Fulmer was on the verge of

Unfortunately, he also started the Vol for year program.
Deion Bonner
Dante Phillips
Davante Bourque

Happens to every program on a yearly basis. I don't fault him too much for those guys bolting. Keep in mind, Croom and Ms Terry really liked Dools. Other players? Can't say.
Snyder left a winner and came back a winner. I don't see the connection.
Originally Posted by chattavol420
Im calling total bs on this one! In the history of college football...has a coach ever been fired and then rehired at the same school within a 4 year period? doubt it

I answered a post that said a coach had not left a program and returned within four years..Snyder did..Not making a "connection", just stating a fact....
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Remember the time when CDD came in to lead the Volunteers to a comeback victory in the Bourbon Bowl?...Of course you don't

Somebody's gonna have to coach up this thread.

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1 year removed from playing for the SEC championship. How have the replacements worked out so far?

Not well seeing that that "great" championship roster was completely gone by '10 and pretty much replaced by nothing thanks to Fulmer. I say "great" because they were beaten handily by a poor Cal team, thumped by the only two really good teams they played (UF/Bama), benefited from a tougher West schedule by UF, and pretty much beat no one who was very good unless you count UGA. Only Les Miles' coaching could make that CG close.

You are deluded if you think that "performance" was ANY indication that Fulmer had the program headed in the right direction... and even that was totally dependent on Cut saving Fulmer from his own pride and failings.
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I don't miss a damn thing about him. I wish him well, but seriously glad he's gone. Only cool thing he ever did was catch the out of bounds ball Bray threw. Oh and slam his cane on the ground in frustration lol
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I don't miss a damn thing about him. I wish him well, but seriously glad he's gone. Only cool thing he ever did was catch the out of bounds ball Bray threw. Oh and slam his cane on the ground in frustration lol

Even if you hated him, it was hard not to find something to laugh at him about.
Hope he took that dark cloud with him when he left. Dude was snake bit plain and simple.
I think you are right. Treated much better than CPF.

Yeah. Poor ol' Phil. Had to live on that buy out...

Fulmer took a NC program and in 7 years made it a national joke. One of the most talented rosters went 5-6 due to nothing more nor less than poor coaching and leadership. He got a reprieve which IMO he had earned. He got a chance to make things right. Cut agreed to come back short term and help him. As it turned out, Cut carried him a couple more years. Fulmer didn't use the time to change. Cut left. Fulmer failed again and was asked to leave.

He was treated fairly and managed properly (except for the big buyout he got in his last contract).

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