Go to hell, Alabama! (and everyone else) (merged)

Why did they build the Mercedes plant so close to the University of Alabama?
Because they have an endless supply of crash test dummies right down the road.
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Sitting on the can this morning, this old cheer we used to do came to mind.

Around the bowl and down the hole - roll tide roll.....
I watched that vid on youtube (since you posted it), then managed to watch about an hour to an hour and a half of old VOL games from the 90's era. I was bored, and you helped me out. Thank you sir. :hi:

Glad I could help.. those were some fun times and hopefully we are on our way back.
I almost fought a guy last night at Tin Roof for yelling Roll Tide during Dixieland Delight....he proceeded to try to buy me a drink after I shoulder checked his girl in an impromptu mosh pit...not on purpose. But she did go to Alabama.
Your school definitely puts out the labor force to get the brick laying and digging done. I'll give you that.

What the f*** ever, teabagger. Middle Tennessee is crawling with desperate job-seeking Bammers who have migrated up here because your Third World state has no jobs. If y'all luv yer Tahd so much, keep your sorry arses out of our godly state and go back to Hayl where you belong!:the_finger:
What the f*** ever, teabagger. Middle Tennessee is crawling with desperate job-seeking Bammers who have migrated up here because your Third World state has no jobs. If y'all luv yer Tahd so much, keep your sorry arses out of our godly state and go back to Hayl where you belong!:the_finger:

usually i find this level of discourse annoying... but i lol'd
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I almost fought a guy last night at Tin Roof for yelling Roll Tide during Dixieland Delight....he proceeded to try to buy me a drink after I shoulder checked his girl in an impromptu mosh pit...not on purpose. But she did go to Alabama.

he sounds like a nice guy... hopefully yall kissed and made up

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