Fulmer Debate II

if that were true (it's absurd but we'll play the what if game anyways) then isn't that on the coaches? And since this is the 'Fulmer Debate' thread.....

It is... and you are right.. Coaching such as that is part of why he's no longer coaching!
All you Fulmer haters gotta admit though, that its pretty impressive how well he's doing with his current football program. I mean, everyone thought that they were crazy for hiring him, "the game has passed him by," "he's too complacent," blah, blah, blah, blah.

Who's laughing now? He'll probably win his conference this season. That that negavols!

Boyd or Bryce Petty would be quarterback here..Chavis would be here and would be top 10
If Coach Fulmer so obviously needed to be fired, why do so many feel the need to spend so much time defending their negative opinions of him 5 years after the fact? Something doesn't add up.:whistling:
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Jonathan Crompton would disagree. It appeared Fulmer had basically given up on him in 2008. He had some bad games but Kiffin worked with him, stuck with him and he was was drafted by San Diego and now playing in the CFL.

Do you think he would have had a shot in pro ball standing on the sidelines with Fulmer?

So basically you're saying we would be worse off with Fulmer than suffering through Kiffin and Dooley? Sorry you feel that way.
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I actually enjoyed getting emails from Phillip talking about the team. Now I don't get updates. What head coach does that. He does love the vols though
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I just have one question for those who blame/hate Fulmer. Does anybody think we would be any worse off if Fulmer was never fired? If he would have been kept until we got Butch, how could we be any worse? Keep in mind that Kiffin won with Fulmers players.

Not me.

We would have meet bama in seccg. At least once.
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Making horrible hires does not make Fulmer a better coach. Hindsight is 20/20. Who knew Hammy could be that incompetent. Saying Fulmer vs. Kiffin/Dooley is really a false dichotomy.
I still remember all the Vol fans saying Meyer's offense wouldn't fly in the SEC.
I actually enjoyed getting emails from Phillip talking about the team. Now I don't get updates. What head coach does that. He does love the vols though
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You still get them....it's called Twitter.
Scoring against Vandy's D:

1995: USCjr-52, UF-38, ND-41, Ark-35 (out of 11 games only 1 team, La Tech, scored fewer)
1996: bama-36, LSU-35, SCjr-27, Kentucky-25 (out of 11 games only 1 team scored fewer and 1 scored the same)
1997: SCjr-35, UGA-34 (out of 11 games only 3 teams scored fewer)

so if you're going to make a statement about the great D UT faced then what happened in the rest of Vandy's games? Or maybe you're also making the claim that UT's offense from 95-97 was on par with teams like TCU, UK, N Texas and UAB

Here are still the facts:
1. Widenhofer was a good pass defensive coach with NFL background from the Steelers-type system that would also give Manning trouble in the early stage of his NFL career;
2. Vandy had 5 of its back 7 in pass defense make the league off those rosters from 95-97;
3. Vandy's pass defense ranked in the top-25 in many stats consistently during that time period.
Just the fact that Five years later and we are still debating Hamiltons, decision is proof enough that it was a mistake to fire Fulmer.
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Just the fact that Five years later and we are still debating Hamiltons, decision is proof enough that it was a mistake to fire Fulmer.

Exactly. The past 5 years (assuming UT wins out) the UT record is 29-33. Fulmers last 5 "terrible" years he was 39-24...and actually had 3 top 25 rankings. The last time UT was a top 10 team was 2001..
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So butch is going to have a 5-7 or 6-6 year....so he's only allowed one more bad year right?

That's all fulmer got....

So if he goes anything less then 8-5 next year, he should be fired....right?
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So butch is going to have a 5-7 or 6-6 year....so he's only allowed one more bad year right?

That's all fulmer got....

So if he goes anything less then 8-5 next year, he should be fired....right?

No. That formula only works if you win the SEC and/or National Title. Unless Butch pulls one of those off he is F#cked!:)
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Exactly. The past 5 years (assuming UT wins out) the UT record is 29-33. Fulmers last 5 "terrible" years he was 39-24...and actually had 3 top 25 rankings. The last time UT was a top 10 team was 2001..

Yes, and if I remember correctly. In 2001, Tennessee, was just a breathe away from winning the SEC again to go face a Miami team that I have no doubt we would have kicked their A$$. I wonder if this thread would even exist today?
So butch is going to have a 5-7 or 6-6 year....so he's only allowed one more bad year right?

That's all fulmer got....

So if he goes anything less then 8-5 next year, he should be fired....right?

There hasn't been enough time to see how Jones is going to do. Fulmers last 5, 6, 7 years was enough to see that the program was going in the tank! Hammy did right by pulling the trigger. If he hadn't we would be right here right now anyway except we wouldn't be moving foward!
17 years. 15 of 8 or more wins. 2 losing seasons during that time. Hard to fire this coach. Unless you have better lined up. But as we can see, better wasn't lined up. So the firing of Fulmer looks like a knee jerk reaction instead of a plan to get better.
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A true victim of his own success. He spoiled the fans. Then, just like spoiled fans, when CPF had a bad year he must be fired.
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