George Floyd was actually an evil man.

So you are still saying that if your "policeman" friends saw Chauvin "roughing up" Floyd, they wouldn't have stopped him either, even though you think it's a criminal act these others didn't? Is that true or false?

Yep. And I didn't say they were my friends, please try to pay attention.

Either you aren't capable of discourse without misrepresentation or reading comprehension is a skill you've yet to master.

And drug rep? That does seem to fit you better I would think.


I've never take a photo for visitors in my office but feel free to come by and visit my actual level 1 trauma center, I will have someone give you a tour of what a great one actually looks like!
The irony is that only one of us would be qualified to provide care. Move along mall cop, you aren't impressing anyone.
I’m speaking in generalities, I don’t know anything about these specific pathologists. If a pathologist is proven to be “compromised”, then why do they have a license?

I’ve spent a lot of time around many pathologists including but not limited to Dr. Cyril Wecht. There are tremendous ethical standards maintained throughout the profession in general (not to say there aren’t outliers, as in any case) and they hold one another to those standards very well.

Do you have any specific evidence besides a hunch or misgiving that there is anything wrong with either of the autopsy results?
You just want to argue. I said I don't know one way or the other, but he is FOR HIRE. I would think that as much as you seem invested in you argument you would, at the very least put, his name in the google box and see what came up.
You just want to argue. I said I don't know one way or the other, but he is FOR HIRE. I would think that as much as you seem invested in you argument you would, at the very least put, his name in the google box and see what came up.
Maybe it is you who don’t understand. What is my “argument?”
From my understanding of drugs was at an overdose type level and a person just causes a person any kind of physical exertion which exacerbated the situation..... it is listed as homicide....cops have to have a little bit of lean way in doing their job.... they hit, tackle, restrain people all day long.... imo.... it will depend on what the facts are when it goes to trial.

Those facts should be basically that Floyd knew what he had in his system and the cops didn't. Floyd overdosed on illegal drugs and made himself susceptible to death by his own actions. The cops didn't have the luxury of knowing what Floyd had ingested prior; they simply had a huge, crazed man they had to deal with. Those should be the facts when it goes to trial.
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I thought there was a third examination done and determined the levels of drugs in his system would be considered fatal. Was this a third pathologist or just toxicology?
Also is the officers record any more or less relevant than Floyd's? Just wondering because I've seen a poster or two being up the officers record.

This case is interesting to me. I think the officer made some poor decisions for sure but I'm not sure that translates to murder IMO. A lesser charge seems more logical but understand the current climate and political pressure to push for a higher charge.
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No one would ever pretend to be unconscious until the hold was removed? Right?
Is the only surefire method to put a knee on his neck? How about between his shoulders? How about the other 3 grab a limb if he's so slippery?
Is the only surefire method to put a knee on his neck? How about between his shoulders? How about the other 3 grab a limb if he's so slippery?
He more than likely would have died even with pressure between his shoulder blades.
I never made the statement that everyone does. I never made the statement that he deserved to die. But a common “here on Venetian ears, play silly games win silly prizes.
What do you think should happen to the fired officer?
Good job. You have tried and convicted him based on video. Please go to Venezuela or some other dictator run country, we don't need you here. You are a disgrace.

How about Mar-A-Lago?

Also, a lot more evidence has come out since that sad day.
That doesn't mean there was malice or negligence involved. It sure as hell doesn't mean there was any racism involved.

Negligence can easily be proven.
For the record, you’re bringing up race. The last sentence trends much more towards likely than not.
#1 - is the crux of this "case" but not against the policy as stated
#2 - he was resisting arrest, just because he was cuffed doesn't mean he wasn't
#3 - "begging for his life" is overstated as he said the same things sitting unrestrained in his own vehicle when police talked to him at first, swallowing fentanyl mixed with meth is what killed him

#1 - Please show me policy where you are suppose to keep a knee on the neck of a civilian who is not resisting until they are dead.
#2 - Have you seen the video?
#3 - Have you seen the video?
You clearly need to either do ride alongs with your local PD or check out a local Level 1 Trauma center, to see the reality of what happens to these people daily.

What do you think should happen to the certified incompetent and now-fired officer?
That would be much easier to defend
IMO the cop is innocent based on what I have heard.... granted this is just arguing to gain public opinion so I will wait to see the facts presented at trial.
1. George Floyd had taken a speedball which is one of the deadliest combos of drugs.... it decreases the respiratory system and increases heart rate at the same time... He would probably be alive if he had not taken these drugs.

2, The technique used by chauvin is/was taught to police officers

3. The pressure used by chauvin was not enough to cause bruising which from what they claim.... the technique alone was not enough to harm him.
This is just my opinion from the evidence I have seen.... I do feel we need to teach better police techniques and give our officers better ways to subdue guys that are suspected of committing a crime. We also need to teach the public what to expect from our officers and how to interact with cops....
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Again - I have no issue with taking him to the ground and kneeling on top of him while he is cuffed and subdued.

My issue is the unneeded continued pressure to the neck after he was subdued, cuffed, and laying on his stomach in the street. At that point he isn't going anywhere whether Chauvin was on top of him or not. The continued pressure was not needed, period.
I think that’s where Chauvin is going to get hit with something, probably manslaughter.
#1 - Please show me policy where you are suppose to keep a knee on the neck of a civilian who is not resisting until they are dead.
#2 - Have you seen the video?
#3 - Have you seen the video?
That’s the issue with these videos.... we are sitting calmly on our couch making these decisions..... he is trying to subdue a 200 pound plus man that has taking a speedball, resisting arrest, and acting erratic... they are also dealing with a crowd that is gathering and yelling at them not knowing what someone in that crowd may do..... there is not enough money in the world to make me want to be a cop.
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IMO the cop is innocent based on what I have heard.... granted this is just arguing to gain public opinion so I will wait to see the facts presented at trial.
1. George Floyd had taken a speedball which is one of the deadliest combos of drugs.... it decreases the respiratory system and increases heart rate at the same time... He would probably be alive if he had not taken these drugs.

2, The technique used by chauvin is/was taught to police officers

3. The pressure used by chauvin was not enough to cause bruising which from what they claim.... the technique alone was not enough to harm him.
This is just my opinion from the evidence I have seen.... I do feel we need to teach better police techniques and give our officers better ways to subdue guys that are suspected of committing a crime. We also need to teach the public what to expect from our officers and how to interact with cops....
Last sentence in #1 is irrelevant to the case. For #2, how long are they taught to maintain the hold? For 8-10min while the person is cuffed and unconscious? I highly doubt that's the technique taught. #3 there are conflicting reports. That's why he gets to go to court

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