Get your mask ready

I believe he will push for it to be mandatory for certain activities, like attending school or air travel, which will hide the intent. That would essentially make it mandatory for me and my kids
Do you not already provide proof of vaccination for your kids to attend school?
The troubling thing about a mask mandate from any level of government and especially the federal government is that they think they can. If Biden thinks he can institute a federal mask mandate what else does he think he can do?
I thought Biden admitted a month or so back that he’d have no authority to mandate masks. He made the claim in the primaries I thought, and when questioned later on he reneged. Just said he could recommend it nationally.
I thought Biden admitted a month or so back that he’d have no authority to mandate masks. He made the claim in the primaries I thought, and when questioned later on he reneged. Just said he could recommend it nationally.

I believe you are correct but as we all know, politicians cannot be held responsible for things they say in a campaign. Plus his VP has never walked back he promise to make masks mandatory.
That didn’t answer the question but okay
Yes they require some fully vetted vaccines but not all. Kiddiedoc had a post on how long they usually take to be declared safe and effective. This is really cutting that time and who knows if that's a good thing. Should that be forcibly pumped into our kids without a proper testing process? The same kids who don't get or spread it anyways?
The vaccine is coming out by the end of the month. It'll be well under way by Jan 20th. For that reason there'll be no national mask mandate
Do you not already provide proof of vaccination for your kids to attend school?

For some things. Your post is so vague that it's worthless. Kids don't have to show that they get a flu or pneumonia shot just to name a couple.

It's a very valid debate whether C19 should be a required vaccine
Monty, you know better than this. I agree we should use common sense when it comes to the Virus however mask haven't made a difference nor have lockdowns, reference Europe

Man, reading the blowback here is just crazy. It's as if all the Trump fans are suddenly medical experts on masks and disease transmission.

You're wrong. Plain and simple. Here's a short list of medical experts that confirm the obvious: Masks help reduce the transmission of CV19.

Please be considerate to others by wearing a mask in public during a pandemic. Thank you.


Are masks effective in preventing COVID-19?

Wearing cloth masks can help prevent people infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 from spreading the virus. Make sure your cloth mask: fits snugly but comfortably against the side of the face, completely covers the nose and mouth, is secured with ties or ear loops, includes multiple layers of fabric, allows for breathing without restriction, and can be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape. Cloth masks should NOT be worn by children less than 2 years old or anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

American Medical Association:

An open letter to the American public,

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have urged the American people to protect themselves, their neighbors and their loved ones amidst the worst global health crisis in generations. After months of physical distancing and staying at home, infections and deaths began to decline.

But in the weeks since states began reopening, some of the steps that were critical to the progress we made were too quickly abandoned. And we are now watching in real-time as a dramatic uptick in COVID-19 cases is erasing our hard-won gains. Hospitals in some states are at or nearing their ICU capacity. Shortages of personal protective equipment and testing supplies continue to pose a dire threat to health care workers and patients alike. And last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Congress that the U.S could see 100,000 new coronavirus cases each day if we do not take more precautions.

This is why as physicians, nurses, hospital and health system leaders, researchers and public health experts, we are urging the American public to take the simple steps we know will help stop the spread of the virus: wearing a face mask, maintaining physical distancing, and washing hands. We are not powerless in this public health crisis, and we can defeat it in the same way we defeated previous threats to public health—by allowing science and evidence to shape our decisions and inform our actions.


Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus


Face masks: what the data say

Wall Street Journal:

Face Masks Really Do Matter. The Scientific Evidence Is Growing.

VN Store
