Giuliani condo/apartment being raided

So you've never been around brainstorming a new problem with people throwing out random ideas as solutions? Funny thing is that sometimes an off the wall thought leads to a solution. Nobody was suggesting direct injection or ingestion or bleach, but on the other hand if bleach was so effective in killing the virus, could it somehow be developed as treatment? Very likely not, and very likely a throw away idea, but sometimes even the thought causes a "That won't work, but you know what might ..." Sometimes technology changes and a somewhat simplistic idea that wasn't workable at one time can work because other things make it possible. There usually are no dumb questions - some may just be way out there.

your post puts more thought into it than Trump ever did hahaha :cool:
No doubt that was not the place for that kind of conversation and Trump is somewhat of a dumbass, but if you believe he was advocating putting lysol in your veins, then you are right there with him.

I just think it was another case of his patented rambling stream of consciousness. He legitimately didn't really know what else to say and just started freestyling.

We might be in the worst 20 year stretch of Presidential orators in American history.
So you've never been around brainstorming a new problem with people throwing out random ideas as solutions? Funny thing is that sometimes an off the wall thought leads to a solution. ...

Several years ago I was told how this phrase became part of our lexicon. Walt Disney's creative team used the process called story boarding where they would brainstorm as a team and organize the story. The organizational process was a process of moving, adding and removing the note cards fixed to the board. The removed cards were "off the wall" ideas. Some of which were so good they became a new project for the company.
Several years ago I was told how this phrase became part of our lexicon. Walt Disney's creative team used the process called story boarding where they would brainstorm as a team and organize the story. The organizational process was a process of moving, adding and removing the note cards fixed to the board. The removed cards were "off the wall" ideas. Some of which were so good they became a new project for the company.

Different than a press conference, no?
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The law needs cause for a search warrant. They would not be raiding his condo if they didn't already have enough on him to go after him harder.
I'm not sure I believe that. I've seen some manufactured reason for investigation recently.

In this case I sincerely hope there is real reason. If not I'm not sure there is any reason to continue to trust the federal government. I tend to think there is likely some meat on the bone here though.
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No doubt that was not the place for that kind of conversation and Trump is somewhat of a dumbass, but if you believe he was advocating putting lysol in your veins, then you are right there with him.

What percentage of the American people do you reckon are morons?
We might be in the worst 20 year stretch of Presidential orators in American history.

Giving him credit, Obama was a good public speaker. Of course, I disagreed with nearly everything he said, but he was very articulate and well spoken. I mean, he was no Reagan, but he wasn't bad.

So, kind if depends on when your 20 years starts.
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Giving him credit, Obama was a good public speaker. Of course, I disagreed with nearly everything he said, but he was very articulate and well spoken. I mean, he was no Reagan, but he wasn't bad.

So, kind if depends on when your 20 years starts.
Obama was a good public speaker? What characteristics are you referencing which you found him to do exceptionally?
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Xiden has said dumber things than anyone, you giving him a pass?
Put up anything you want next to this. Everyone has speaking gaffes. This was not a gaffe or brain fart. This was Trump truly and sincerely believing it was possible to safely inject light and disinfectants into the body. Maybe the dumbest moment in US presidential history.

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