Fulmer was on the verge of

SIAP. The OP didn't make this rumor up. At some point in December I heard this exact same thing on the radio. I never gave it much credit because I was sold on Gruden by our illustrious "insiders".

Either way, this is something that was said verbatim during the coaching search. I just don't remember where I heard it or whom said it. Do I believe it? In hindsight it seems at least as plausible as the Grumors if not more.

I do remember seeing Fulmers daughter say on Twitter that she knew someone who would take the UT job alluding that her dad was ready to come back. I think there was some discussion surrounding that tweet that mentioned he had talked to some potential staff.
Was Fulmer really that good of a coach? Or did he surround himself with successful coordinator's? I think Fulmer was mediocre coach that had some good coordinator's that helped him out big time during the good times. Another Fulmer downfall was the recruiting pipeline. When Richt came in and kept a lot of Georgia's talent in state, and with South Carolina's program improving we lost a lot of our recruiting territory.

All successful managers/leaders surround themselves with quality assistants. IMO, Fulmer's fatal flaw was loyalty to poor assistants or an inability to recognize the difference. By Sanders' 3rd season as OC, Fulmer should have had him on notice- improve or go. There had been a notable drop off that never bounced back following RS taking over for Cut. Fulmer didn't do that... which got him to 2005.... which got him to 2008.

If Fulmer sends Sanders packing BEFORE talent declined so badly... say after 2002... then he would still be the coach and probably still competing (really) for championships.
SIAP. The OP didn't make this rumor up. At some point in December I heard this exact same thing on the radio. I never gave it much credit because I was sold on Gruden by our illustrious "insiders".

Either way, this is something that was said verbatim during the coaching search. I just don't remember where I heard it or whom said it. Do I believe it? In hindsight it seems at least as plausible as the Grumors if not more.

I do remember seeing Fulmers daughter say on Twitter that she knew someone who would take the UT job alluding that her dad was ready to come back. I think there was some discussion surrounding that tweet that mentioned he had talked to some potential staff.

Fulmer never showed interest and the school NEVER showed interest.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Im calling total bs on this one! In the history of college football...has a coach ever been fired and then rehired at the same school within a 4 year period? doubt it
I have to say... This might be the funniest thread I'VE ever read on VN. I have been laughing out loud for 10 straight minutes.
There was NEVER a discussion. And the "money" people loved Fulmer and still do. This entire thing is bs and I'm surprised this thread hasn't been deleted yet.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Anybody with half a brain knows this thread is completely goofy and is just here for comic relief.
Anybody with half a brain knows this thread is completely goofy and is just here for comic relief.

We once had an entire forum dedicated to this type of thread. Here's an excerpt from any thread in the Coaching Search Forum:

Person 1: My sources are saying Gruden is coming. #soon

Person 2: Hell yeah!

Person 3: No, he's not.

Person 1: **** you!

Person 3: No, **** you!

Person 2: Have a Gruden.
We told everyone it was an IQ test. Ron pooped in a cup and walked off.

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