Gina Carano Fired After Social Media Post

Have you been hunted? Been thrown in camps? Locked in any gas chambers? Are you and your wife and kids hungry tonight?
My family has. It was done to us by people who established a pattern of behavior. That pattern is being followed by the current group calling themselves democrats
This was being discussed in the Movie and Music Forum and it was suggested it should be moved here.
The Mandalorian (Disney+)

This is the post from Gina Carano that apparently got her fired.

View attachment 350485

I don't know the entire story of the actress, but this tweet is historically accurate. Jews were ostracized by the entire Nazi society, not just soldiers. Many Jews were turned in by their neighbors. Sure, there were some brave people who went out of their way to help Jews, even risking their own lives, but that was not true of most. Most embraced anti-Semitism.
Here is my opinion. The only “customers” who normally complain about what one of my employees posts on SM (not to mention, go through the trouble of researching said poster to find out they work for my company in the first place). constitute probably less than 2 % of my potential customer base. They are not the least bit interested in my company or the services I provide. They are merely activist pawns on the prowl for yet another scalp to tally for their cancel warrior trophy belt. The average customer could care less if my rank and file employee is a flaming Marxist or a dyed in the Red Hat MAGA firebrand. The ones threatening to boycott my business have probably never set foot in my store and probably never will. So unless my employee is posting stuff that is illegal or directly impugning my company or their job, I say “knock yourself out Bucko”. I realize one very important truth that so many businesses don’t nowadays... Twitter and Facebook are NOT the real world and what matters to them is not even close to a reflection of the real world. If a bunch of unwashed Gender Studies grad students living in their parent’s basement into their 30s or a QAnon militia member living off the grid in Idaho threaten to never buy my coffee again because an 18 year old barista in my Toledo store posted a controversial non work related tweet, I am NOT going to lose any sleep over it

How does everyone supporting Gina feel about this guy getting "canceled"

PBS lawyer who called for "re-education camps" for Republican children; no longer with network

Personally, I live in a right to work state and you can get terminated for just about anything that isn't race/gender, etc.

As a conservative, I feel like the for profit companies are the backbone of society and they have a right to protect their shareholders.
Every firm I've worked for in the past has had "don't embarrass us on social media" policies.

I view his comments as more egregious vs this Gina chick trying to make a point of comparison with regard to the language being used today by the left and it’s similarities to how language/rhetoric led to the unfettered persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. However, that’s subjective on my part and debatable in terms of what’s worse. Bottom line for me, Companies can enforce corporate standards as they see fit. My only expectation is that disciplinary action be applied evenly across the board. I don’t believe that it is today.
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If there was ever a company where you didnt want to even slightly take the Jews side on its Disney.
I dont see how she belittled the Holocaust. I guess if you dont understand history you dont understand that it wasnt a singular event.

The left believes that concentration camps & death camps happened as soon as hitler came to power. Fact is it happened over time but not before "cancel culture", censorship, book banning, gun confiscation etc...
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The left believes that concentration camps & death camps happened as soon as hitler came to power. Fact is it happened over time but not before "cancel culture", censorship, book banning, gun confiscation etc...

Lmao good luck getting some of our resident Libs to look into any sort of depth regarding any topic.
It's a free country. No one is stopping her or Ben Shapiro. Doesn't mean that private actors (banks, movie theatres, production companies) have to do business with her and B. Shorty though.
You've illustrated your point better than I ever could've. Thanks.

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