Fraudulent Christians

As long as we elect officials the way we do, and I agree that most are elected by the votes of an uneducated electorate, there will be people elected that some think are unfit. Change the system or live with the results until time to vote again, is our only option, barring criminal activity. The "he is unfit" is easy to arm chair AFTER an election.

There was enough prior to his win to point out how unfit he was, especially when he spoke.

Trump's plan to seize Iraq's oil: 'It's not stealing, we're reimbursing ourselves'
Not to hijack TD's thread, but as has been discussed in previous threads, I don't see how the U.S. doesn't split into self-governed regions at some point. Think about it like Conferences in College football. Some will suck and some won't.
they might not be wrong.
There was a time when the people of Israel wanted a king instead of the government of judges G-d had set up. So G-d gave them what they wanted and appointed a donkey keeper as king. If you don’t know the story then you don’t understand why I think Trump just might be that same gift from G-d.
I know the story. I also know we already had a constitutional Republic including an executive branch so creating a monarchy out of the blue isn't the same thing
Is the joke because the Bible isn't backwards and/or because neither one of them would touch a Bible?

Is it an improvement to parade around with a Bible to try to convince people that you're actually a Christian so they'll support you?
Is the joke because the Bible isn't backwards and/or because neither one of them would touch a Bible?

On further examination it's either upside down (with the bookmark ribbon doubled over)or doesn't have the name on the front. Either way, how do we know its even a Bible. How do we know it's not a Necronomicon and Trump is a satanic ping pong person too?

Edit: second part of your question, i would suspect Trump doesn't get his hands on a Bible anymore than Obama or Hillary (unless there's a photo op at hand).
Is it an improvement to parade around with a Bible to try to convince people that you're actually a Christian so they'll support you?
I wasn't sure if the comment was sarcasm or not, that's why I asked.

But as far as you're question, obviously to some it's not, they don't want to even see a Bible no matter who's holding or how they're holding it. To some, I guess it could be. It doesn't effect me either way.
On further examination it's either upside down (with the bookmark ribbon doubled over)or doesn't have the name on the front. Either way, how do we know its even a Bible. How do we know it's not a Necronomicon and Trump is a satanic ping pong person too?

Edit: second part of your question, i would suspect Trump doesn't get his hands on a Bible anymore than Obama or Hillary (unless there's a photo op at hand).
I honestly wasn't sure if your comment was a trap, so I was asking to be sure.

I'm sure it's upside down, backwards with the ribbon markers doubled over, satanic, secrets to the three sea shells in the bathroom and scratch and sniff. No way it's just a Bible.
On further examination it's either upside down (with the bookmark ribbon doubled over)or doesn't have the name on the front. Either way, how do we know its even a Bible. How do we know it's not a Necronomicon and Trump is a satanic ping pong person too?

Edit: second part of your question, i would suspect Trump doesn't get his hands on a Bible anymore than Obama or Hillary (unless there's a photo op at hand).
It's backwards and upside down just like Trump and his supporters.
I honestly wasn't sure if your comment was a trap, so I was asking to be sure.

I'm sure it's upside down, backwards with the ribbon markers doubled over, satanic, secrets to the three sea shells in the bathroom and scratch and sniff. No way it's just a Bible.

I was being sarcastic to some extent, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if the roles were reversed and some weird theory started making the rounds.
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So liberals here cannot figure out why Christians do not want to vote for the pro-abortion, pro-gay everything, anti-religion party (*except islam strangely).....

Yet yall always claim to be the brilliant folks, and us conservatives are just a bunch of dumb hicks with our "guns and Bibles".

If Trump is Saul, who's David? Don Jr. or Eric? Maybe Ivanka in these modern times.

trump isn’t Saul.
Nobody said trump was Saul.
Behr asked if the reference was Saul.
But I’m sure if you spent some time on it you could figure out the similarities in the 2 situations and the 2 possible outcomes.

either way G-d has a habit of letting people have things they think they want but turn out to be a lesson on why you really didn’t want that to begin with.
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trump isn’t Saul.
Nobody said trump was Saul.
Behr asked if the reference was Saul.
But I’m sure if you spent some time on it you could figure out the similarities in the 2 situations and the 2 possible outcomes.

either way G-d has a habit of letting people have things they think they want but turn out to be a lesson on why you really didn’t want that to begin with.
So you think Trump is some kind of fascist then, undermining Democratic institutions that have developed over centuries and replacing them with short sighted, self-serving ones that are something like a south american banana republic?
So liberals here cannot figure out why Christians do not want to vote for the pro-abortion, pro-gay everything, anti-religion party (*except islam strangely).....

Yet yall always claim to be the brilliant folks, and us conservatives are just a bunch of dumb hicks with our "guns and Bibles".

Some ARE dumb hicks for actually believing that crap the Geriatric Olds Party craps out . lmao

Christians vote Dem. Conservative white Evangelicals are republicans. That is what you mean I guess. More black people are Christian and go to church more than white people. They vote Dem.

The actual "Silent majority" has many in conservative white churches that vote Dem but don't voice it openly.

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