Get Behind Coach Heupel

It's amazing to me that people trot out the same drivel each time.

Next he'll have his press conference and we'll get the "We got the right man for the job" posts and the "Oklahoma is going to steal him away!" posts.
You could literally dress up a mannequin in Orange and trot it out as a coach, and some of our fans would implore you to "get behind" it, and give him the time he needs.
For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!
I am satisfied with the hire. When no one else wanted the job he did. That’s good enough for me to support for the next 5 years or longer.
Because they didn't hire who you wanted them to?

Grow up. The reality of the situation is that not many coaches want to come to a school that will be under sanctions. You're already taking over a bad team and now you're going to be handicapped even further. The fact that we were able to secure a successful current HC is a positive.
Don't argue with stupid. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

I've deleted so many accounts here but got dragged back with everything going on. The reaction to this hire by the Neanderthals is just a reminder why I don't hang around.
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For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!
**** that
And **** my university

I’m not jumping up and down, but we don’t have a lot of alternatives right now. Give him a chance and hope for the best.

You had one alternative better than this. Keep Steele as interim for a year. That is a FAR better outcome than wedding yourself to this coach for 3 to 4 years.
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Am I thrilled about the hire? No. Am I going to whine like many others? No. We are a complete dumpster fire right now with looming NCAA sanctions and JH accepted the job. If nothing else our offense should be able to get in the end zone now. Did most people actually believe we are so desirable coaches would be lining up to take the job after the past 12 years?
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I certainly don’t wish the man to fail here. But I am not impressed nor confident. I’m very much in an I’ll believe it when I see it mode. I think he’s equal to Kiffin at best. And yes, I worded this post the way I did on purpose.
I am optimistic that Heupel can do well. Are we gonna set the world on fire? No. Hopefully our offense gets better. Hopefully he can rebuild our culture and get us respectful again. I am behind Heupel as of now.

As a die hard Vol fan since 1975, I am willing to give him a chance. Hopefully he does better than some expect.
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For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!

I think I'll instead use my Saturdays to get behind a deer rifle.
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I certainly don’t wish the man to fail here. But I am not impressed nor confident. I’m very much in an I’ll believe it when I see it mode. I think he’s equal to Kiffin at best. And yes, I worded this post the way I did on purpose.

I feel the same. Hopefully he does well.
Ok guys why don't we do this, give him 2 years and revisit this thread and then make our conclusions, I'm skeptical but at same time optimistic

Heupel has never built a program. His recruiting is below average and he is inheriting a depleted roster and program in the toughest conference in America.

Go ahead, tell me how you see this playing out.
For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!

Who didn't? In every search at every school coaches claim to "pass" on jobs. It's because when they're mentioned, but not considered, they do it to save recruiting. With the money he was given and the prestige he supposedly has as an AD, he just went out and hire another garbage can. Heupel has gotten worse every single year, and this is who White hired. Freeze is out there (without *actual* ncaa baggage), Herman is out there, hell Malzahn is out there, and we bring in a guy who's trajectory is getting worse the further his team is separated from what Frost built. Completely, totally, 100% uninspiring hire. We just paid Ferrari money for a Ford.
I sure hope for the best but if you have to start one of these threads that should say all it needs to about JH.

I'm gonna give him some time and see what he can do but like many on here if I had to bet the farm I'd say he won't be here 3-4yrs and we'll be hiring a new coach, again.

With Freeze out there begging to come here why do we always have to be angels while our rivals hire spawns of Satan and Bama has the devil himself?

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