. They know who they are

If you're the kind of Christian who goes around claiming the moral high ground and you get caught up in some sticky situation like this then you deserve to be mocked.
This is pretty far from nitpicking Christians for minor slip-ups. So no, I wouldn't say I proved his point.

To say nothing of the fact that he put himself in the public limelight and capitalized monetarily off of it. This isn't waiting in the high grass to pounce on misfortune - this was a hypocrisy fireworks display everybody gets to comment on.
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This is pretty far from nitpicking Christians for minor slip-ups. So no, I wouldn't say I proved his point.

This is pretty far from nitpicking Christians for minor slip-ups. So no, I wouldn't say I proved his point.

Yea, you pretty much did prove his point. He didn't say anything about "nitpicking Christians for minor slip ups". I believe what he said was..."What I am calling out are the real wolves who can’t wait for ANY Christian to fall so they can devour him."

I mean, how far will it go past volunteering to let his wife go down on you while her husband watches?
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