Get behind Worley

If Worley needs a fan message board for motivation to improve his game or if fan chatter can bring him down then he certainly doesn't deserve support. He's the QB for Tennessee, that position comes with a certain level of scrutiny and pressure, it just does. Always has, always will.
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So the rest are worse. So we lose every game just to start someone else. Great fans that we have.

Would rather take our lumps now with one of the freshman and build for the future. Without today's defensive effort we lose this game because of Worley.
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If you still support him after today's performance, you must be special.

I support him ...but realize that he has a ways to go .

The fundamentals appear to be there , he is just not consistent. I remember how bad Crompton was and then he became a QB down the stretch . I hope that happens in this case.

It will take time to resolve all of CDDs shortcomings and develop a 1st year starting QB. We would have the same issue regardless of which of our QBs started.
Everybody is pulling for Worley. We just don't have much confidence that he can get it done against the good teams.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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It would not surprise me to see him light it up next week! CBJ has been so vanilla these two games it ain't funny! We open it up next week and it will be close! GO WORLEY AND GO BIG ORANGE!!!!
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I will find it much easier to get behind Worley when he stops getting behind his receivers.
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Getting behind him isn't going to fix his arm, the kid just doesn't have the physical ability to be a good SEC QB.
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80% completion percentage, 4TD/1INT, 249 yards passing and a 98 qb rating. Yeah, he sucks.

Effing moron.

agreed. I think everyone has assumed that we would come out of the gate with a gunslinger at the helm in a brand new offense ..with new starting receivers . Yes the last regime did such an awesome job developing talent , that was a safe assumption ( sarcasm). Most probably assume that there is a better option available.

It will take time to develop a new QB and receiver core! Thank goodness we are fielding a defense and have learned to run the ball. Worley will arrive later in the season.
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I love the kid's effort, I love his leadership, hate his weak, inaccurate arm. Looked like he panicked a few times today.
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The main problem(not the only one) I see with JW is his lack of timing and accuracy.,,,and that's something that should get better....arm strength could be an issue as well...,for most part though did not get us beat...,
He played average at best against AUSTIN PEAY.

Look around college football. Those numbers aren't average. Hell there are alot of QBs in the NFL cashing multimillion dollar paychecks on those numbers. They're not great but they're good. Bashing him and leading a charge to have him replaced isn't going to make him better. Given that he's a 20 year old kid, it's highly likely it could make him worse though. We need this kid to think he's 20 feet tall and bullet proof for the next 2 weeks.
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