Gina Carano Fired After Social Media Post

Where’s the outrage over msnbc calling for drone strikes on American citizens? And, no one seems to care that Trump supporters are being called nazis.
It's broadly true, but the parallels with Nazism are pretty weak. It's broadly true in general, not just with government. There are elements in both sides of the government stoking hate. There are elements in all sides of the media stoking hate. There are all kinds of organizations with elements stoking hate. The government collectively isn't targeting one minority group and that's what the nazis were doing.

I wasn't making an equivalence claim - just saying the government is definitely playing a role in stoking division.
I think she filled a good supporting role and the character was well thought out.

As for her specifically, I'm kind of at a loss on how many brawny female actresses there are in Hollywood that could take her place.

Just put Ronda Rousey in there and pretend nothing happened imo
She isn't a good actress and got really fat. Not a big loss.
It is a big loss to the American idea of free speech. Whatever happened to “I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it?” THAT is what America used to mean. Anyone else remember those days? Now it is “Whaaaaa, you hurt my feelings! I will make sure you never work at a job ever gain”. Is that what we want? Because that is where we are at. Your turn will come because you WILL offend someone in today’s super sensitive world
Here is my opinion. The only “customers” who normally complain about what one of my employees posts on SM (not to mention, go through the trouble of researching said poster to find out they work for my company in the first place). constitute probably less than 2 % of my potential customer base. They are not the least bit interested in my company or the services I provide. They are merely activist pawns on the prowl for yet another scalp to tally for their cancel warrior trophy belt. The average customer could care less if my rank and file employee is a flaming Marxist or a dyed in the Red Hat MAGA firebrand. The ones threatening to boycott my business have probably never set foot in my store and probably never will. So unless my employee is posting stuff that is illegal or directly impugning my company or their job, I say “knock yourself out Bucko”. I realize one very important truth that so many businesses don’t nowadays... Twitter and Facebook are NOT the real world and what matters to them is not even close to a reflection of the real world. If a bunch of unwashed Gender Studies grad students living in their parent’s basement into their 30s or a QAnon militia member living off the grid in Idaho threaten to never buy my coffee again because an 18 year old barista in my Toledo store posted a controversial non work related tweet, I am NOT going to lose any sleep over it

So you are equating Carano to a low level barista? LOL... Disney isn’t firing operator of the Millennium Falcon ride at Disney World over their SM.

She was probably the 3rd highest profile face on the show with every intention to make her the lead on a spin-off. This wasn’t a decision they came to lightly.
So you are equating Carano to a low level barista? LOL... Disney isn’t firing operator of the Millennium Falcon ride at Disney World over their SM.

She was probably the 3rd highest profile face on the show with every intention to make her the lead on a spin-off. This wasn’t a decision they came to lightly.
I hate Alec Baldwin’s politics. I like his movies and don’t want him cancelled. Why can’t the same courtesy apply to Ms Carano?
To be fair, she's been in hot water for a while over her posts. She knew it would happen eventually

Sucks because I thought she was good on the show
I think she knew what would happen. She is making a career move. This is a badge of honor for her in all of fly over America. There will be a Senator Carano from some state before 2026. Book it
I hate Alec Baldwin’s politics. I like his movies and don’t want him cancelled. Why can’t the same courtesy apply to Ms Carano?

I don’t disagree with you. I was aware of her tweeting and pretty much rolled my eyes. It would not have impacted my viewing of the SW shows she appears on.

At the same time I think Disney/Lucasfilm is within their rights, legally and morally, to fire her if they think the controversy around her isn’t worth the hassle of defending her.
I have to admit though, dumb as Gina's comments were, I have a problem with the idea of someone losing their employment because of their own personal views. I hear a lot of people make the argument "you can have freedom of speech but you're not free from the consequences." Well, if that's the case then it's not REALLY freedom of speech is it? I thought the original concept of freedom of speech was to be able to express ourselves without fear of persecution. Isn't Gina being fired for her point of view not a form of persecution? She wasn't fired for failing to do her job. She was fired for publicly expressing her point of view. That seems messed up to me.
You thought wrong.
"Freedom of Speech" is freedom from the government persecuting you for your words. That in no way means you can say whatever you want and not have consequences for it. A company CAN and WILL fire you if you do anything in public that could tarnish its image. They aren't the government.
Also, dont expect much protection when your words are used to cause potential harm to others, i.e. yelling fire in a crowded movie theater.

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You thought wrong.
"Freedom of Speech" is freedom from the government persecuting you for your words. That in no way means you can say whatever you want and not have consequences for it. A company CAN and WILL fire you if you do anything in public that could tarnish its image. They aren't the government.
Also, dont expect much protection when your words are used to cause potential harm to others, i.e. yelling fire in a crowded movie theater.

So a private company that only fires people with a certain belief is perfectly acceptable?

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