Go to hell, Alabama! (and everyone else) (merged)

So historically speaking, you haven't said anything. You attribute it to inexplicable time? Bama has never won 3 out of 4 NC, officially. Nothing in past times suggest they would do something that hadn't happened yet. So why not 4 out of 5? Why not 3 in a row?

Historically speaking...it's only a matter of time until Bammer gets smashed on by the NCAA. I mean if we're gonna talk about history that's one thing we can hang our hat on.
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A few years ago I was in the restroom at halftime of the UT Bama game in Neyland. Two guys finished their business at the same time. One was a UT fan. The other was a Bammer. The UT fan started for the exit and ole Bammer said " In Alabama we wash our hands when we finish using the restroom". The Tennessee guy never missed a beat and replied "In Tennessee we don't pee on our hands". True story.
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An Alabama fan walks into the doctor's office one day with a hat on. He takes off his hat, and the doctor sees that there is a big frog sitting right on top of his head. The doctor looks at the man and asks him why he has a frog sitting on his head. It was the frog who replied "Actually doc, I was the one who wanted to see you. Can you remove this wart off my butt?"
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i love the hate for those people to the south. the hate is pure. i hope all bama fans have to clean satan oven in hell:bammer::bammer::bammer::bammer::bammer:
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My father has a troublemaker of a cousin down in Tuscaloosa. Her husband is the head of cardiology at the medical school / hospital. She loves torturing him and irritating the faithful fans in the building by bringing him lunch wearing her UT track suit. Brave woman, proud to be related to her.

That's weird, since the U of A medical school is in Birmingham.
I need someone to rescue me from this place!!!!!! I have noticed more VOLS fans around here though!!!!(Huntsville)
WebbVol says KILL EM ALL! I DESPISE BAMMER SO MUCH I WOULD DONATE ONE OF MY FREAKIN LIMBS FOR ANOTHER 7 YEAR STOMPFEST LIKE IN 95-01! THOSE WERE THE HAPPIEEST DAYS OF MY LIFE! I Still fondly recall the blissful Octobeer Saturday in 06 when we last triumphed over the cheating baztuhds. I can`t wait for the beatdown we shall dispense upon them this October. I hate the baztuhds as much as I love my Vols! I would rather go 1-11 with a win over bammer as 13-1 and a 1 point loss to those sumbucks. I live for UT bammer! May we triumph evermore! Go Vols!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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I wonder if the OP sits in y10.

At least for 20 yrs it didn't matter the game, some guy sitting in the back of the lower deck would scream out in the second quarter or so " go to hell Alabama go to hell!"

Haven't heard it in a while but man was it funny, and so true.
WebbVol says KILL EM ALL! I DESPISE BAMMER SO MUCH I WOULD DONATE ONE OF MY FREAKIN LIMBS FOR ANOTHER 7 YEAR STOMPFEST LIKE IN 95-01! THOSE WERE THE HAPPIEEST DAYS OF MY LIFE! I Still fondly recall the blissful Octobeer Saturday in 06 when we last triumphed over the cheating baztuhds. I can`t wait for the beatdown we shall dispense upon them this October. I hate the baztuhds as much as I love my Vols! I would rather go 1-11 with a win over bammer as 13-1 and a 1 point loss to those sumbucks. I live for UT bammer! May we triumph evermore! Go Vols!
Posted via VolNation Mobile

only 1 of your limbs
We have so many bricks to lay still, but hopefully CBJ can speed up the process.
This is the first time I have used all of my likes in one thread. Oops, I just realized that I have a wad missing also.
How do you know the tooth brush was invented in Alabama? If it were invented anywhere else it would have been called the teeth brush!
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How do you know the tooth brush was invented in Alabama? If it were invented anywhere else it would have been called the teeth brush!

watch out guys, the bammers may try to beat us with that stick they try to pass off as a Family tree!
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A man walks into a store says to the clerk, "I'd like a pair of red shoes, a white shirt, a pair of red pants, and a pair of white shoes." The clerk looks at him and shakes his head saying, "You must be an Alabama fan!" The man proclaims with pride, "How could you tell, was it the color scheme!" The clerk looks at him and says "No, this is a hardware store."
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