Fraudulent Christians

There have been several allegations about self-dealing in his role at Liberty over the last year or two. If true, ripping off a Christian university founded by your father is probably more fraudulent than some stupid yacht pic. Its kind of crazy this is what got him in trouble.
I think the drunken phone call to the radio show explaining the picture was probably the last straw.
I didn't even know about the phone call. That's wild. Definitely not a good damage control strategy.
I just heard it on a podcast. I don’t know much about the Falwells, but he was obviously three sheets to the wind and I gather that is contradictory to their professed virtue.
Nah..... everyone sins but you can tell a real Christian from someone who “claims” to be a Christian.
You mean like you can tell Donald Trump isn’t one? I bet I could count the number of times he’s been to church in the last 30 years and I wouldn’t have to take off my socks to add up the number. And let’s not forget Two Corinthians.
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You mean like you can tell Donald Trump isn’t one? I bet I could count the number of times he’s been to church in the last 30 years and I wouldn’t have to take off my socks to add up the number. And let’s not forget Two Corinthians.

No one on here defends him as a Christian. Try again, but please try harder.
He didn’t brag about sexually assaulting women...... of Christians were only allowed to vote for Christians then they would not be allowed to vote for anyone.
Did you conveniently forget that he bragged on tape that he could grab women by the p—— any time he likes? Oh I forgot, that was just locker room talk. Something all righteous Christians should support ever day.
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Did you conveniently forget that he bragged on tape that he could grab women by the p—— any time he likes? Oh I forgot, that was just locker room talk. Something all righteous Christians should support ever day.
I’m not a righteous Christian and anyone that is not idiotic knows that is just trash talk with the boys..... it has happened from the beginning of time and will continue to the end of time.
OK, so then you just like to support someone with the morals and ethics of a gutter rat? Is that hard enough?
The biggest knock on KH (other than her having an affair with her old boss to get promoted) is that she was absolutely brutal as a pitbull DA that locked up errbody and their Mama for long, long terms...including a boatload of long sentences for Maijuana related crimes back before legalization. The materials I have read said she was particularly beastly when prosecuting black folks...even for nonviolent charges....

I know that it will not matter to liberal poons like Corn Pop...and the "black community" ....they will vote for racist Joe Biden and pit bull Kamala Harris even if they went on a Bonnie and Clyde road trip tomorrow robbing black-owned businesses and doing drive-by shootings in all black neighborhoods. Who they are doesnt matter. It isnt Trump. That is all that matters to the pea brained Dimwits.....

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program. Just passing a little info about these Dimwit socialist windbags....God have mercy on us all.
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Did you conveniently forget that he bragged on tape that he could grab women by the p—— any time he likes? Oh I forgot, that was just locker room talk. Something all righteous Christians should support ever day.

I dont think any of condone it but we understand it's how life is.

His comment, atkeast the way I took it, was that due to his wealth and/celebrity there are many women who will allow him to do anything sexually he wants. I would use his current wife and past wives and mistresses as an example of why he feels this way and that often times he may be correct.

Honestly, how many of these women would give him a second thought if he wasn't wealthy.

Does it make it right? No. But it's the world we live in and I view him solely as a business owner and not a religious or moral leader.

Now if my preacher said this...I am calling for him to be gone immediately.

But if my accountant says this I honestly dont care.

I place both in different categories and have different expectations for both.

His comment was just him being honest about his personal experiences.
I dont think any of condone it but we understand it's how life is.

His comment, atkeast the way I took it, was that due to his wealth and/celebrity there are many women who will allow him to do anything sexually he wants. I would use his current wife and past wives and mistresses as an example of why he feels this way and that often times he may be correct.

Honestly, how many of these women would give him a second thought if he wasn't wealthy.

Does it make it right? No. But it's the world we live in and I view him solely as a business owner and not a religious or moral leader.

Now if my preacher said this...I am calling for him to be gone immediately.

But if my accountant says this I honestly dont care.

I place both in different categories and have different expectations for both.

His comment was just him being honest about his personal experiences.

What are your criteria for determining whether someone is fit to be president?

If business acumen is it then why not someone like Pablo Escobar or Bernie Madoff?
The evangelical support of Donald Trump has to be the biggest hypocrisy in political support in recent memory. At least with GWB it was genuine. Trump is just literally telling you what you want to hear, nothing in his past, nothing, suggests he believes any of it.

At some point the evangelicals have to just admit Jesus has nothing to do with it and it is republicans that are the true religion.

Flame away.
The evangelical support of Donald Trump has to be the biggest hypocrisy in political support in recent memory. At least with GWB it was genuine. Trump is just literally telling you what you want to hear, nothing in his past, nothing, suggests he believes any of it.

At some point the evangelicals have to just admit Jesus has nothing to do with it and it is republicans that are the true religion.

Flame away.

I'd agree.

I was never a democrat, as to one simple reason, growing up, seeing my dad, who came from nothing, poorer than poor and a real woe is me boo hoo upbringing outside Allentown, PA, and worked and sacrificed to make a life for himself, and I remember seeing a quarterly check he had to pay to the IRS, and, on this issue alone I was never a Dem. But, I was never a Rep. either.

I do not think it is in support of Trump, or party, it's opposition to the other side that wins out. Weighted scale of pick your poison.

One side wins because the other stands for something contrary.
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Whether someone is fit to be president and whether they are elected to office are different matters, but okay.

So, and let me get this straight, the people are not making that decision with the cast ballot? I mean, if they think that someone is not "fit" to be in an office, they vote for him/her anyway?
So, and let me get this straight, the people are not making that decision with the cast ballot? I mean, if they think that someone is not "fit" to be in an office, they vote for him/her anyway?

This seems rather circular. They are fit to be president because they are elected and they are elected because they are fit to be president?

You think that there has never been an official that was elected to anything that wasn't fit to be in office?
I absolutely do, but that is how our system works. But the inference on Trump being "unfit" is just because his side lost and Trump rubs people the wrong way.
So, and let me get this straight, the people are not making that decision with the cast ballot? I mean, if they think that someone is not "fit" to be in an office, they vote for him/her anyway?

Again, that someone is elected is not what I'm interested in. I'm asking how YOU differentiate between candidates. Surely you dont arbitrarily choose one rather than another--you have a reason for doing so--based perhaps on qualities one candidate has or lacks. What particular qualities make someone worth voting for?
I absolutely do, but that is how our system works. But the inference on Trump being "unfit" is just because his side lost and Trump rubs people the wrong way.
No, many non-Dems also believe Trump is unfit for the position
So, and let me get this straight, the people are not making that decision with the cast ballot? I mean, if they think that someone is not "fit" to be in an office, they vote for him/her anyway?

Yes. They elected US Grant, Warren G Harding and a slew of others who were popular but not true presidential material. I don't know of anyone who honestly thought Trump was fit to be President.

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