Gina Carano Fired After Social Media Post

what's crazy is that I saw a criticism of her comments as trivializing what the Jews went through (can't disagree) - doesn't that also apply to the other analogy as well? (rhetorical question)

I don't find it to be trivializing to Jews in 1930s Germany. Perhaps a bit over the top for content, but not demeaning or anything of that nature.

If she's guilty of being over the top, there's a whole lot of people that should be fired for greatly exaggerating things on social media.

Her quote is not wrong. The fact that the left doesn’t see their behavior as being similar....
”purge 74 million Trump voters”, “send Republican voters to re-education camps”, “we have to reprogram 74 million voters” along with canceling people, doxxing them on SM in an effort to get people terminated or silence them tells me they’re either ignorant of history or very well studied, complicit and entirely willing to repeat it using these Nazi tactics. They’re well on their way to “hate your neighbor first”.
I don't find it to be trivializing to Jews in 1930s Germany. Perhaps a bit over the top for content, but not demeaning or anything of that nature.

If she's guilty of being over the top, there's a whole lot of people that should be fired for greatly exaggerating things on social media.
Yea. If this is a standard for what gets you fired then there should be a lot of unemployed people soon.
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She just spoke the truth and apparently that gets you destroyed now days thanks to the commie left.
Spoke the truth? Do you feel like a Jew living in Nazi Germany because you're a republican? She is a moron and deserves to get fired for being that stupid.
View attachment 350632

Her quote is not wrong. The fact that the left doesn’t see their behavior as being similar....
”purge 74 million Trump voters”, “send Republican voters to re-education camps”, “we have to reprogram 74 million voters” along with canceling people, doxxing them on SM in an effort to get people terminated or silence them tells me they’re either ignorant of history or very well studied, complicit and entirely willing to repeat it using these Nazi tactics. They’re well on their way to “hate your neighbor first”.
Also if you truly think that Trump was dog whistling millions of hibernating white supremacists to attack our democracy and kill minorities this quote is right up your alley.
When you combine it with her other comments over the past several months it’s easy to read between the lines. Like I said, by all accounts she was warned internally, she flaunted getting fired. She canceled herself.

Lol. This is a lazy take. She got fired because she spoke her opinion and that tweet didn’t peddle anything. It’s the cancel culture at its finest.
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Spoke the truth? Do you feel like a Jew living in Nazi Germany because you're a republican? She is a moron and deserves to get fired for being that stupid.

Then explain what, exactly, you see in the left’s behavior these days. Or are you even paying attention? And she could kick your @$$.
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Oh, was she arrested?
She said some dumb **** and got fired. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS NOT FREEDOM OF CONSEQUENCE. If you or I posted all over social media how much we hate our jobs and boss we'd probably get fired. There's some things you need to be smart enough to know to keep to yourself.
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So called "conservatives" ITT wringing out their panties when caugh between free speech and letting businesses fire who they want.

"This cancel culture is out of control" aka "I'm scared that more and more people are seeing the antiquity of my ****** views"
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So called "conservatives" ITT wringing out their panties when caugh between free speech and letting businesses fire who they want.

"This cancel culture is out of control" aka "I'm scared that more and more people are seeing the antiquity of my ****** views"

Businesses can fire who they want. People can complain about whatever they want. Grow up Karen.
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Businesses can fire who they want. People can complain about whatever they want. Grow up Karen.

Well, it just seems dumb af to complain about something when you believe in their right to do it. Like, it's a waste of time. Just do what you normally do and mentally masturbate to it, have a cry, and go to bed.

You relinquished the right to call anyone a Karen years before it became a thing. Your airplane fiasco was the OG Karen move. Wuss. Get that weak **** out of here.
Well, it just seems dumb af to complain about something when you believe in their right to do it. Like, it's a waste of time. Just do what you normally do and mentally masturbate to it, have a cry, and go to bed.

You relinquished the right to call anyone a Karen years before it became a thing. Your airplane fiasco was the OG Karen move. Wuss. Get that weak **** out of here.

Seems dumb to come on here and espouse a mightier than thou complex. But yet you do. Guess it’s your coping mechanism or you are compensating for something.
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