Hiring the wrong coach is in no way, vindication to Fulmer.
There were plenty of good young coaches that were willing to take the job in 2008! We chose the wrong one. He wowed a dumbfounded Hamilton. No disrespect to him, but he fell for Kiffin's presentation at the main interview. He didn't make the decision to hire him, but he presented a strong case at his presentation to the board. Kiffin, initially, looked like a great hire. He was demanding in training, so much that a couple of nonperforming malcontents left the program. That's right, Langley and the offensive lineman that transferred to Middle Tenn, both were nonperforming malcontents and the only two that left the team that MIGHT have been significant contributors. As it turned out, neither survived at their ultimate destination. Kiffin built some equity early as he was also showing up around players' classrooms early in the semester, making sure guys were attending class. We were all pumped. If you weren't, you don't love UT football. As it turned out, it was all a farce. His "great" recruiting class turned sour in retention value. His "cutting edge" recruiting methods attracted the interest of the NCAA, although nothing he ever did here could actually rise to a major sanctioning penalty. Still, we're glad he's no longer here. The subsequent hire, Derek Dooley, wasn't quite up to the task. His methods, while seemingly disciplined and organized, didn't work out. That was the tough hire! Kiffin leaving us so abruptly was perplexing. Maybe Sumlin wanted it. Who really knows? Dooley seemed like the guy that MIGHT get it done. It didn't work, but of course, that doesn't mean he hasn't forgotten more than most of us will ever know about the game, it just means he wasn't ready for the unbelievable challenge of rebuilding the program. If we still had 2/3 of the triumvirate that left from the offense(Bray, Hunter and Patterson), we would be 3-1 right now.
Fulmer rightly isn't the coach anymore for good reason. That doesn't erase his great years or vindicate him as a coach. It's reality.
I full confidence we got this last hire right!
CBJ is doing all the right things. Let's get behind him.