Fulmer was on the verge of

152-52 Sec NC HOF. Please check the definition of failing and check back with me.

A tale of two... maybe 3 careers.

1992-2001.... 95-20 (83%)

2002-2008.... 57-32 (64%)

Worse yet... the period that led to the long walk through the desert UT has experienced... 2005-2008... 29-21 (58%). He was getting worse and rather than realizing that he needed to change, he mocked his critics. During the heat of the 2008 debacle, he famously told someone who asked him a tough question that "We have won alot of games around here doing what we are doing so we aren't going to change now".

His recruiting had become ineffective as well.
Originally Posted by chattavol420
Im calling total bs on this one! In the history of college football...has a coach ever been fired and then rehired at the same school within a 4 year period? doubt it

I answered a post that said a coach had not left a program and returned within four years..Snyder did..Not making a "connection", just stating a fact....

He clearly asked about coaches being fired...not leaving. Those two verbs mean very different things.
1 year removed from playing for the SEC championship. How have the replacements worked out so far?

Same number of SEC championships as Fulmer had this century. Same record against Florida and Alabama as Fulmer's last couple of years.

But yeah, you got us. Aging mediocrity is better than total incompetence. But really, why would you want either?
In all seriousness, the worst possible thing about Dooley being canned is that tickets won't be as cheap anymore.
Gonna miss Dooley too mainly because of the following:
ability to get players motivated
2nd half adjustments
4th quarter management
in state recruiting domination
sustained success against rivals like UK and Vandy
Stealing recruits from Furman, WKU and the Citadel
making orange pants cool
warm welcome to former players
keeeping Neyland packed
accountability after EVERY loss
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Gonna miss Dooley too mainly because of the following:
ability to get players motivated
2nd half adjustments
4th quarter management
in state recruiting domination
sustained success against rivals like UK and Vandy
Stealing recruits from Furman, WKU and the Citadel
making orange pants cool

Don't forget his game and clock managements skills, and who can forget his uncanny ability to count to 11? :)
Same number of SEC championships as Fulmer had this century. Same record against Florida and Alabama as Fulmer's last couple of years.

But yeah, you got us. Aging mediocrity is better than total incompetence. But really, why would you want either?

Agree in principle but do you really think so? Most people have no problem getting rid of incompetence. It is that mediocre guy who never quite does enough to help you succeed but never does quite enough to obviously warrant firing either that is the most frustrating. If you let them be that is.

Hold a high standard. Don't let it drop. Don't accept 6, 5, and 5 win seasons... but don't accept being an "also ran" either.
Two losing seasons in 4 years at a school with the resources UT provides its HFC... is a failure.

Not to mention that PF had no top ten teams his last eight years (two graduating classes) and his teams didn't even make the top twenty three of those eight years. Pretty dismal record going out.
Gonna miss him next week at SEC media days. If nothing else he was good for some laughs when he spoke. I'm as excited as anybody to have Butch Jones but I don't think he will be delivering any funny punch lines next week. The sad thing about Dooley was that the he was also putting a joke on the field. You have to admit he was a funny guy though. Let the bashing begin....just for bringing up Dools again.

Dooleyisms: Memorable sayings from former UT head coach Derek Dooley - YouTube

I am holding back a bunch in an honest effort not to get banned, but if that's what you care about we don't need you. Were you laughing when his team quit against Kensuckey or Candy? I reject your stance and hope this thread is dispatched like a rabid raccoon. Moronic, seriously moronic. I say this before even looking at what others have posted in response. Jmo. Gth, and go away and never post ridiculous crap like this ever again. I hate that man more than anyone ever associated with the UT football program. Ban away mods I mean what I say here and I do not hide behind a fake facade.
His f'n dad won due to creating a favorable schedule for himself. Go back and look. This thread makes me hella mad.
You Dooley haters are incredible. All Vince did was win 6 SEC titles, one National Championship, was named Coach of the Year, went to a total of 8 Sugar and Cotton Bowls( 2 of the big 3 bowls Georgia was eligible for in his era), along with numerous other bowls, and went undefeated in the SEC for 3 straight years.

Vince Dooley took his Georgia team to 20 bowl games in 25 years, and he road his "weak schedule" to five years having his team ranked in the top 5 of the country at the end of the year.
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Fulmer was on the verge of

greatness having won the first ever BCSNCG, yet another prized recruiting class ('99) coming in. The expectation was for Tennessee to defend it's NC Title, sports best analysts speculated just how dominant and powerful Tennessee could become ... then something totally unexpected happened, CPF, amongst other things became complacent. The slide began ...

The University of Tennessee Six Time National Champions

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Gonna miss him next week at SEC media days. If nothing else he was good for some laughs when he spoke. I'm as excited as anybody to have Butch Jones but I don't think he will be delivering any funny punch lines next week. The sad thing about Dooley was that the he was also putting a joke on the field. You have to admit he was a funny guy though. Let the bashing begin....just for bringing up Dools again.

Dooleyisms: Memorable sayings from former UT head coach Derek Dooley - YouTube

I can live without the comedy routine...Much rather wins some games. :salute:
You Dooley haters are incredible. All Vince did was win 6 SEC titles, one National Championship, was named Coach of the Year, went to a total of 8 Sugar and Cotton Bowls( 2 of the big 3 bowls Georgia was eligible for in his era), along with numerous other bowls, and went undefeated in the SEC for 3 straight years.

Look at out of conference games played and his overall opponents win/loss record. The guy was lucky at best and his son got nothing resembling the luck gene. I am about to go full redneck on this thread. Incredible Hulk angry.
Look at out of conference games played and his overall opponents win/loss record. The guy was lucky at best and his son got nothing resembling the luck gene. I am about to go full redneck on this thread. Incredible Hulk angry.
I take it you aren't old enough to have gone to Athens Georgia like I did, to see his team beat Tennessee 44-0. Maybe you aren't old enough to have seen his 1968 team come into Neyland like I did, and tie one on Tennessee's best ever teams that finished #8 in the country that year. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you have no idea what you are talking about.
I take it you aren't old enough to have gone to Athens Georgia like I did, to see his team beat Tennessee 44-0. Maybe you aren't old enough to have seen his 1968 team come into Neyland like I did, and tie one on Tennessee's best ever teams that finished #8 in the country that year. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you have no idea what you are talking about.

Born in 74', done enough research though. What was UT's overall record when they lost 44-0?

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