Get your mask ready

It is against the law to wear a mask while I’m carrying. So 99.9% of the time I won’t be wearing one.

If you are in a blue state you best get out.
Dam$, you learn something new every day. I didn’t know that about carrying and wearing a mask. It makes since though.
Believe it or not I’m not concerned over being told to wear a 4 inch piece of cloth on my face. I do it anyway without a mandate.

I feel like I’m strong enough to pull through and smart enough not to conflate it with authoritarianism. But that’s just me.

It is all you . You wear one because you choose to , that is a far cry from being made to under threat of fines or jail . The only difference in abuse of power from Trump to Biden or any other POTUS is your willingness to submit to their whims . That little slippery slope applies to every topic . You should think about that .
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It is all you . You wear one because you choose to that , is a far cry from being made to under threat of fines or jail . The only difference in abuse of power from Trump to Biden or any other POTUS is your willingness to submit to their whims . That little slippery slope applies to every topic . You should think about that .

If Trump had ordered a mask mandate I’d be saying the same thing:

Grow up, it’s a 4 inch piece of cloth. It does not take away your rights. It does not take away your freedom.
I will never have that vaccine put in my body, nor my wife and kids, nor will I wear a mask should he try to mandate it.

This is the BS I am talking about. Want to get pizzed off conservatives armed and in the streets? Start trying to force stuff on them like this or take away ANY gun rights.

The SC better strike that crap down if it ever somehow made it thru the Senate.
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If Trump had ordered a mask mandate I’d be saying the same thing:

Grow up, it’s a 4 inch piece of cloth. It does not take away your rights. It does not take away your freedom.
The overwhelming majority of people are complying. It's not stopping the spread. A mandate will do nothing.
The overwhelming majority of people are complying. It's not stopping the spread. A mandate will do nothing.

I’m not sure where you live but where I live I promise you the “majority” of people are not complying.

It’s like the mythical “silent majority” that I kept hearing existed.
Dam$, you learn something new every day. I didn’t know that about carrying and wearing a mask. It makes since though.
Some folks have said this is false but I have used it successfully many times. Also I let them know I have asthma and can’t wear the mask. Let them know I could pass out. Those 2 have been golden during this craziness.
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If Trump had ordered a mask mandate I’d be saying the same thing:

Grow up, it’s a 4 inch piece of cloth. It does not take away your rights. It does not take away your freedom.

I’m fully grown , I also am smart enough not to concede my freedoms to government officials under threat of fines and jail . If you have the freedom to choose , then you are told you do not , you mostly certain have lost the freedom of choice . Wise up my dude .
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I’m fully grown , I also am smart enough not to concede my freedoms to government officials under threat of fines and jail . If you have the freedom to choose , then you are told you do not , you mostly certain have lost the freedom of choice . Wise up my dude .

Trumpsters drawing the line of liberty, in all their self righteous glory, over a simple mask for health purposes.

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I’m fully grown , I also am smart enough not to concede my freedoms to government officials under threat of fines and jail . If you have the freedom to choose , then you are told you do not , you mostly certain have lost the freedom of choice . Wise up my dude .

How come you’re not complaining about having to wear pants when in public?

You’re supposed to have the freedom to choose. Yet if you don’t wear pants then you can be fined for indecent exposure.

Do you wear pants? Or you walk around naked? Just curious why you’re letting them take your freedoms...
A vaccine?

You think Biden will make it mandatory to take a vaccine? Please.

I know what our Virginia health czar has said publicly ... as soon as one becomes available he will mandate it to all Virginia citizens . So it’s not that big of a stretch .
I’m not sure where you live but where I live I promise you the “majority” of people are not complying.

It’s like the mythical “silent majority” that I kept hearing existed.
Where I live the majority are. Maybe you should move away from such a dangerous place?
How come you’re not complaining about having to wear pants when in public?

You’re supposed to have the freedom to choose. Yet if you don’t wear pants then you can be fined for indecent exposure.

Do you wear pants? Or you walk around naked? Just curious why you’re letting them take your freedoms...
Maybe you can post the meme with the pants catching most of your pee so we can all understand. Some of us have never read medical journals or studied viruses.
Trumpsters drawing the line of liberty, in all their self righteous glory, over a simple mask for health purposes.


I draw the line in several places , want to talk about the freedom and right to vote , the freedom of choice with abortions , the freedom and right to own a firearm , and free speech or do we just want to focus on the mask choice ? You haven’t paid attention at all .. ALL POLITICIANS SUCK AND CANT BE TRUSTED . Government is a bloated , overhyped , sucking black hole , that does more harm to its citizens than good . Trumper ? LOL

Edit : is that Crickets I hear from the liberal that bends the knee to his HOA mandates ?
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How come you’re not complaining about having to wear pants when in public?

You’re supposed to have the freedom to choose. Yet if you don’t wear pants then you can be fined for indecent exposure.

Do you wear pants? Or you walk around naked? Just curious why you’re letting them take your freedoms...

Because working without protective clothing is and idiots choice and I’m no idiot . Why do you choose to allow the government to tell you that they plan on restricting your 2a right ? Just curious why you would give up something that’s a right and you already have ?
Maybe you can post the meme with the pants catching most of your pee so we can all understand. Some of us have never read medical journals or studied viruses.
It’s not his pants catching his pee. That’s his depends that’s doing the catching.

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