Fraudulent Christians

As long as we elect officials the way we do, and I agree that most are elected by the votes of an uneducated electorate, there will be people elected that some think are unfit. Change the system or live with the results until time to vote again, is our only option, barring criminal activity. The "he is unfit" is easy to arm chair AFTER an election.
What are your criteria for determining whether someone is fit to be president?

If business acumen is it then why not someone like Pablo Escobar or Bernie Madoff?

Well breaking the law kind of knocks you out.

Do you feel JFK was less of a womanizer than Trump?

Was LBJ less infatuated with his penis than Trump?

Was Clinton less of a cheat than Trump?
Well breaking the law kind of knocks you out.

Do you feel JFK was less of a womanizer than Trump?

Was LBJ less infatuated with his penis than Trump?

Was Clinton less of a cheat than Trump?

If you compartmentalize his specific moral failings and compare with similar ones from other presidents I'm sure you've got a reasonable point. When taken cumulatively though, I think there is no comparison. I've never seen any other president make fun of a disabled person publicly, for instance. I've not seen any president opine on the physical features of random women he encounters (or his daughters!) and grade them on a scale of 1 to 10. We know that he used state business to essentially blackmail a foreign country into investigating his political rival. This is the person we've trusted with the keys to our nuclear arsenal. He lacks maturity like no one before him has and makes us all look stupid for electing him.
If you compartmentalize his specific moral failings and compare with similar ones from other presidents I'm sure you've got a reasonable point. When taken cumulatively though, I think there is no comparison. I've never seen any other president make fun of a disabled person publicly, for instance. I've not seen any president opine on the physical features of random women he encounters (or his daughters!) and grade them on a scale of 1 to 10. We know that he used state business to essentially blackmail a foreign country into investigating his political rival. This is the person we've trusted with the keys to our nuclear arsenal. He lacks maturity like no one before him has and makes us all look stupid for electing him.
um you realize that literally everything you stated has been done several times by former Presidents on both sides
Well, I think Trump and Falwell are symptoms of the same disease. Christians have a history of falling for charlatans who say the right things but don't do the right things. Falwell is but the latest in a long line of corrupt Christian leaders like Tony Alamo, Jim Bakker or Warren Jeffs.
Fair number of "reverends" have enriched themselves this way.
If Christianity is as evil as some of you believe, shouldn’t you embrace rather than criticize fraudulent Christians?
No but i am also realistic to the failings of human beings, not just the ones who i agree with politically

Clearly I'm being unreasonable in classifying a politician exploiting their power for personal gain as being more serious than a lapse of judgment.
The evangelical support of Donald Trump has to be the biggest hypocrisy in political support in recent memory. At least with GWB it was genuine. Trump is just literally telling you what you want to hear, nothing in his past, nothing, suggests he believes any of it.

At some point the evangelicals have to just admit Jesus has nothing to do with it and it is republicans that are the true religion.

Flame away.
So they should vote for the guy who openly opposes their views because the other guy is just giving lip service too it?

So in this senecio Biden is a double order of **** and trump is a single scoop of **** with sprinkles. I’m not surprised at all that they want less **** with sprinkles. Why are you confused by it?
So they should vote for the guy who openly opposes their views because the other guy is just giving lip service too it?

So in this senecio Biden is a double order of **** and trump is a single scoop of **** with sprinkles. I’m not surprised at all that they want less **** with sprinkles. Why are you confused by it?
Then they need to stop with the "Trump's election was a miracle from God" crap. To me that is the most telling part of what they're really about.
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Then they need to stop with the "Trump's election was a miracle from God" crap. To me that is the most telling part of what they're really about.

they might not be wrong.
There was a time when the people of Israel wanted a king instead of the government of judges G-d had set up. So G-d gave them what they wanted and appointed a donkey keeper as king. If you don’t know the story then you don’t understand why I think Trump just might be that same gift from G-d.
they might not be wrong.
There was a time when the people of Israel wanted a king instead of the government of judges G-d had set up. So G-d gave them what they wanted and appointed a donkey keeper as king. If you don’t know the story then you don’t understand why I think Trump just might be that same gift from G-d.
Saul. Interesting.
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Sorry, didn't know I was helping.

It's interesting to me because as you know Ive been studying him, Samuel and David for a few weeks, and until just now I didn't think about that.
I’ve been thinking it for about 2 years now.

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