Fraudulent Christians

I pray that all who open God's word whether through App, link or paper are lead by the Holy Spirit to interpret those words and find understanding and peace within.
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Shouldn’t a religious entity be consistent in its beliefs..... I think it’s ridiculous when a religious group tries to be “progressive” to change with the way the world changes.... a Christian,imo, should love the person(gay or not) but be against the sin.

That's the way I was raised in it by my parents and church affiliation. Those that like to pass judgement on us for proclaiming faith and being imperfect at the same time though should understand that none of are, can, or will be perfect.
Because, as Paul explains in Galatians 3:23-25, following Christ's sacrifice, Christians are no longer bound to Old Testament law.

If that's the case then perhaps homosexuality is now A-okay. What I'm discussing is the punishment for violating the law, i.e., death. The law itself is that homosexuality is a no-no.

But also, Jesus says in Matthew that he's come not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, whatever that means. Typically though, we think that Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins--so that we no longer have to sacrifice goats and stuff. This doesn't seem to address anything like wearing mixed fabrics, homosexuality, etc. And even Jesus' own disciples (Peter and Paul) argued over whether the old testament laws still applied.
Typically the catholic church sends it's child molesting priests to another diocese. No word on whether they receive a blessing during this process, or whether allowing them to continue to be priests is a de facto blessing. We'll have to stay tuned.
Typically that only happens if the local jurisdiction doesnt punish the priest. Strange as it sounds the Church doesnt have a branch that does punishment anymore. So there is very little they can do. Inquisition kinda left a bad taste in the mouth of an organization that preaches forgiveness.

The last two popes have made changes to how they handle the cases. In cases where the molestation is just alleged but not proved to church standards what you describe is what happens. They move the priest. If it is proven they typically either go to jail if the jurisdiction presses charges, or if they dont they get sent off to a cloister somewhere far from the general public.

It's a delicate line to preach forgiveness but then not practice it, so some who have been accused end up back around children. Which has lead to more molestation.

Nothing and no one is perfect, the Church makes an easy target being the largest of it's kind. Lord knows there are enough skeletons to fill every closet in the Vatican in the Church's history.
I won’t discuss this too far bc neither one of us are biblical scholars but one of the verses is from a parable and the other verse is from the Old only point was that churches shouldn’t change their beliefs based on the world.... if they do then it’s not really based on anything.
Lol all religions have changed their beliefs based on events in the world. The Catholic church is easy to point to because its one continuous line back to the start. Other churches just rebrand themselves when they make their changes so society doesnt get the same direct connection to compare changes too.
Is there any other entity that is attacked more for being hypocritical than the Christian Church? Where did this perception come from that Christians were different than the rest of the human population and were immune to hypocrisy?
Washing away sins concerns the afterlife though. The old testament prescribes the killing of gays, explicitly. There's nothing that says "okay, don't do that now" in the new testament--you have to interpret it that way, as you've done here. And if you're going to do that you might as well start blessing their unions.
Uh, plenty of examples of Christ forgiving sins in life. Case and point "let he is without sin cast the first stone" presumably Christ was without sin and if he was bound by all the same old testament laws should have picked up a stone and started the session all over again.

Not punishing a sin in this life is different than a sin becoming not a sin because of Christ.
Uh, plenty of examples of Christ forgiving sins in life. Case and point "let he is without sin cast the first stone" presumably Christ was without sin and if he was bound by all the same old testament laws should have picked up a stone and started the session all over again.

Not punishing a sin in this life is different than a sin becoming not a sin because of Christ.

Jesus saying "go out and sin no more" rather than advocating putting a woman to death hardly means to forget what the old testament says. Of course, the old testament also says "thou shall not kill" and then turns around and tells you to kill gays and all that. It's really all over the place.
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Is there any other entity that is attacked more for being hypocritical than the Christian Church? Where did this perception come from that Christians were different than the rest of the human population and were immune to hypocrisy?

It's the 2nd largest politically relevant and powerful group in the country, just barely behind whites. The biggest groups are the easiest targets for mockery, in a free-ish nation.
Jesus saying "go out and sin no more" rather than advocating putting a woman to death hardly means to forget what the old testament says. Of course, the old testament also says "thou shall not kill" and then turns around and tells you to kill gays and all that. It's really all over the place.
Stay in your lane
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Jesus saying "go out and sin no more" rather than advocating putting a woman to death hardly means to forget what the old testament says. Of course, the old testament also says "thou shall not kill" and then turns around and tells you to kill gays and all that. It's really all over the place.
Have you found one set of rules that fits life perfectly? Especially one dating back at least 2000 years, that has been translated at least three times?

Just because some things dont add up to you, doesnt mean they dont add up in some real world application. And further it doesnt invalidate the whole thing if your singular application doesnt match up to some preconceived notion you or others have.
Have you found one set of rules that fits life perfectly? Especially one dating back at least 2000 years, that has been translated at least three times?

This isn't a feature of the Bible but is rather more of a weakness. I don't know how this helps your point either.

Just because some things dont add up to you, doesnt mean they dont add up in some real world application. And further it doesnt invalidate the whole thing if your singular application doesnt match up to some preconceived notion you or others have.

Careful, that sword cuts both ways.
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Lol all religions have changed their beliefs based on events in the world. The Catholic church is easy to point to because its one continuous line back to the start. Other churches just rebrand themselves when they make their changes so society doesnt get the same direct connection to compare changes too.
Not really what I was referring too.... I was just saying if a church believes that the Bible or whatever it is based on...... shouldn’t change just bc something is becoming more popular in society.....The craziest church I ever attended had troll dolls lined across their altar.
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Is there any other entity that is attacked more for being hypocritical than the Christian Church? Where did this perception come from that Christians were different than the rest of the human population and were immune to hypocrisy?

The perception probably stemmed from them looking down their noses at the "sinners" from their high horses.

If you're going to gatekeep morality, you need to practice what you preach or you get mocked as a hypocrite.

'Judge not, lest ye be judged' kind of fits here too.
Not really what I was referring too.... I was just saying if a church believes that the Bible or whatever it is based on...... shouldn’t change just bc something is becoming more popular in society.....The craziest church I ever attended had troll dolls lined across their altar.

Dude, the churches are a strugglin.' If they don't adapt to the culture and climate, they'll be left behind even faster. If they have to make compromises along the way, so be it and If there was any consistency there wouldn't be 30,000+ Christian denominations trying to carve out whatever version of truth the cat drug in that day.
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The perception probably stemmed from them looking down their noses at the "sinners" from their high horses.

If you're going to gatekeep morality, you need to practice what you preach or you get mocked as a hypocrite.

'Judge not, lest ye be judged' kind of fits here too.
Would be great quote from you if you understood it
Would be great quote from you if you understood it

What makes you believe I don't?

Was I wrong in that it "kind of fits here too."

I understand that it applies here as it does in Mathew, if I'm wrong please elaborate on where I strayed..
Dude, the churches are a strugglin.' If they don't adapt to the culture and climate, they'll be left behind even faster. If they have to make compromises along the way, so be it and If there was any consistency there wouldn't be 30,000+ Christian denominations trying to carve out whatever version of truth the cat drug in that day.
Churches are suppose to struggle.... I’m just saying if you believe god says homosexuality is a sin...... that doesn’t change just bc you want to add membership.
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What makes you believe I don't?

Was I wrong in that it "kind of fits here too."

I understand that it applies here as it does in Mathew, if I'm wrong please elaborate on where I strayed..
It’s a proof text minus context.

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