Gina Carano Fired After Social Media Post

Have you been hunted? Been thrown in camps? Locked in any gas chambers? Are you and your wife and kids hungry tonight?

Fail. You’re not recognizing the language and narrative that it begins with. Pay attention.
Seems dumb to come on here and espouse a mightier than thou complex. But yet you do. Guess it’s your coping mechanism or you are compensating for something.

I feed off it.

I recognize that I'm inferior to some on here, and likewise I am superior to others. You are one of the maggots between my toes.
She said some dumb **** and got fired. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS NOT FREEDOM OF CONSEQUENCE. If you or I posted all over social media how much we hate our jobs and boss we'd probably get fired. There's some things you need to be smart enough to know to keep to yourself.

all true. some of the reaction is that if we both did this only one of might get fired - it's the double standard that is bothersome.

it's shown here since 2 of the people from the show tweeted Nazi analogies and only one face backlash for it
I guess I've seen worse...
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Fail. You’re not recognizing the language and narrative that it begins with. Pay attention.
Why do you have a photo of Trevor Lawrence without his shirt on as your profile avatar, Clemson fan?
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Actually the treatment of the Jewish people is exactly like what's going on in this country just for supporting a certain candidate. This treatment is what they got before they started rounding them up and putting them in the gas chamber. If it gets to that point in this country is yet to be seen.
How does everyone supporting Gina feel about this guy getting "canceled"

PBS lawyer who called for "re-education camps" for Republican children; no longer with network

Personally, I live in a right to work state and you can get terminated for just about anything that isn't race/gender, etc.

As a conservative, I feel like the for profit companies are the backbone of society and they have a right to protect their shareholders.
Every firm I've worked for in the past has had "don't embarrass us on social media" policies.
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Actually the treatment of the Jewish people is exactly like what's going on in this country just for supporting a certain candidate. This treatment is what they got before they started rounding them up and putting them in the gas chamber. If it gets to that point in this country is yet to be seen.

Just a matter of time until Ted Nugent is hiding in his attic from the liberal gestapo.

An excerpt from his future diary (probably):
"Today, a group of transvestites, led by Anderson Cooper, rounded up my neighbors and took them to re-education camps where they're required to watch the Ellen Degeneres show and sing songs about how damaging fossil fuels are to the environment. I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out."

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