Hey, what's with running up the score at the end when the shot clock was off? Holly calls a time out to set up a play? Is it OK to disrespect your opponent like the LV's just did in the quest to score 100 against a DII team?
Jones has amazing body control. Carter looked fairly comfortable with her shot. Several players - Carter, Jones, Middleton - showed they can stop and pop a mid-range jump shot better than they could last season.
I still fail to understand how so many LV teams of the past - and now this one - cannot pick up the opposing teams' three point shooters. C-N had a dozen or so makes and attempted about 25 threes.
Lots of reasons to be optimistic. The wide open three's that CN got are a little concerning, considering the fact that Tennessee knew they would shoot a lot of them. I hope we can get Diamond, Cooper and Nared all back, then this team will be really good. Worried about Diamond and Cooper though..
I thought the score could have been much much worse, especially if Diamond and Tea were available to play. I thought the team played a little bit soft, maybe to limit any further injuries.. I wouldn't be casting stones Linkster, as I can point you to many situations where Geno ran the score up and showed no mercy to teams who had no chance to even compete with his teams