Fraudulent Christians

In the Bible it was actually closer to 12%, not 10%. The 10% is crucial because you are suppose to give back to the church and the church is suppose to then turn around and use it to help the poor and advance the ministry. The issue is many, many, many churches have not done this and this is evil.

All churches should show where their money goes and how it is being spent. If it's going into the preachers pocket and he is on a yacht or suddenly flying around in a private plane then that church has lost it's way.

You dont go into the ministry to become rich.

Most churches do that. It's called a church budget. And a monthly statement of giving vs. expenses.
In the Bible it was actually closer to 12%, not 10%. The 10% is crucial because you are suppose to give back to the church and the church is suppose to then turn around and use it to help the poor and advance the ministry. The issue is many, many, many churches have not done this and this is evil.

All churches should show where their money goes and how it is being spent. If it's going into the preachers pocket and he is on a yacht or suddenly flying around in a private plane then that church has lost it's way.

You dont go into the ministry to become rich.
In this world, with gold
Isn't that the thing though, or a thing with the Evangelists/Televangelists. Where they encourage people to make a monetary pledge with the promise of being paid back exponentially by God or Jesus or whoever?

Might be a stretch to say that Christianity has been a Ponzi scheme, in general, but the the idea if you do these things now, you will be richly rewarded later, doesn't seem too far off.

Do people profit off religion? Yes, across all religions

Are all Christians bad? No and we all fall short of the glory of God.

The OP is making a sad attempt to paint with a broad brush
Do people profit off religion? Yes, across all religions

Are all Christians bad? No and we all fall short of the glory of God.

The OP is making a sad attempt to paint with a broad brush

Yes, and it isn't so bad as that. There are plenty of great examples of modest churches that serve their communities etc. But of course there are also ubiquitous examples of, what I would consider, greed and decadence.
The point? Does this "get" all of us Christians, and we're all bad now? I mean goodness, if one is a fraud, then it applies to all? In fairness, can we apply this to all religions? Do you think all Muslims are terrorists? Cause I can post some stories and pics. Are they all child rapists? Wife beaters? I can go on with other religions, just curious why some of you completely ignore those, and dig for anything you can find to make Christians look bad.
I've known all kinds of frauds, they cover many religions. When Jim Jones literally went off the deep end and took 800+ lives with him I was very young. It made a considerable impression.
I've known all kinds of frauds, they cover many religions. When Jim Jones literally went off the deep end and took 800+ lives with him I was very young. It made a considerable impression.
That story has always amazed me at how people followed him.
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Yes, and it isn't so bad as that. There are plenty of great examples of modest churches that serve their communities etc. But of course there are also ubiquitous examples of, what I would consider, greed and decadence.
If he left it at Jerry Fallwell is a loathsome hypocrite we could all agree. But he couldn't resist trying to take a shot against Christians in general
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That story has always amazed me at how people followed him.
Yes, he was the worst of us all. I'm not a big fan of people setting themselves up as prophets or gods.
If ever there was a person who should cause righteous indignation. It was Jim Jones.
In the Bible it was actually closer to 12%, not 10%. The 10% is crucial because you are suppose to give back to the church and the church is suppose to then turn around and use it to help the poor and advance the ministry. The issue is many, many, many churches have not done this and this is evil.

All churches should show where their money goes and how it is being spent. If it's going into the preachers pocket and he is on a yacht or suddenly flying around in a private plane then that church has lost it's way.

You dont go into the ministry to become rich.

Not to become rich but to have direct, "Godly" access to wealth, absolutely.
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Those were the cool libs. Today’s libs are more like fascists.
No. It's people who confuse liberalism with progressivism. Right wingers have bastardized the meaning of liberalism. There are still millions of people who espouse classic liberalism, which is a centered ideology

FYI...fascism is a extreme right wing ideology
No. It's people who confuse liberalism with progressivism. Right wingers have bastardized the meaning of liberalism. There are still millions of people who espouse classic liberalism, which is a centered ideology

FYI...fascism is a extreme right wing ideology
If anyone has bastardized classic liberalism, it is the liberals of today, who have hardly anything meaningful in common with classic liberals.
And thanks for the info on fascism, I never would have gleaned that from the multitude of books I’ve read on the subject. Although liberals do share a lot of common traits with fascists, such as stifling dissenting opinion, indoctrination and propaganda, wanting to disarm the populace, thugs roaming the streets, government control of industry, etc.
If anyone has bastardized classic liberalism, it is the liberals of today, who have hardly anything meaningful in common with classic liberals.
And thanks for the info on fascism, I never would have gleaned that from the multitude of books I’ve read on the subject. Although liberals do share a lot of common traits with fascists, such as stifling dissenting opinion, indoctrination and propaganda, wanting to disarm the populace, thugs roaming the streets, government control of industry, etc.
You're speaking of progressives. I disagree with inital statement. Bill O'Reilly, a conservative, would correct the right wingers who would come on his show and label progressives as liberals. That was back during the last decade. We didn't see that error as frequently before the 2000s
Not to become rich but to have direct, "Godly" access to wealth, absolutely.

I agree.

Anyone giving to the church hoping it comes back 10 fold money wise is giving for the wrong reasons.

You give to help others in need and hope that the church can facilitate this better than you can.

If the church is keeping it beyond reasonable needs then that church sucks.
I agree. Anyone giving to the church hoping it comes back 10 fold money wise is giving for the wrong reasons. You give to help others in need and hope that the church can facilitate this better than you can. If the church is keeping it beyond reasonable needs then that church sucks.

IME, RomCath for 25 years, I saw ppl giving to save their souls or so they thought. Not so much about redistribution purposes.
IME, RomCath for 25 years, I saw ppl giving to save their souls or so they thought. Not so much about redistribution purposes.

Tithing doesnt save your soul as I expect u already knew per your post.

It is just living christlike and helping others.

I fall under the believe that the church should be the center of the city and not government and both widows and homeless should be supported by church members and not government but I am probably in the minority here.

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