Get your mask ready

Velo, not trying to be a d!ck but you didn't answer my question. If mask work then why is Europe going into lockdown again? It was also proven that lockdowns did nothing to stop the spread, everyone touted Europe and their mask policy but now they're locked down again. I'm of the opinion that the virus is going to do what the virus is going to do, it's like trying to rope the wind at this point.
You know the UK has 9 million less cases than the US right? And only 49k deaths to our 238k?
You know the UK has 9 million less cases than the US right? And only 49k deaths to our 238k?
And less population.

As for the deaths, I guess their elected officials didn't kill 70 to 80,000 shoving sick covid patients in their nursing homes. I also bet they aren't counting cancer and heart attack deaths as covid.
Let's see if you can figure out the difference between these and the Trump rallies on your own.
Off the top of my head, when something good happens for your crew everything is good, but when someone has a differing opinion it’s dangerous? Why don’t you explain to me how those 2 pictures should have completely different captions?
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This thread is living proof that there's no fixing stupid.

Be sure to demand your doctor not to wear a mask when he/she operates on you next time, too, cause yeah, masks don't work.

Circa 1918...

Knuckledraggers be knuckledraggers methinks.

Be sure to demand your doctor not to wear a mask when he/she operates on you next time, too, cause yeah, masks don't work.

Circa 1918...

View attachment 321828
Did your doctor use the same mask and gloves for every procedure in the past 7 months?
Knuckledraggers be knuckledraggers methinks.

Be sure to demand your doctor not to wear a mask when he/she operates on you next time, too, cause yeah, masks don't work.

Circa 1918...

View attachment 321828

Equating a surgeon's mask, a surgeon's training on mask wearing, and a surgical room with everyday citizens is nonsensical.
This thread is living proof that there's no fixing stupid.

Be sure to demand your doctor not to wear a mask when he/she operates on you next time, too, cause yeah, masks don't work.

Circa 1918...

View attachment 321828
Probably a good idea to start doing things the way they did them in 1918. At this rate we’ll be back to leaches before you know it.
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A lot of people are worried it got hurried because Trump wanted a victory. Its going to take a lot of reassurance and seeing it work without side effects. just said no one was saying they wouldn't take it because "Muh Orange Man Bad!"..

You people are consistent with your hypocrisy, I will give you that!

The fact that people thought Trump could somehow "rush a vaccine" really just shows the depths of yall's insanity.
This thread is living proof that there's no fixing stupid.

Be sure to demand your doctor not to wear a mask when he/she operates on you next time, too, cause yeah, masks don't work.

Circa 1918...

View attachment 321828
Monty, you know better than this. I agree we should use common sense when it comes to the Virus however mask haven't made a difference nor have lockdowns, reference Europe

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